The First Mage

Chapter 108: Encircle and suppress

So when I was marching, I was more careful than before.

No matter what anomalies are encountered on the road, you have to find out clearly before you continue to leave, but if you can bypass it, try your best to bypass it to minimize the risk.

And after traveling in this way for more than half an hour, the glaciers around everyone are still as usual, but the already extremely cold temperature has dropped again, which seems to mean that everyone is closer to the depths of this glacier zone.

Suddenly, Hawking raised his hand, and everyone suddenly stepped in. Hawking looked a little dignified at an ice peak in front of him.

At the foot of the ice peak, it seemed as if it had been ploughed by an iron plow, full of jagged dents, a mess, and broken and huge ice blocks scattered everywhere.

"Here, not far from the habitat of the deep blue viper..."

Hawking looked at the destroyed mess and slowly said, this ice peak landscape, he had seen it in the picture exposed on the sheepskin scroll.

These traces are the places where the deep blue viper once moved. After its huge and terrifying body passed by, the place was destroyed into this appearance.

Lynch also noticed this scene, and couldn't help being a little surprised. The dark blue viper was indeed powerful, and it could have such a powerful destructive power just by activity.

Among the Tier 3 monsters, this is definitely at the top. If it is successfully transformed and passed through this period of weakness, I am afraid that only the Great Sorcerer can control it.

It's just that the dark blue viper is not low in wisdom, and if the great wizard comes, it will definitely sneak into the glacier underground to hide in that environment, even the great wizard will return without success.

This opportunity for everyone is really rare, if you miss it, you won't encounter it again in a hundred years...

"Hurry up, this place is very close to the deep blue viper, and Falun must not be allowed to succeed!"

When Hawking saw the surrounding landscape, his complexion became a little dignified. The places they passed by were all revealed in the picture of the sheepskin scroll.

At this point, the dark blue viper could appear at any time.

And now, they are going to follow the scene where the dark blue viper appeared for the last time.

After proceeding cautiously for more than an hour, the traces caused by the surrounding dark blue viper have appeared more and more...

But at this moment, Hawking suddenly stopped and looked forward with some serious expressions.

Deep tunnels appeared in the glacier, and they were densely packed, with some ice blue scales scattered around.

From this glance, I knew that it was the traces of the deep blue viper struggling to degenerate.

Les and Hawking looked at each other, both faces dignified.

This place is already within the core area of ​​the Deep Blue Viper's activities...

Although the dark blue viper did not appear, there was a strange feeling surrounded by it, as if it was left by the dark blue viper...

"Haha, Hawking, your speed is not slow, yes, it didn't disappoint me."

But at this time, not far away, there was a sneer.

Hawking's face changed suddenly, and he looked up, only to find that some people appeared in an ice cave drilled by a deep blue viper...

That [txt fiction] is exactly Falun and others!

At this moment they looked condescendingly, with a sneer, as if they had been waiting for a long time.

"Carl? Are you here? You were prepared early enough..."

At this moment, Hawking immediately saw Carl next to Falun, his face turned gloomy, and he immediately wanted to understand the whole story. This Carl had been arranged by Falun long ago.

Just as he spoke, Hawking was gloomy in his heart and looked at the nearby ice cave.

This Carl was arranged here early, and it would not be without gain, Falun was so painstakingly lonely, for that dark blue viper was absolutely inevitable.

Could it be that they waited for someone to come a step too late, the dark blue viper has been succeeded by them?

No, even if the Deep Blue Viper is in a weak state, it is not weak. Even if they succeeded, there should be a big battle.

Those violent magical fluctuations cannot be hidden at all. It seems that Falun and others should have just arrived here, but they have not found the hiding place of the deep blue viper!

"Before you saw the Deep Blue Viper, you dare to come to our troubles, Falun, are you too confident?" When Hawking spoke, Les next to him also took a step forward, staring at Falun. A group of people.

The wizards around him are also mobilizing magic power, they are all ready, no matter what the other party is going to do, they can do it at any time.

"Haha, don't worry, I won't be stupid enough to consume power on you." Falun smiled faintly, "But speaking of it, you broke into this dark blue viper's site so rudely, so reckless, just Don't worry about accidents?"


Hawking suddenly felt wrong, his face changed slightly and looked around. Could it be that this guy is doing something?

But Fallon didn't answer. As the voice fell, he was looking for a beckon. Karl beside him stared at the crowd with a cold smile, and then raised his hand, a fireball blasted towards Hawking. Past.

Hawking's face changed, and he immediately propped up the elemental shield.

Just listening to the boom, the fireball hit the elemental shield, which caused sparks in the sky.

Although it was blocked, Hawking was a little strange. After just a fireball spell, he was no longer able to move.

If this is their method, it would be too easy...

What the **** is this?

However, in the next moment, Hawking understood...

Because at this time, after the magic wave of the fireball technique spread, suddenly not far away, bursts of fierce beasts roared!

Warcraft! Not just one end!

Now, everyone around Hawking also changed their faces.

In fact, up to this point, it has been rare to encounter any beasts, but that is the case, the movement that appears now is particularly troublesome, because according to the rules of the beasts in the Winter Mountains.

The beasts that can survive here, apart from the dark blue viper, only depend on the existence of the dark blue viper, and once they appear, they will definitely be tricky characters.

This Falun is reusing the old skills, relying on the first opportunity, once again use the power of Warcraft to encircle himself and others!

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