The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Vol 2 Chapter 952: My life is mine! (Twelve more)

Divine Light Tribulation!


Yang Zheng didn't know what the next disaster would be, and Emperor Eleven didn't know.

However, Yang Zheng was already ready to act.

Fighting for life and fighting against heaven, naturally it is impossible not to fight back all the time. To fight for life and front, you must fight back!

Yang Zheng is not the kind of person who allows his opponents to bombard at will, he just likes to use other people's moves to exercise his own body and make his body stronger.

"Come the knife!"

So, Yang Zheng raised his right hand and shouted, Tiger Soul to start!


Right now, Tianming, Tiger Soul was not afraid, but became more excited, and the fit with Yang Zheng reached an unprecedented level. Because, destiny is what Tiger Soul hates the most, and at this moment, Yang Zheng is going to fight against destiny, and the fighting tiger sword spirit roars again and again.

"The Eye of Destiny, I know that you can hear my voice. You still have one last chance to take out your strongest attack, otherwise, under my knife, your destiny will be shattered!"

Yang Zheng pointed at the sky and asked for the destiny.


In the sky, the thunder shook, it was Destiny's response to Yang Zheng, Destiny was angry!

The Nine Eyes of Destiny moved again, and the huge eyes seemed to have been re-injected with power and became extremely dazzling!

They are gathering strength!


Above the sky, a mighty voice sounded!

These two words represent the fate of Yang Zheng's punishment!

Heavenly Dao, I want to destroy Yang Zheng!


At this moment, in the eyes of Destiny, a huge divine light slammed down at the same time, and at this moment, the time of the entire Fengyun Nation seemed to have stopped because of it!

"Destroy the calamity..."

Under the tyrannical punishment, Emperor Eleven could only whisper.

At this moment, he was also afraid that the heavenly punishment would catch him. With his cultivation, he couldn't resist this calamity!

Yang Zheng, can you do it?

"If you want to kill me, I will kill you! There is exactly one type of sword technique in the Tiger Soul Sword Art! Heaven's Mandate, take Laozi's sword and swallow the sky!"

Yang Zheng, the sword is out!

This sword is the strongest sword of the tiger soul swordsmanship!

Swallow the sky!


Yang Zheng and Tiger Soul, the perfect man and the sword, merged into one, turning into a huge sword light, rising into the sky in front of the falling light of extinction!


Tiger Soul Swallowing the Sky VS Light of Destruction!

The sky was shaking, and the strong wind swept the entire Fengyun Nation!

It is the Continent of Divine Weapons, and it is still shaking at this moment. The land of Zhongzhou, the Tang Dynasty, the Zhao Dynasty, the land of the Western Regions, and many masters can't help but look at the sky at this moment!

They saw that it was a tyrannical sword light that rushed to the sky, crushing the nine huge eyes of destiny on the sky to powder!


Not powder!

It is silence!

is nothingness!

With one knife, kill the Nine Eyes of Destiny!

On the Divine Armament Continent, a group of top masters, as if there was a thunder in their minds!

Who is that person!

Wind and Cloud Country, Dragon Slaying Valley.

Yang Zheng held the tiger's soul and stood in the air.

Just now, with that swallowing sword, he used it to become the power of a god, a demon, and a dragon. The three supreme powers combined into one, combined with the ferocious soldiers and tigers, to blast out a swallowing blow, and the power did not disappoint him.

"Anyway, I have helped this world fight against the primordial ancestral demon, you don't need to appreciate it, you have to punish me, and said that I will be destroyed. Unfortunately, my life is up to me, and the way of heaven at your level is still the same. weaker."

Yang Zheng shook his head slightly.

Whether it is destiny or the way of heaven, it rules almost all the worlds.

All living beings must be resigned to fate!

But in fact, the destiny and the way of heaven were not born, the original way of heaven was derived from the primordial spirit of Pangu when he created the world. Later, ancestor Hongjun, the first saint in heaven and earth, merged with the way of heaven and transformed into the way of heaven.

Later, the ancestor of Hongjun suddenly disappeared, and the way of heaven was controlled by the palace of heaven.

The Tiandao Palace, its predecessor was the Zixiao Palace, the dojo of the ancestor of Hongjun, but after taking control of the Tiandao, it was renamed the Tiandao Palace.

In the mysterious universe, all the worlds and all the Heavenly Dao Destiny are assigned by the Heavenly Dao Palace. Shenbing Continent, in today's era, can only be regarded as a deserted world, but after all, it is a world differentiated from the ancient land, so the Heavenly Dao of Shenbing Continent is neither weak nor strong, and belongs to the middle class.

All these things, Yang Zheng learned from the memories of the ancestors of Tianjian's life.

The ancestor of Tianjian once created the Tiandao Palace. If it wasn't for that woman, he would almost have given the saint of the Tiandao Palace to that... However, the ancestor of Tianjian was a saint of the Tiandao Palace. Female pi shares...  

At this moment, the sky returned to normal, and the sky turned back to a cloudless sky.

"Yang Zheng, is this your strongest move?"

On the cliff, Emperor Eleven asked with wide eyes.

"Nine successful strengths."

Yang Zheng smiled.

When Emperor Eleven heard this, he rolled his eyes and looked at Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun next to him. He felt a deep sense of frustration. It seemed that no matter how he taught Fengyun and Yun's martial arts, he might not be able to catch up in this lifetime. Yang Zheng, not to mention the combination of the wind and the cloud, used the Mahabharata to bring Yang Zheng to an end.

So, should we continue to cultivate the situation?

"Damn it! I still firmly believe that the prophecy of the great wisdom space will be fine! Yang Zheng will definitely be ended by the wind and clouds! And my life and death catastrophe will be resolved because of this! Wait, Yang Zheng, I will tune the wind and clouds~ Absolute master! Seven dragon essences, Fengyun three and a half per person, and the deity helps them digest them, and their infuriating level will exceed the normal **** realm within a month!"

"I will pass on the supreme power of heaven and earth to Fengyun and the other two, as well as the nameless Wanjian Guizong, the supreme swordsmanship, the heavenless sword realm, the swordsman's sword twenty-three, and the laughing, three-smile, and utterly unique! All the martial arts that Lao Tzu knows are passed on to Fengyun!"

"I want to help Nie Feng get the Xueyin Crazy Sword! Help Bu Jingyun get the best sword!"

"Yang Zheng, the day when the situation and the cloud are combined and the Mahabharata is practiced, my Emperor Eleven does not believe that the situation will face you, there will be no chance of winning!"

In Emperor Eleven's heart, he was a little crazy at this moment.

Immediately, he separated the seven dragon essences, originally planned to have three and a half per person, and quickly glanced between the two of Nie Fengbu Jingyun with the eyes of the primordial spirit, and directly punched the four dragon essences into Bu Jingyun's body. The other three were penetrated into Nie Feng's body!

Emperor Eleven, more optimistic about Bu Jingyun!

"Close your eyes, this deity will help you protect the law and absorb the power of Long Yuan!"

Emperor Eleven gave a low drink.

Nie Fengbu Jingyun closed his eyes and began to absorb the power of Long Yuan.


Yang Zheng glanced over here and chuckled lightly.

Unless Nie Fengbu Jingyun can advance to the first rank of the God's Domain within half a year, and practice the immeasurable Maha, there is basically no chance to challenge him.

Because, after today's battle with Heaven, he already felt that the Divine Weapon Continent had begun to reject him!

half a year!

Half a year at most!

Yang Zheng will go to Buzhou Mountain to challenge the opening of the sky! ..

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