The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Vol 2 Chapter 915: Past life evil fate (five more)

How could it be so changeable?

In his mind, the continuous replay of that scene left Yang Zheng speechless.

Zhou Tianxing Palace, a detached force, and its palace master, under his flesh, actually hides such a trait... If Ji Yao and others knew about this, would he go crazy?

"In this life, you look a lot more handsome than in the previous life, but your temperament is still that temperament, and no matter how you reincarnate, it can't be erased."

The woman walked up slowly, only then did Yang Zheng notice that the woman was barefoot, and she was wearing a tulle all over her body, except for the underwear!

"Debt from the past life, repayment in this life, you can't skip this life..."

Yang Zheng only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and the woman was pasted in front of him, and then the mysterious light flashed, as if he had entered another world. In this world, he and this woman were the only ones, and then, they met frankly. ....


An hour later.

Yang Zheng stood in front of the couch and looked at the woman on the couch.

The woman on the couch, as if she had never changed her posture, was still lying on the couch. In the past hour, it was difficult for even him to tell whether it was real or unreal.

Just now, myself and this woman really...

"This woman, you and I have both cultivated a peculiar magic art, her realm has reached a truly transcendental realm, and after a while, she will break away from the realm."

At this time, the reminder of the Evil Emperor system sounded!

Double repair!

Break the world soaring!

This woman actually has the ability to break the world and soar!

"The method of double cultivation, she gets far more benefits than you, but you also get a lot of benefits."

The Evil Emperor system said again.

is that so?

Yang Zheng raised his brows, his Primordial Spirit opened his eyes, and looked at the physical condition of his body. After looking at it, he saw that his True Qi had risen to a new level!

Actually, so mysterious!

"Why, are you still frowning after you have my body? Sure enough, you men are not good things. In your previous life, you said that you only loved that woman, that you were only loyal to that woman, and that you would not love for that woman. If you go to other women, you will not cultivate with other women. In this life, you took advantage of me, do you still think you have suffered a loss?"

On the couch, inside the mansa, a woman's voice sounded.

Yang Zheng was speechless.

He didn't suffer from a loss, but he just felt that it was illusory and unreal. When he was cultivating with all the women before, although he was also out of his body, he was elusive, but it was all real. However, the fight just now felt like a dream, even more illusory than a dream!

Because, in the fight just now, this woman turned out to be perfect!

However, she clearly has a daughter and a son!


Can't make sense!

"Oh, so you still have such doubts in your heart. Are Ji Yao and Ji Xingge really my own?"

The woman on the couch laughed lightly, mocking Yang Zheng.

It turned out that her realm was already able to read Yang Zheng's thoughts.


Yang Zheng smiled awkwardly.

In fact, he didn't suffer at all, but it felt like he was paying the debt to the ancestor of Tianjian, and during the whole process of the fight just now, he was on the bottom, and this woman was on top, it felt like he was given something by this woman. Same.

So, it feels a little awkward.

"Between you and me, the cause and effect have been understood, and I can finally leave this world. Yang Zheng, for the sake of a one-night husband and wife, I advise you, if you can succeed in opening the sky in the future, and you will rise above the world, don't bring it with you. That woman went to the land of Xuanhuang to find King You. If you go, it is very likely that you will be buried in the land of Xuanhuang!"

The woman on the couch suddenly became cold.


Yang Zheng raised his brows, he heard the woman's potential meaning, and knew who the woman was referring to. Except for Concubine You, it can't be anyone else.

This woman, she tried to persuade herself not to take Concubine You to the Xuanhuang land?

King You, the last generation of Zhou Tianzi on the Divine Weapon Continent, has it become extremely terrifying?

However, what does that have to do with this son!

"You don't understand how terrifying forgetfulness is, remember my words, unless one day, you can cross the Shengxiantai, you can go as far as you can with that woman. I do hope that you can surrender the woman, That woman will never return to the Xuanhuang land. After all, that woman is not welcome by the ancestors."

The woman on the couch said again.

"Who is the ancestor?"

Yang Zheng asked.

"King Wu."

The woman only said two words.

King Wu!

King Wu Ji Fa!

Brother Fa, the first protagonist of the Son of Heaven series!

"I see."

Yang Zheng nodded.

"In this life, don't go looking for that woman. I'm afraid you will fall into it like him. That woman is not a good thing."

The woman mentioned another woman.

This woman, Yang Zheng also knew, she was talking about the only woman whom Tianjian Patriarch had loved in his lifetime.

The life of the ancestor of Tianjian can be said to be infinitely beautiful. The sword emperor's prestige and prestige, in the outer world, even the demon gods will tremble when they hear it. However, the ancestor of Tianjian fell on a woman all his life.

It was also because of that woman that the ancestor of Tianjian was cast out of the curse by Fengshentian, and then he was cast into the Continent of Divine Soldiers, and then he was a man all his life, and finally turned into nothingness...

"Anything else?"

Yang Zheng asked again.

"My realm has broken through, and I will take the Zhoutian Xing Palace to ascend. From then on, the Shenbing Continent will not visit the Zhoutian Xing Palace again."

The woman on the bed responded.


Take the Zhou Tianxing Palace to soar!

When one person gains the Dao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven!

"I'm tired."

The woman on the couch sighed softly and finally turned over.

And as soon as these words fell, Yang Zheng felt an invisible force applied to him, and in the blink of an eye, he withdrew from the main hall of the Star Palace and appeared outside the Star Palace.

"Yang Lang, are you alright?"

Fire Phoenix felt that Yang Zheng seemed to have something on his mind and asked.


Yang Zheng smiled.

There can be anything, but it is just to go in and have a double cultivation with that woman, and also improve the realm, how can something happen.


"Yang Zheng, mother~ I have an order, it's time for you to leave."

At this moment, Ji Yao said with a cold face.


Le Wa showed a look of surprise. After only an hour, Zhou Tianxing Palace actually issued an order to evict guests?

In fact, Ji Yao also finds it a little strange. In the past, after passing through the Five Elements Pass, she was usually accompanied by her to enter the main hall, meet the palace master, and then be arranged in the guest room, where they will be presented with magic weapons and a practice method. , let the guests practice.

And those visitors will stay in the Star Palace for at least three days.

But today, Yang Zheng and the others have only been here for an hour, and the palace lord actually issued an order to evict guests? Could it be that Yang Zheng made the Palace Master unhappy when he was in the main hall?

Ji Yao, can only think of this. ..

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