The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Vol 2 Chapter 908: The eighth magic bead! (Ten more)

Demon Sword Sovereign!


Die two thoroughly!

Not even the primordial spirit was left behind!

Yang Zheng didn't even bother to use the Soul Search Secret Technique to search for the Primordial Spirit of Demon Sword Sovereign.

"Yang Zheng!"

At this time, on the right side of the sea, there was another roar, it was Wentian!

Wentian, the enchanted Wentian, once again double-wielded the Heavenly Sword, and slashed over!

This time, Yang Zheng did not blast Wentian, but put away the Tiger Soul and Phoenix Divine Sword, and grabbed Tian Jing with his big hand!

Flesh palms forcibly grabbed Tianjing!

Tianjing, the leader of the ten heavenly gods, was caught by Yang Zheng in this way!

Tianjing, Fengrui is unparalleled, but at this moment, even Yang Zheng's skin can't be hurt!

"Ask Heaven, you are not fit to be in the devil."

Yang Zheng, with a grim expression, shook his head lightly, grabbed Tian Jing with his right hand, and grabbed Wentian between his eyebrows with his left hand, Wen Tian showed a pained expression, and the magic bead in his body was forcibly caught by Yang Zheng. !

Magic bead!

Another magic bead!


Wentian regained consciousness in an instant, his eyes were full of doubts, and after speaking, his head tilted, and he fainted. The black energy on his body disappeared, and the purple sky crystal returned to normal.

Yang Zheng released Tianjing. Tianjing had the function of protecting the master, and dragged Wentian into the air.

However, Yang Zheng was too lazy to pay attention to it, but looked at the magic bead in his hand.

This magic bead, plus the magic bead in the forbidden ring and the magic bead in the magic soldier, he has already obtained the eighth magic bead.

At this moment, looking at the magic bead, looking at the dazzling light, it is Yang Zheng, and he has to admit that the magic bead does have the ability to deceive people's hearts and stimulate negative desires in the human body.

If a martial artist can't restrain his heart and shake his heart a little, he will be bewitched by the magic bead.

The magic bead is also smart, and actually found Wentian, the master of the sky crystal.

It's a pity that cleverness is mistaken by cleverness. With Yang Zheng around, the magic beads are like throwing themselves into the net.

The magic bead, the faint glow turned into another kind of light, which was more moving than the previous faint light. It was fully releasing its charm, it wanted to bewitch Yang Zheng, and it wanted to arouse the negative emotions in Yang Zheng's heart. !

Unfortunately, it doesn't know that Yang Zheng's negative emotions have long been given to the Dao Heart Demon Seed. When the Heavenly Sword Palace used Jiutian Shenghui to fuse the blood of the emperor and the blood of Chi Youzu, the negative emotions for Yang Zheng were no longer there. It's constrained!

Good and evil!

God and devil!

Yang Zheng can switch at will!

Furthermore, Yang Zheng also absorbed the memory of the ancestor of Tianjian I, not to mention the magic bead, even if the ancestor of the ancestor came, Yang Zheng's heart would not fluctuate.

"You want to confuse me? Let me be enchanted? Let me refine a magic soldier?"

Yang Zheng, with a smile, asked the magic bead.

The magic bead flashed, and it was extremely gorgeous, as if it was the most magnificent treasure in the world.

It thought that it was going to succeed.

"Unfortunately, you are not qualified enough. Your body, the primordial demon, in my eyes, is nothing but a demon commander. If it were me... huh, if that person shoots, a sword will be able to do it. Killing a million celestial demon leaders. Magic Pearl, do you understand what I mean?"

Yang Zheng chuckled lightly.

Immediately, the magic bead was bleak!


And at the next moment, among the magic beads, a magic face appeared!

This demonic face is the Yuanzu Tianmo!

"Boy, don't be arrogant! When the deity arrives, you will be extracted from your primordial spirit and tortured forever!"

The demon face of the ancestor of the ancestors roared wildly!

"Don't worry, when this young master opens the sky, it will be time for you to kill you. Yuanzu Tianmo, don't talk about those useless things, this young master is very clear about your origin. Wait, wait for this young master to open the sky, The day when the sky opens is your sacrificial day!"

When Yang Zheng saw the demon face of Yuanzu, there was no fluctuation in his heart, only a smile.

If you have just come to the world of martial arts, you will be stared at by the Yuanzu Tianmo, and you may shiver, but now and then, the Yuanzu Tianmo is not enough to be afraid of.

"Open the sky! Haha! You want to open the sky! You are dead! No one can open the sky successfully! Except for Emperor Pan, there is no other way to open the sky! You are dead! You are dead!"

Yuanzu Tianmo suddenly laughed wildly.

"Don't worry, even if I fail to open the sky, I will drag you to **** with you! Hehe!"

Yang Zheng just smiled.


Yuanzu Tianmo's face roared wildly, and disappeared without a trace in the next moment.

"If you want to shake Lao Tzu's Dao heart, Yuanzu Tianmo, you can't! I will succeed in opening the sky! When the time comes, I will cut you with a knife!"

Yang Zheng sneered and threw the magic bead into the forbidden ring.

In this way, plus the magic beads in the two magic soldiers of God's Hatred and Constellation Tribulation, there are already eight magic beads in the God's Forbidden Ring!

Ten magic beads!

Ten Demon Soldiers!

The other two magic beads have been locked!

One of them is a humanoid demon soldier Kui!

And the other one is in the scepter of grief and anger that destroys the sky!

When these two magic soldiers are taken, ten magic beads will gather!

Ten magic beads gathered together, and the perfect magic soldiers appeared!

However, that was the script of the Evil Demon Cowherd. Now, in this world of martial arts, the Evil Demon Cowherd is no longer qualified to open the final game!

The final game will be opened by this young master!


In the vast sea, a strange giant boat is sailing.

This boat is the Dayu Dragon Boat.

On the deck of the dragon boat, Yang Zheng was talking with Donghai Yiqi.

Wentian, on the other hand, was sitting cross-legged, recovering from his injury.

The demonic energy in his body was exhausted, and his consciousness was awake, but he had suffered a lot of injuries before, and he is currently healing.

"I went down to that island in the past. Yang Zheng, I don't want to follow you to explore the rivers and lakes. I'd better stay on the east coast and be a fisherman."

Donghai sighed in surprise.

At the beginning, in the Tang Dynasty, the first time he met Yang Zheng, although Yang Zheng's martial arts were powerful, he could still accept it, at least not to the point of defying the sky.

After parting, this time we met in the East China Sea, who would have thought that Yang Zheng would stand at the top of the martial arts in the Shenbing Continent!

Standing on the highest peak of martial arts!

Even the unparalleled evil emperor Xuan Tian Evil Emperor two hundred years ago lost half a shot to Yang Zheng!

"All right."

Yang Zheng nodded.

Donghai Yiqi, perhaps staying in this Donghai is his destination.

Dayu's dragon boat, stopped briefly in front of the island, Donghai Yiqi jumped off the dragon boat, left Yang Zheng with a handsome back, and landed on the island.

"Young Master Yang, I will go to the Iron Wall Copper Field this time. If someone deliberately provokes me, I will ask Young Master Yang to bear with me."

Lian Dingtian came up and bowed to Yang Zheng.

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person with a small stomach."

Yang Zheng smiled.

Lian Dingtian also smiled, but he was still a little worried.

He sighed in his heart, this time inviting Young Master Yang to Tiebi Copper Field may be a wrong decision. ..

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