The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Vol 2 Chapter 874: Westward Rakshasa (five shifts)


Yang Zheng took a deep breath, and the Yuanshen returned to his place.

This time I visualized the universe, and I gained a lot. First, it proved that the Chaos Clock has a strong defensive ability even in the Void Galaxy, and the second is the primordial visualization technique, but it is domineering.

And the third, and most crucial point, is to finally understand the mystery of the mysterious universe!

Although it is only the most basic mysterious universe, it is also genuine, and it is more tyrannical than the mysterious universe that became a Jiaozi in the Qin Dynasty!

"Huangfuji, I don't know if you have practiced Xuan Universe. If you haven't practiced Xuan Universe, then the gap between you and me will be even bigger."

Yang Zheng got up and glanced in the northeast direction. Huangfuji also practiced "Huntian Treasure Mirror", and he was considered to be the most talented among the people who practiced "Hun Tian Baojian" in all dynasties.

It's a pity that even if Huangfu thoroughly comprehends the 10th floor and cultivates the Huntian Treasure Mirror, he will not be able to shake Yang Zheng. Actually, Yang Zheng knew very well that from the moment he became a saint, Huangfuji lost the chance to defeat him.

Unless, Huangfu can surpass himself very much and practice the three transformations of the complete mysterious universe, and even if he is trained, he can at most be tied with Yang Zheng, and he still cannot defeat Yang Zheng.

"Western Regions, Great Rakshasa Sect, Beiming Protoss... Just in time, I originally planned to visit Great Rakshasa Sect, but this time, I'll stop by and have a look."

Yang Zheng retracted his gaze and thought to himself.

That night, he summoned Xuanling and Mingluo, and gave some pointers on their swordsmanship.

By the way, I also reminded that if anyone from Fengyun Nation came to the Second Dream, as long as it was a man, they would all be expelled. If it is a woman, it can also be properly considered.

After everything was arranged, Yang Zheng and Concubine You watched the star river for a night outside the Tianjian Hall.


In the Western Regions, the wind and sand are all over the sky.

I don't know what happened, and suddenly there was a sandstorm.

"Everyone, be careful, don't be swept away! Goods are not important, life is important, and life can be enjoyed!"

This is a caravan, walking slowly in a sandstorm.

The sandstorm came too suddenly, and the caravan wanted to find a place to hide, but had no choice but to get out of this area before the sandstorm was completely engulfed.

If you stay in place, you will be swept away.

Don't talk about goods, lives are gone!

"How about those two?"

The leader of the guards asked a subordinate in a low voice.

"Boss, those two people followed behind. It was very strange. The steps were very easy, as if they were not affected by the sandstorm at all."

The subordinate replied.

"Those two are masters, and they are top masters, remember, don't provoke them! By the way, don't let Young Master Lin get out of the carriage, Young Master Lin is too playful, he will mess up when he sees beautiful women! I'm afraid.... .."

The leader exhorted.

"Boss, I understand!"

The subordinate nodded heavily.

Two hours later, the caravan finally walked out of the sandstorm range, and the caravan was in a mess.

"I lost a lot of goods, but my life is not lost, and the lost money has not been earned back."

"Yes, life is still good. But it's strange to say that a sandstorm broke out a few days ago. How could it break out so quickly? Has this happened before?"

"The land of the Western Regions is inherently windy and sandy, which is naturally different from the tranquility of the Central Plains."

The people in the caravan were discussing while counting the goods.

"This dog-day sandstorm made me almost unable to go to the Great Rakshasa Sect. It's really bad luck! Bring water, I want to bathe and change!"

At this moment, a rather harsh voice sounded.

The caravan members were all stunned and looked over there.

It turned out that it was a man who walked out of a luxurious carriage. This man was dressed in brocade clothes and looked like the owner of wealth, but his demeanor was frivolous and his tone was arrogant, which was very disgusting.

"Lin San Gongzi, the stone city is in front of you. When you arrive at the stone city, find an inn and wash it. There is not much water for the caravan."

At this time, an old man stepped forward.


Hearing a snap, the brocade-clothed son slapped the old man in the face.

"Old man, you are just a servant, you dare to come and order me? Hurry up, take out the water, my son wants to bathe and change! Also, stop the caravan, wait for this son to finish bathing and change before moving forward! This son I want to go to the Great Raksha Sect to see the nobles, if the nobles of the Great Raksha Sect are unhappy, can you afford to pay?"

Young Master Jin Yi sneered.

Everyone in the caravan was silent.


Young Master Jin Yi greeted his servants and was about to set up a tent so that he could bathe and change clothes, but when he turned his eyes, he suddenly landed on the two behind the caravan.

"Huh? Why are there two more people in the caravan? Wang Huwei, what happened to these two?"

Young Master Jinyi said coldly.

Wang Huwei was the leader of the guards. Hearing the words of Young Master Jinyi, he secretly thought that they were not good. Those two were masters, and they were not ordinary masters. If Young Master Lin got into trouble, any caravan would be in trouble!

Didn't you tell Xiao Wu before, why didn't you stop the third son of Lin in the carriage?

"Third son, these two are martial arts heroes who went to Slate City together."

Wang Huwei replied, biting the words "Wulin Hero" very hard, meaning to remind the third son of Lin.

A martial arts hero, he will not change color when he sees blood, and ordinary people should not provoke him!

"Wulin hero? Oh, my uncle is a member of the Great Rakshasa Sect. This Western Region is the site of the Great Rakshasa Sect. Any martial arts hero, when he arrives here, he must submit to my son!" Lin Sangongzi With a sneer: "That boy, you can get out of the way! This beauty, come, enter the tent with this young master, the wind and sand along the way, just wash! Hehe!"

not good!

When Wang Huwei heard this, his expression changed greatly!

It was also at this time that a figure like smoke swept from the front!

This figure came almost instantly!

"The Great Rakshasa Sect Tan God welcomes Young Master Yang to the land of the Western Regions!"

The figure fell to the ground and bowed respectfully to the boy Lin San Gongzi said!

"Tan God!"

"Lord Cloud Angel!"

"It's Lord Rakshasa Zongyun Angel!"

When Wang Huwei heard this, he immediately fell to his knees, and the rest of the caravan also saluted in shock.

Tan Shen, the second master of the Great Rakshasa Sect, in the Western Regions, can be said to be under one person, above ten thousand people, all the caravans in the Western Regions, if you don't know the name, don't even think about mixing in the Western Regions!

The honorable Lord Cloud Angel is actually saluting the young man at this moment!

"This... Tan... Tan... Lord God, my uncle is..."

Young Master Lin shivered and wanted to say something, but before he could finish speaking, his body was thrown into the air and flew hundreds of meters away!

If this falls, it will be dead and useless!

(Recently, a new book of urban genre will be double-opened.) . .

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