The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Vol 2 Chapter 635: Go to the deer (two more)

three versions?

This Nima, who knows which version is correct?

"To practice the Ten Ferocious Swallowing Technique, you must integrate the blood of the Ten Ferocious!"

This is the first sentence at the beginning of the secret, which reminds Yang Zheng of the opening of the "Evil Sword Manual", "If you want to practice this skill, you must first go to the palace." Just after reading this sentence, he threw the "Ten Vicious Swallowing the Sky" aside.

Because, in this great world of martial arts, the age of immortals and gods has been broken, where are there any ten evils that are not ten evils, and what ten evil bloodlines are found in **** places.

To practice this thing, it is even more difficult than collecting different versions of the Heavenly Sword and Thunder Sword!

""Ten Vicious Swallowing the Sky", non-martial arts in the world of martial arts, the cultivation conditions are harsh, the requirements are extremely high, and it is temporarily unavailable."

The Evil Emperor system prompted.

"Forget it, throw this thing aside first, and learn it when you have a chance. This guy is really good at blowing it. If he cultivates the Kunpeng Secret Technique, he can transform into a Kunpeng and go up to 90,000 miles. This is no longer the scope of martial arts, this is The realm of myth!"

Yang Zheng shook his head gently. Although the Divine Soldier Continent also involves mythology, the real immortals and demons have long since disappeared. Although the strongest can use earth-shattering moves, they have to go up to 90,000 miles. On the entire Divine Armament Continent, I am afraid that there are only a handful of them in one hand, or there may even be none at all!

And soaring up to 90,000 miles, for Kunpeng, it is just a matter of breathing!

The gap between....

"After all, it is a ferocious beast in mythology. You don't need to pursue it deliberately. If I practice god-level martial arts such as "Huntian Baojian" and "God of War Catalog" to the extreme, it will not be worse than this Kunpeng."

Yang Zheng has already figured out that everything follows fate. If there is a chance to get the Kunpeng bloodline, then he will practice the Ten Fierce Swallowing Heaven. If there is no chance, then forget it.

"I don't know, what is the origin of that weird guy, and who is the person who gambled with him?"

Glancing in the direction where the strange figure left before, Yang Zheng jumped up and returned to Fengcheng.

At this moment, a few miles away, in the mountains and fields, a live chun palace is being staged!

"Jie Jie! This poisonous woman is really the best. I have been trapped for thousands of years, and I haven't touched a woman for thousands of years. I have to **** you for ten days and a half months! Hehe!"

This scene happened to be seen by the two of them.

"Then... Poison Ziwei!"

"God, what is that thing on her!"

These two people, behind a big tree, are the demon sky and the evil greedy wolf. The two had plotted against the poisonous crape myrtle and asked the poisonous crape myrtle to go to Yang Zheng to die. They wanted to find a remote place, stand on the top of the mountain, and be the king of the mountain.

Unexpectedly, passing by here, they saw a scene that they had never thought of at all.

"Jie Jie! Jie Jie! It's so cool! It's so cool! You two guys, peeping for so long, let's serve this Tianzun as food!"

Suddenly, the voice in the mountains came!


The evil greedy wolf and the demon sky looked at each other with boundless fear in their eyes, because when the thing turned its head, what they saw was not a human head, but an extremely vicious beast head!

"Jie Jie!"

Just as the demon sky and the greedy wolf rushed out, a giant mouth appeared out of thin air, swallowing them both at once!

Immediately afterwards, in the mountains, the voice of a woman and the chewing sound of a fierce beast were heard. The two voices came together, and it was extremely strange!


Maple City.

The sun is shining brightly.

"The latest news, several majors of the Heaven and Earth Alliance ~ Dharma Kings have all gone deep into the center of Zhululu and entered the Chiyou Secret Cave. I don't know if it was the news that the Heaven and Earth Alliance deliberately released, saying that in the Chiyou Secret Cave, there is the relic of the ancient flower god, the flower god. It is about to be resurrected, and after the resurrection of the Flower God, it will be the resurrection of Chi You. When Chi You is resurrected, he will choose a disciple and inherit his strongest martial arts."

The **** operator frowned.

In just a few short days, there were various rumors in the martial arts. Even if they knew that the Chiyou Secret Grotto was extremely dangerous, many people rushed to the Chiyou Secret Grotto.

After all, the temptation to become a disciple of Chi You is too powerful, even more powerful than a tiger's soul.

Chi You, the ancient devil!

If you become a disciple of Chi You, it will definitely not be a problem to easily crush the younger generation!

"Chiyou's Secret Grotto, it's only a matter of life, if they go, they will die."

Yang Zheng knew what was going to happen in Chiyou's secret cave. Without the fate of Cowherd Wentian, he couldn't even pass the first level, let alone go deep into the secret cave, not to mention that there are also strong men like Heaven and Earth Alliance Lord. .

And the Alliance Leader of Heaven and Earth is not invincible in Chiyou's secret cave, and he can only be in vain against Chiyou's Primordial Spirit. Although the Heaven and Earth Alliance Leader is strong, compared with Chi You, he is still a few levels behind. After all, the current leader of the alliance of heaven and earth is only the leader of the alliance of heaven and earth, not the king of Yan who has destroyed all the ten directions, practiced the magic tricks of the ten directions, and opened up the space of great wisdom in the future.

God, after all, is God, the powerhouse standing at the peak has the domain of God.

If I remember correctly, only after possessing the Divine Realm, the strong among the Divine Soldiers can compete with legendary characters such as Chi You, Human Emperor, Jiutian Xuannv, etc., and it is only a qualification.

For example, the great **** Fuxi, who created his own martial arts and flew to the heaven, was humiliated and chased by the heavenly soldiers at first. Later, he rode a dragon and horse to get the destruction of the ten directions.

"On the Continent of Divine Weapons, do all the experts in the Divine Realm possess the Divine Realm?"

For a time, Yang Zheng couldn't help but think of the Evil Emperor Xuantian, that guy, who was transformed by the primordial ancestral Tianmo with a mouthful of demonic energy. His talent and aptitude were extremely high. He had already reached that realm two hundred years ago, and he should have practiced God's Domain.

"Later, it seems that Wu Yong, the son of the Great Rakshasa Sect Master, has practiced Wu Yong Dao, which is also a kind of God's Domain..."

Yang Zheng rationalized his thoughts and shook his head secretly in his heart. The current martial arts should still be just a little brat. He has neither obtained the Emperor Hate Sword nor met Nangong Wencai. Whether he can practice martial arts in the future is still a question.

That little brat, let him be the Young Sect Master of the Great Rakshasa Sect in the Western Regions, and don't come to the Central Plains to join in the fun!

"God's Domain, this young master will definitely practice it!"

Yang Zheng's eyes flickered, and he regained his composure. He hugged from left to right. In fact, he was forcibly held by Huo Fenghuang and Lewa. The two girls were secretly fighting each other. The peaks and peaks stick to Yang Zheng's face!

"Let's go, set off for the deer, no matter how strong the enemy is in front of you, all of them will be flattened by this son!"

Yang Zheng smiled proudly and stepped out.

"This son, more defiant than Wentian, could it be that he is the real chosen person?"

Shen Shuan walked at the end, looking at Yang Zheng's high-spirited spirit, he muttered to himself silently in his heart. ..

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