The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Chapter 140: Healing and Cultivation (four updates for subscription)

"The kung fu of those two old men is extremely vicious. The qi of Xuanming hurts people's heart. When someone who is injured, when they mention their true qi, they will be attacked by their true qi. Those two old folks are known as the second elders of Xuanming, and they are the Zhao... ... the lackey beside the handsome boy!"

At that moment, Yang Zheng revealed the origin of the second elder Xuanming, with a murderous aura in his tone.

"Second Elder Xuanming? I have heard that the Xuanming Divine Palm that I cultivate is indeed extremely vicious. The light ones will destroy the meridians, and the serious ones will kill people. Xiu Xun, the second old Xuanming went to the Pegasus Ranch, why don't you talk to me? Said that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were there before, so it would not be a problem for the two of them to deal with the two elders Xuanming."

Lu Miaozi sighed softly.

"Don't worry, Duke Lu, with me here, if the two elders of Xuanming dare to come back to Pegasus Ranch to make trouble, I will let them know what it means to have no return!" Yang Zheng chuckled lightly, and with a casual move, a sign appeared in his hand. The pills were handed to Shang Xiuxun and said, "Master, take this pill to heal your damaged heart. Combine with my infuriating qi and comb it, and it won't take long for you to recover."

"This is... the Shaolin Great Return of Pills!"

When Lu Miaozi saw it, he exclaimed.

"Ah? Shaolin Da Huan Dan? This is Shaolin's famous holy medicine? just gave it to me. Are you really afraid that Sister Shi will be jealous?"

When Shang Xiuxun heard this, he was also surprised and said with a smile.

"Xiuxun, don't joke, how can I be jealous, there is nothing between me and Young Master Yang."

Shi Qingxuan glanced at Shang Xiuxun angrily.

"Haha! It's just a big repayment pill. I have it. The owner can take it."

Yang Zheng smiled heartily, secretly thinking in his heart, my son, Evil Emperor's Cave Heavenly Pill Medicine Building, can directly produce the Great Returning Pill, and now the output has reached three a week, so one Great Returning Pill is really nothing.

"Then thank you Little Evil Emperor!"

Shang Xiuxun didn't hesitate, thanked Yang Zheng, took the Dahuan Pill, and began to meditate on the spot to heal.

"For Xiuxun's injury, please ask Young Master Yang for more help."

Lu Miaozi glanced at Shang Xiuxun with distress and said to Yang Zheng.

"Don't worry, Duke Lu, I'm the best at healing!"

Yang Zheng nodded and readily agreed.


At night, at Pegasus Ranch, a waning moon hangs high in the night sky.

In the boudoir of Pegasus Ranch's beauty farm owner, there is an extra man at this moment.

Shang Xiuxun was sitting on the couch, with her shoulders half exposed, a blood-colored handprint on her delicate skin was shocking, and it was the palm that was hit by the second elder Xuanming. At this moment, Yang Zheng was sitting behind Shang Xiuxun, and when he saw the **** handprint, he felt very distressed. He put his hands behind Shang Xiuxun's back, and healed Shang Xiuxun with the yin and yang infuriating energy.

The second elder Xuanming is indeed abominable, and he should be killed for having such a heavy hand on the beauty!

Don't let Lao Tzu meet you. Once Lao Tzu encounters you, Lao Tzu will have to take a knife and behead you two old men!

Yang Zheng thought for a moment and heaved a sigh of relief. He was sitting on Shang Xiuxun's boudoir couch. Right in front of him was the world-famous owner of Pegasus Ranch. From his point of view, he could just see this beautiful farm. The tunic curve of the Lord's waist, and it was so close, the demons in his body couldn't help but become active.

This beauty is full of youthful vigor all over her body, without any fat, the Demon Seed seems to be extraordinarily active for such a woman.

After a stick of incense, Yang Zheng received his work, the yin and yang qi had a miraculous effect, and Shang Xiuxun's heart injury was basically healed.

"Young Master Yang... The little girl feels much better, and her damaged heart is basically healed. Thank you Young Master Yang for healing the little girl. It's just that Young Master Yang is in the little girl's boudoir late at night, and Sister Shi really doesn't know how to do it. Are you jealous? Young Master Yang, the little girl wants to ask, what is the relationship between Sister Shi and Young Master Yang?"

Shang Xiuxun's face flushed slightly, he put on his shirt, covered Xiang's shoulders, turned around, sat down facing Yang Zheng, and asked curiously.

"Qing Xuan, is my confidante."

Yang Zheng smiled.

"Ah? But Sister Qingxuan said it has nothing to do with Young Master Yang!"

Shang Xiuxun said in surprise.

"Qingxuan has too many concerns, worried that her father will come to trouble me. Haha, Qingxuan is filtered, even if the evil king Shi Zhixuan comes to trouble me, I am not afraid."

Yang Zheng smiled proudly and expressed Shi Qingxuan's concerns.

"It turns out to be like this." Shang Xiuxun's eyes flashed, and she looked at Yang Zheng and sighed: "Young Master Yang is an upright and generous man, he can be called a good man in all corners of the world, and he is almost like the husband in Xiu Xun's heart. It's a pity that Young Master Yang belongs to Sister Shi, otherwise, I would have left Young Master Yang at Xiuxun's Pegasus Ranch."

Ha ha!

This boy is really charming!

Check it out! A big repayment pill, and by the way, a wound, this world-famous female farm owner of Pegasus Ranch fell in love with this son!

Hearing Shang Xiuxun's sigh, Yang Zheng smiled proudly in his heart, with a faint smile on his face, his eyes became extremely pure at this moment, looked at Shang Xiuxun and said, "Xiuxun, are you in love with me?"

"Humph! What if this girl just fell in love with you, the little evil emperor? You are so good to Sister Shi, and this girl is jealous!"

Shang Xiuxun snorted lightly, without showing weakness, and looked at Yang Zheng.

At this moment, Yang Zheng didn't say anything, opened his hands, and hugged Shang Xiuxun directly in his arms.

"Ah? Little Evil Emperor, what are you going to do?"

Yang Zheng didn't answer, lowered his head slightly, and put his mouth on Shang Xiuxun's Zhu Chun, Shang Xiuxun's body trembled slightly, as if he was drunk, and let out a soft moan.

Just when Yang Zheng placed his hand on the peak of this beautiful owner, Shang Xiuxun broke free from Yang Zheng, swept out of the room, and disappeared for a moment.

In the room, only what Shang Xiuxun said when he left.

"We can't do this, Xiuxun can't be sorry for Sister Shi!"

Yang Zheng smiled speechlessly, and directly entered the Evil Emperor Cave.

He was ignited by the evil fire in his heart by Shang Xiuxun, and after entering the Evil Emperor's Cave, he plunged directly into the Lingyun Pond, picked up the Hua Jieyu Flower Demon Girl, and began to practice.

Half an hour later, Yang Zheng changed to another training venue and entered the Babu Building Ship. The Qiao Junshi Shen Luoyan, who was caught before, was in the Babu Building Ship, so he practiced with the Shuangxiu Princess Gu Zixian in front of the Qiao Junshi.

"Little Evil Emperor Yang Zheng, you are such a person!"

Shen Luoyan exclaimed, shy and angry.

"Haha! Master Qiao, don't you know that only through cultivation can you increase your internal strength?"

Yang Zheng let out a loud laugh, and spread out the yin and yang strange energy invisibly, and enveloped Shen Luoyan in the cultivation atmosphere. After a stick of incense, Shen Luoyan sighed softly, stuck behind Yang Zheng, and joined the practice on her own.

I only heard a sing, the flowers fell a little, and the practice continued......

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