The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Vol 2 Chapter 1159: Zhu Yan reappears (four more)

"Meng girl, don't be in such a hurry, we will join forces and we will definitely get more points."

"Meng girl, wait for me, I have already sensed that there is a god-king-level strange demon ahead. Although Meng girl is powerful, it is still difficult to kill that strange demon. If we join forces, we will definitely be able to easily kill it. !"

"What? Miss Meng is looking down on it!"

"Ms. Meng, your skirt fell off!"

Along the way, Yang Zheng has followed the Tianmo clan woman to dream marriage. He has been testing whether this Tianmo clan woman who calls herself the demon king of the dream marriage is the goddess who had befriended his **** at the beginning. Even if not, between the two, There is definitely a relationship.

"You are a human race, and I am a demon clan. In ancient times, they were enemies of life and death. Even now, there are many conflicts between the two races. Human race, can you stop following me?"

The Demon Lord of Dream Marriage finally stopped and stared at Yang Zheng coldly.

"Meeting is fate, Miss Meng, everyone lives in the galaxy world, and they are allies to fight against alien demons and Zerg. Besides, no one has stipulated that humans and demons cannot fall in love. Miss Meng, in The first time I saw you, I felt that I fell in love with you. Miss Meng, let me protect you, okay?"

Yang Zheng showed a look of infatuation.

The Demon Lord of Dream Marriage gave Yang Zheng a roll of eyes and turned into a demonic energy and headed east again.

"Ha ha!"

Yang Zheng couldn't help laughing out loud, and he chased after him as soon as he swept his body, walking side by side with Meng marriage.

Needless to say, the appearance of a demon woman on this day is definitely a disaster for the country and the people. If you meet such a beautiful woman, it is fate. Of course, fate must be well grasped.



Yang Zheng, just as he was about to speak, heard a loud noise in front of him.


Yang Zheng looked over, the ground was torn apart, and a huge monster climbed out of the ground. The body like a hill told those who saw it that it was extremely difficult to mess with!

This strange demon is a **** king!

"Ms. Meng, look, the god-king-level demons I mentioned earlier have come out now."

Yang Zheng said with a smile.

The mountain-like alien demon is undoubtedly extremely powerful, but it is nothing to Yang Zheng, he has absolute certainty to kill it.

"Ms. Meng, how about we join forces to kill this strange monster? Then, we both passed the seeding competition and entered the championship game. This is a good time."

Yang Zheng spoke again.

"Go and have a good time by yourself!"

Meng marriage snorted coldly, and a teleportation appeared on top of the strange demon's head.

She wants to kill this strange monster!

"This thing is useful to me, I want it."

However, just as Meng marriage was about to start, a woman's voice sounded in the air, followed by a figure!


When Yang Zheng saw it, he was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he knew the woman who suddenly appeared!

Zhu Yan!

Isn't that Zhu Yan?

Zhu Yan also entered the wind and fire world?

"It's my prey!"

Meng marriage sneered, raising her hand to Zhu Yan is a magic light!


Zhu Yan's expression was extremely indifferent. She didn't do anything. The strange beast beside her opened its mouth and swallowed the magic light!

That alien beast is not an ordinary alien beast, it is a super dream!

Zhu Yan's super dream is at least twice as powerful as the last time he saw it!


It was also at this time that the strange demon roared, roared in the sky, and exhaled a black turbid gas!


I saw Chaomeng for a moment, opened his mouth and inhaled again, and absorbed the dark air in one bite!

This super dream...

Yang Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, he couldn't see through Zhu Yan's super dream. In his impression, an elf like Chaomeng has the ability to teleport and belongs to a super spirit, and the Chaomeng in front of him can even absorb dark energy.

Zhu Yan, what are you going to transform Mewtwo into?

"Devouring the turbid air, you are taming the Chaos Beast!"

Meng marriage suddenly spoke, staring at Zhu Yan.

"Chaos beast? That's not my pursuit, the woman of the Tianmo clan. This strange monster is useful to me. Although you are powerful, you are not my opponent. Leave."

Zhu Yan's expression remained calm.


Meng marriage snorted coldly, appeared beside Yang Zheng with a flash, and continued: "You, didn't you mean to pass the seeding match with me, well, help me hunt down that strange monster, I will promise you! "

This girl, took the initiative to ask Yang Zheng for help!

"She, I know her."

Yang Zheng touched his nose and smiled.

"Your woman?"

When Meng marriage heard this, her face became even colder.

"It's not, it's a friend."

Yang Zheng said.

"Huh? Yang... Unexpectedly, in the wind and fire world, I can also meet you."

At this time, Zhu Yan also saw Yang Zheng, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he soon returned to normal.

"Zhu Yan, as soon as we parted that day, I thought I didn't know when the next meeting would be. I didn't expect that we would meet again in a few months. It seems that we still have a deep fate."

Yang Zheng replied.

"There is indeed a bond between you and me, but today, I can't give you this strange monster."

Zhu Yan pondered for a while and said.

"Evil demons, there are many in the wind and fire world, Zhu Yan, if you want this strange demon, just take it."

Yang Zheng nodded.


Beside Yang Zheng, Meng marriage glared at Yang Zheng with cold eyes.

"Ms. Meng, don't worry, if we join forces, we can kill even a half-step **** emperor-level demon. Just give me this friend if there is a mere god-king level demon."

Yang Zheng, comforting the dream marriage.

However, Meng marriage obviously didn't appreciate it, so she turned her face away and didn't look at Yang Zheng.

"Okay, Yang Zheng, this strange demon belongs to me. Today, I accept your love. If you want to see it next time, I will give you something."

Zhu Yan said.

"it is good."

Yang Zheng also nodded.

Behind Zhu Yan, there is a Taoist White Bone. The origin of Taoist White Bone cannot be found on the Galaxy World Network. However, Daoist White Bone, who can allow Zhu Yan to enter the world of wind and fire, obviously has extraordinary strength.

That guy, maybe a **** emperor.

"Amitabha, girl, turn back to the shore!"

Just when Zhu Yan was about to collect the strange demon, a Buddha's name was heard, followed by a golden light, which came in an instant!

Come on, the Buddha is clear and empty!

Why is this guy here?

Yang Zheng raised his brows when he saw the Buddha's son Mingkong.

"Buddha? You want to stop me?"

Zhu Yan's expression remained calm, looking at Monk Mingkong.

"Girl, you have a Buddha-nature in you, and you are someone who is related to my Buddha. If you fall into the devil's way, you will only fall into endless sinking. It is better to take refuge in my Buddha."

Monk Mingkong folded his hands and sat cross-legged in the air, with a round of golden sun emerging behind him!

Jinyang is the symbol of Buddhism and Bodhisattva!

Monk Mingkong is a genuine Bodhisattva, a high-ranked Bodhisattva!

This guy is ready to do something! ..

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