The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Vol 2 Chapter 1031: Enchanted God's Domain (return to normal update tomorrow)


The Emperor of the Black Market spoke coldly again.

"Yang, what do you think?"

Emily looked at Yang Zheng.

"I can't decide this issue. Everything depends on Yinghuo's choice."

Yang Zheng opened his mouth.

In fact, the reason why I brought Emily to the underground black market this time is mainly because I want Emily to see some of the dark and **** black market and so on.

The best way to turn a pure angel into one's own is to corrupt her and make her degenerate.

As for the whereabouts of the beautiful killer, in fact, Yang Zheng will not take Emily away with the beautiful killer. The so-called saving people to the end, sending the Buddha to the west, since he saved Yinghuo once, he should be responsible for Yinghuo and simply save her. lifetime.

How can we save the beautiful killer for a lifetime?

It's very simple, just bring the beauty killer with you.

"You are not welcome here!"

Suddenly, the Black Market Emperor spoke up and looked at Emily.

This is an expulsion order!


Emily frowned.

"Emily, you can go out and see what human society is like, and maybe find a suitable Saint Seiya candidate."

Yang Zheng thought about it and said.

"it is good."

Emily thought for a moment and nodded.

So, Emily walked out, and Yang Zheng was the only one left in this room to kill.

"The Western Protoss, whether it is Olympus or Odin Protoss, is not a good thing. In the disaster that year, there was the shadow of the Olympus Protoss. Yang Zheng, I don't want Yingyu and any The Protoss is involved."

The Emperor of the Black Market spoke.


Yang Zheng nodded.

"woke up."

Black Market turned around and looked at Yinghuo.

Sure enough, Yinghuo opened his eyes and woke up from the closed state.

"Yinghuo, you are awake."

The emperor of the black market spoke again, and his voice became soft and soft. It could be seen that he was very good to Yinghuo.

"Uncle Rao."

The beauty killer spoke up.



The black market emperor is called Rao?

When Yang Zheng heard this, he was slightly taken aback, this Nima, isn't the name Rao the boxing champion in the Big Dipper Fist, the righteous brother of the male protagonist Kenshiro? At this moment, Yang Zheng couldn't help but think of the cold-faced guy he met in the underground black market for the first time. Could it be that the cold-faced guy is Kenshiro?

"he is......"

The beautiful killer noticed Yang Zheng and frowned slightly.

"Mr. Yang, the behind-the-scenes boss of the Shenbing Group." The Black Market Emperor said, paused and then said: "Last time, when you were on a mission, you were kissed by death, didn't you mean that you were rescued secretly, secretly ~ the one who shot This Mr. Yang."

"It's you?"

When Yinghuo heard this, she glanced at Yang Zheng unexpectedly. In her eyes, there was no trace of true energy in Yang Zheng, but the next moment, a golden light flashed in her eyes, and she saw something unusual.

So, Yinghuo was silent.


Yang Zheng smiled at the beautiful killer.

However, Yinghuo did not respond, but continued to be silent.

"What's wrong?"

Rao asked.

"Mr. Yang... very unusual."

Yinghuo finally spoke.

Rao looked at Yang Zheng and nodded, Yang Zheng was indeed unusual. Although Rao's own combat power is only at the level of the fourth rank of God's Domain, he is extremely confident in his own fleshly body, and his fleshly body is comparable to that of the ninth rank of God's Domain.

But Yang Zheng is stronger than his body, not even a little bit stronger!

The most important point is that Yang Zheng has almost no infuriating energy in his body. As for the ancient body-refining lineage, in the Galaxy era where technology is extremely advanced, it is basically impossible to advance to a **** general.

Therefore, Rao couldn't figure it out, couldn't figure it out, couldn't understand it, because of this, he kept enough caution and distance from Yang Zheng, and he didn't want Yinghuo to get too close to Yang Zheng.

For a person like Yang Zheng, no one can guarantee what he will do next, just like today, he actually brought an angel into the underground black market...

"You're not ordinary either."

Yang Zheng looked at Yinghuo and said.

Maybe Yinghuo didn't feel it, she woke up from retreat, and she already possessed what countless warriors on the Shenbing Continent and even the entire galaxy world dreamed of, that is God's Domain, the real God's Domain, not a fake.

God's Domain is the sign of stepping into God's Domain, and it is also the only standard, at least in the galaxy world.

In the galaxy world, there are 1000000000000000 trillion creatures, only a very small part of them can obtain the complete divine realm, and Yang Zheng can feel at this moment, the divine realm possessed by Yinghuo is extremely extraordinary, it is a force more than the heavenly soldier Tianjing possesses. The power of benevolence to end the world is even more tyrannical!

The fascinating race is called the Creation Protoss. Perhaps, this divine domain is the unique divine domain of the Creation Protoss.

Yinghuo glanced at Yang Zheng and continued to remain silent.

"Rao, didn't you realize that Yinghuo awakened something very special?"

Yang Zheng said casually.


Rao turned his eyes and landed on Yinghuo, and he saw something unusual, and then he was surprised: "This is... Yinghuo, you finally awakened... .."

At this moment, Rao, a cold-faced and strong man, actually had tears in his eyes.

Do you need to be so excited?

Yang Zheng shook his head gently, but the more he looked at it, the more he felt that Yinghuo's change was too great. Before, Yinghuo's unchanging body and appearance could only be regarded as medium, but now that he has awakened God's Domain, even if he does not change his appearance, his appearance will automatically become the second stage. appearance.

Of course, the most powerful point was the God Realm in Yinghuo's body, which reminded Yang Zheng of a God Realm. In his previous life, the ancestor of Tianjian had seen a divine domain similar to Yinghuo at the moment.

At the beginning, the ancestor of Tianjian was seen on the eternal master. Thousands of miles away, he was shocked, and the peerless powerhouses such as the ancestor of Tianjian were also shocked... If the realm of Yinghuo is The legendary Eternal God's Domain, that...

"I want to bring Yinghuo back to the ancestral land!"

Rao spoke suddenly, and he was very excited.

"Rao, you may have been robbed halfway before you reached the ancestral land."

Yang Zheng spoke calmly.


Sure enough, when Rao heard this, his face turned cold, and he instantly regained his composure.

Yinghuo was also silent. After awakening the Divine Realm, the memories sealed in her mind were slowly recovering, reminding her of some previous things and some previous enemies.


Not some!

are all enemies!

Enemy, in the heavens!

"If you believe me, when I regain my strength, I will **** you back to your ancestral land."

After being silent, Yang Zheng spoke.


Rao stared at Yang Zheng.

Yinghuo also stared at Yang Zheng.

At this moment, the originally silent room became even more silent. ..

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