The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Vol 2 Chapter 1016: Alien Warrior! (seven more)

Human brain!

Alien body!

Six arms!

Weird and weird!


The monster in front of him was at least five times bigger than the adult alien. At first glance, it was not ordinary. If the human head and the six human arms were removed, Yang Zheng thought he had seen the super alien queen.

But that face was clearly the face of a man, the face of a middle-aged man!

Thinking that this secret star was transformed after the death of a martial arts expert, Yang Zheng's thoughts turned sharply, as if he understood something.

"Assassination Swordsmanship!"

Suddenly, the monster suddenly spit out human words, raised six arms at the same time, and hit the crowd, it is a strange sword stab out!

This alien monster actually knows martial arts!

Depend on!

It has real energy in it!

And the skill is not under a hundred years!

"Be careful, he's a master!"

Yang Zheng raised his brows and pulled Bumblebee. Although Bumblebee is a Transformer, its actual combat power is average, and its degradation is serious. Its steel body can't stop the sword energy of this alien warrior!



"It's so strong! At least it's a broken realm!"

Over there, the warriors were injured again and again and were forced to fly back!

All these add up, even the alien martial artist can't take a sword skill!

Are they too weak?

They are indeed weak!

However, is the alien warrior too strong?


Alien warriors have the most skill in the realm of the gods, and they are not even in the realm of the gods. However, it is too much stronger for those great masters who come to the secret star to explore. They can't solve this alien warrior.


The assassination sword qi hit Yang Zheng, making the sound of gold and iron clashing. Although the swordsmanship of assassination is strong, for Yang Zheng's saint-level flesh, it is not much different from scratching a tickling.

"Huh? There's something weird about you!"

Suddenly, the alien warrior stared at Yang Zheng.

"Oh, did you see that?"

Yang Zheng smiled.

"I want your body!"

The alien warrior suddenly shouted, and the huge alien body rushed down, and the six human arms and alien claws were grabbed towards Yang Zheng.

"There are some things that you can't have if you want."

Yang Zheng shook his head lightly, his body is not generally strong, no wonder not only women are tempted, but even men and alien monsters are tempted. It was also the words of the alien martial artist that made him sure that this guy was the dead martial artist.

That guy, with the help of the alien lair, was reborn!

It's just that the way of rebirth is a little weird, that guy has turned himself into an ugly monster who is neither human nor alien!

"I want your flesh~body!"

The alien warrior roared again.


Then, he flew upside down!


The alien warrior slammed heavily on the wall, the alien body was shattered, and only one head was still intact!

This guy can't even take a random punch from Yang Zheng, and he wants to take Yang Zheng's body.

"The primordial spirit comes out of the body, the art of reincarnation!"

Suddenly, the human head was detached from the alien body, just like the rumored head-dropping technique, and a head flew towards Yang Zheng as fast as lightning! His face was extremely hideous, and his mouth opened wide, as if he was about to bite off Yang Zheng's head!

"Reincarnated you, Mahle Gobi!"

Yang Zheng scolded lowly and threw another punch!

This punch blasted out, and the space in front of him fluctuated!


An ugly face emerged from the air. It was the primordial spirit of the alien warrior. At this moment, this ugly face was extremely distorted and then shattered!


And the head that flew towards Yang Zheng also exploded in mid-air!



Almost at the same time, the alien relic shook, as if something was drilled from the bottom of the pothole. The warriors stared at the direction of the pothole vigilantly, for fear that some big guy would come out of it.

But soon, they breathed a sigh of relief, because what emerged from the pothole was Fang Yutai!

On the jade platform, there are three things, a book, a crystal clear long sword, and a strange ball!

At this time, almost everyone looked at Yang Zheng. There is no doubt that the things on the jade platform are the things left by the martial arts powerhouse who turned into this secret star, and Yang Zheng has solved the final boss, so he naturally has the right to pick it up. Fruit of victory.

Yang Zheng walked up, picked up the booklet, glanced at it, put it down, then picked up the crystal clear long sword, glanced at it and put it down quickly, and finally his eyes fell on the ball.

A round ball, probably a big fist down, red on the top and white on the bottom, with a button-like thing in the middle.

Yang Zheng knew this thing.

This ball is a Poké Ball!

That booklet is a martial arts secret book called "Assassination Swordsmanship", Yang Zheng has no interest at all, and the long sword is an earth magic weapon, but its characteristics are very strange. It needs the blood of the sword master to exert its power. An evil sword.

Yang Zheng, even Tianjing, a celestial soldier, couldn't look down on it, let alone an evil sword with the grade of an earthly **** soldier.

So, finally the eyes fell on the Poké Ball!

At this moment, he thought of Zhu Yan's super dream. The function of the Poke Ball is to capture the elves, and it is also the place where the elves hide. Generally, after being captured by humans, they usually stay in the Poke Ball instead of staying outside. Inside.

So the question is, is this Poke Ball an empty Poke Ball, or is there something in it?

Yang Zheng picked up the Poke Ball, observed it first, and then tried to break it apart with his hands. The Poke Ball suddenly shook!

"Hey! There's something in there! Good!"

Yang Zheng smiled, there was actually a elf in this elf ball!

"Okay, I took this thing, and you can handle the rest yourself. There is a beast swarm on the cliff. You are all seriously injured now, and it is very troublesome to go out. However, I have to leave first. "

Yang Zheng turned around and smiled at everyone.

"This son, the secret star exploration has been completed, we only need to send a signal, and the martial arts institute will send someone to pick us up."

This is, a warrior speaks.

"Oh? And other things, well, let's send the signal."

When Yang Zheng heard this, he was a little surprised. He secretly thought in his heart, could it be that all the actions of himself and the other warriors on the secret star are under the supervision of the martial arts institute?

This feeling is not very good!


The man turned on the signal device, and saw a white light rising into the sky.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, a spaceship descended from the sky and appeared in front of everyone.

"I didn't expect that you all succeeded. Has Xuanlongzi's reincarnation technique been cracked by you?"

The spaceship opened, and what everyone didn't expect was that the one who walked down was a **** sunglasses girl wearing a tight leather jacket, with long red hair and a tall figure! ..

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