The people lowered their heads one after another and let out giggling laughter.

Yu Hanzhou touched the back of his hand with an embarrassed look on his face. He looked at Liu Ning and said, "Princess is in a bad mood? Who is messing with you?"

Who messed with him? Liu Ning said in his heart, who dares to provoke him in this manor? He glanced down and saw the back of the little concubine's hand, which was red, which he had just beaten.

Inexplicably, Liu Ning quickly looked away. For some reason, I felt like a ball of thread had been thrown into my heart, I couldn't tear it apart, kicked and kicked it, and I couldn't tell. He pursed his lips, said nothing, and walked away.

Yu Hanzhou offended him for some reason, scratched the place where he was beaten, and glared at the servants around him: "What are you looking at? I'm flirting with the princess, what's so good about it?"

Everyone knew that the concubine had a good temper, so he smiled and dispersed.

After entering the twelfth lunar month, a hot pot restaurant opened opposite Zhiwei Building.

After Yu Hanzhou found out, he smiled lightly. Since the incident at home, she hadn't thought of the original plot for a long time. In the original plot, the Ruan family was planted on the heroine, but now, what is the heroine's plot? She's about to pierce the sky now.

"They can't get too many customers." Master Ruan actually came to comfort her, "The variety is single, the production is simple, and it is easy to be learned. Just make some money this winter, and many similar storefronts will appear in the spring. , and it’s even more unbearable to eat when it’s hot, and you can only earn half a year’s worth of money in a year.”

Yu Hanzhou nodded: "If you don't worry, I won't worry anymore."

Master Ruan laughed and said, "What should I worry about? Our house has more than a dozen signature dishes, and others can't learn it. The guests have identified the Zhiwei Building, and the steady flow of money has flowed in, so why worry? "

There is a relative of the concubine in the family, and no one dares to cause trouble. Master Ruan has earned a lot of money this year than in previous years.

"If it was in the past, I wouldn't say that I would have to learn a lesson," said Master Ruan. Seeing Yu Hanzhou looking over, he smiled and said, "Now I don't take it too hard, so as not to lose your face and cause you trouble."

Zhiweilou is now operating a reputation, and what is popular, people will learn something outside. If Zhiweilou learned from someone else's house, it would give that person a face, and Master Ruan would not agree.

Besides, Master Ruan was also afraid that others would make trouble, and said that Zhiwei Lou relied on the power of the concubine to oppress the common people.

"By the way, the owner of the hot pot restaurant may be your cousin in the future." Master Ruan told Yu Hanzhou about Xiao Hongyuan and the girl, "You haven't seen him, he wants to see that girl a lot. You talk back to your aunt from time to time, and your aunt has been ill twice."

Yu Hanzhou was silent.

There is this plot in the original work. From the perspective of the female protagonist, the male protagonist does not hesitate to disobey the orders of his parents for her, to show his true love, and to highlight the ignorance and selfishness of the feudal patriarchs.

"Thanks to your cleverness, you saw early that that person can't marry." Master Ruan said with emotion, his eyes were a little cold, "I see Xiao Hongyuan is crazy." If his daughter has a marriage contract with Xiao Hongyuan, I am afraid that Xiao Hongyuan will try to break the marriage contract. , and even divorced his wife.

Is his daughter a practice for others? !

"Thanks to my cleverness." Yu Hanzhou laughed, causing Master Ruan to divert his attention. Why do you worry so much about other people's affairs? My own family still can't worry about it, "It will be one year soon, and the three years that His Highness promised me, there are still two years left."

The year went smoothly and the family was very happy.

Master Ruan also gave her a copper hot pot and asked her to take it back: "Give your cousin face, not to grab business from her, but it's okay to eat it at home."

All things considered, Mr. Ruan did not do the hot pot business, but asked people to build a few copper hot pots for his relatives to use. The one for Yu Hanzhou was the best, and he prepared a fried base and told her to take it back to make Liu Ning happy.

Yu Hanzhou took the copper pot and the base and went back happily.

Liu Ning is used to her coming back from time to time with delicious food, and this time, seeing her take something she has never seen before, it is also novel. When it was cleaned up and placed in the pavilion, the rich fragrance was tangy, and the expression on his face suddenly softened.

"Princess, try it, the meat and vegetables are delicious." Yu Hanzhou took a pair of chopsticks, and did not let anyone else do it, and put the vegetables on the plate in front of Liu Ning.

She is eager to please, and Liu Ning is very useful. It's just that the strange emotions that had faded from neglecting her some time ago, as she diligently served dishes and complimented her with a smile, gradually began to germinate.

"Bring the wine," he ordered.

The servant scalded a cup of wine and put it in front of him. His fingers were as white as jade, and they looked better than fine porcelain cups. Yu Hanzhou's gaze couldn't help but pause. When he saw that he looked up and finished drinking, the round Adam's apple slipped out of the high collar, and his eyes flashed. , lowered his eyes.

"I'll do it myself." After drinking some wine, Liu Ning's cheeks were slightly red, he took up his own chopsticks and cooked dishes like her.

Yu Hanzhou didn't care about him any more, and ate the dishes by himself.

"Pour wine for the concubine." Liu Ning ordered casually.

Therefore, Yu Hanzhou also had a glass of wine in front of him. She smiled, picked up the glass, and drank it all.

The two ate and drank, talked and laughed, and the meal was very beautiful.

Liu Ning drank a little too much, his cheeks were a little red, and the corners of his eyes were a little red, and his eyes were a little more hydrated than before. Seeing Yu Hanzhou's dry mouth, his heart was pounding, and he smiled bitterly, no. Dare to look again.

In the past, the princess was outrageously beautiful, but now that she drank wine, she became a little more drunk, and it was almost fatal.

In the past, she thought he was a woman, and only admired him when she saw him. Now that I know his true gender, I don't dare to covet his beauty.

"Today you and I are not drunk!" Liu Ning held Yu Hanzhou's wrist with great strength and dragged her into his room.

Yu Hanzhou was surprised, and he didn't dare to show his face, he only said: "Princess, princess, after eating this wine, it's almost done, you can't eat any more, or you will have a headache when you wake up."

"Just ask someone to cook sober soup." Liu Ning said.

Since the last time he saw the hermaphrodite side of the little concubine, he had troubles that he couldn't see, couldn't touch, and couldn't get rid of, and left her in the cold for two months. Now that drinking is over, those restraints will fly out of the sky. He thought to himself, no matter how indifferent he is, his concubine is also a man, and both of them are men, what is there to avoid?

What he likes is women, and his concubine also likes women. They eat and drink together. In addition to the monarch, minister, master and servant, why not be a good brother for a while?

His hands were so strong that Yu Hanzhou couldn't break free, and he couldn't fight to the death, so he was dragged into the room all of a sudden.

People don't care.

The concubine and the princess are husband and wife, what is there? All were not taken to heart. It's a big deal, the concubine is drunk, and it's enough to stay in the princess' room.

In order to act realistically, every few days, Yu Hanzhou would stay in the princess room for half the night before returning to his room. And after she left, the princess asked for water and took a bath. In this way, they are real couples in the eyes of the unsuspecting, the only difference is that ordinary couples sleep in the same bed, and the concubine and the princess sleep in separate rooms.

This is nothing, after all, the concubine was born in a commoner, maybe he didn't sleep well and was disliked by the princess? But the two husbands and wives love each other, so let's sleep in separate rooms.

After Yu Hanzhou was pulled into the room by Liu Ning, the servants brought wine and food in again and placed them on the bed. The two masters took off their shoes and sat on the bed to eat and drink at will.

Yu Hanzhou frowned as he looked at Liu Ning, who was quite rambunctious after drinking.

Liu Ning was sitting opposite her at the moment, sitting very casually, and he had long since grabbed a piece of jewelry and threw it away indiscriminately. The clothes were also torn apart, and I felt restrained, and the belt was torn off and threw on the ground.

The author has something to say:

Ning Ning (with a drunken look): Good brother, a quilt!

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