The Female Partner Thinks About It

Chapter 169: Foster care 5

Yu Wenwen didn't know why things turned out like this.

She lowered her head slightly, looked at the slender figure she was protecting in front of her, felt the swaying under her feet as the bus was driving, and her eyes were a little dazed.

For several days, as soon as she got in the car, she would involuntarily protect her. When there is an empty seat, put her in the seat. When there is no empty seat, such as now, protect her in front of you, so that the crowd does not crowd her.

The younger sister is a little shorter than her, and the tip of her head just reaches her nose. She wears the same ponytail every day. After a day of class, it is already a little messy. A few strands of hair fall off, stick to her face, and flutter around her ears. It made her face fair and clean, and her ears were small and delicate, like jade carvings.

She is not only shorter than her, but also thinner than her. Wearing a loose school uniform, she looks slender and fragile. Yu Wenwen always felt that she would be crushed when she got on the bus, so she involuntarily protected her.

Yu Wenwen felt that he was simply contradicting. She doesn't want to protect her like this, isn't it enough for her to be spoiled by her parents? Why should she still protect her? No matter how you think about it, it doesn't feel right in your heart.

At this moment, the bus stopped, and someone got on the bus through the front and rear doors, and the compartment was even more crowded. Holding the handrails with both hands, she subconsciously resisted the crowded crowd, and when all the new passengers on the bus stood firm, she relaxed a little. Looking at the quiet, well-behaved and protected person holding a schoolbag in front of him, his mood is even more complicated.

Yu Hanzhou didn't notice her struggling heart. She was guarded by Yu Wenwen as a petite, somewhat helpless and somewhat admired. Yu Wenwen was not the girl in her first life who yearned for the warmth of her family. She had fallen, hesitated, and struggled. Now she is reborn from Nirvana. She has no expectations for this family, nor does she want to give her feelings. But now, she's protecting her.

When there were three stops left, many people got off the bus. Yu Hanzhou saw an empty seat and immediately blocked it: "Sister, take a seat."

Yu Wenwen also saw the empty seat. She originally wanted Yu Hanzhou to sit there, but unexpectedly heard Yu Hanzhou let her sit. Before she had time to object, she felt her arm being grabbed, and a clever energy came, she couldn't help but turn her body and sat on the empty seat all at once.

Yu Wenwen was stunned for a moment, then he was about to stand up while leaning on the back of the chair: "I don't sit—"

"Sister help me get my schoolbag." Before she could finish her words, her younger sister quickly took off the schoolbag and put it on her lap.

Yu Wenwen: "..."

She looked down at her schoolbag, and then looked up at her sister's little fair face, and her mood became even more complicated.

My sister is not a white-eyed wolf. She takes care of her and she will pay back. In other words, at the beginning, it was the younger sister who took the initiative to show her love, and their relationship slowly approached.

This made her feel a little dejected. How can you be jealous? How can you hate it? She is so cute.

Yu Hanzhou still didn't notice her inner depression. Yu Wenwen's expression is not much, most of the time, his face is expressionless, even a little cold. When she thinks about things, she will lower her head, so that she can't see her mood, only her delicate and somewhat sharp facial features can be seen.

"Sister, you are really president." Yu Hanzhou praised, "You have inherited the most beautiful parts of your parents, and you are out of blue. I can't do it. Compared with you, I am a little indifferent."

Yu Hanzhou's current appearance is the kind that looks good at first glance, but if you put it together with Yu Wenwen, the first thing others see is definitely Yu Wenwen. She is beautiful and aggressive. Yu Han Zhou is the sweetness of the sister next door.

Yu Wenwen raised his head, glanced at her, pursed his lips, and lowered his head again.

"Parents love you." She said indifferently.

How about looking good? The person that parents love is the younger sister.

But thinking about it again, it's not so uncomfortable anymore. She has long had no expectations for her parents, and without their love, she can live well. They treat her better now, and treat them better when she supports them in the future.

She has lived her whole life for herself, to live a personal life. The blue is better than the blue, and it must be excellent to the extent that they can't imagine.

When he got off the car, Yu Wenwen's entanglement and frustration disappeared, and his eyes were clear and sharp.

After returning home, Yu's father and Yu's mother had already left work and were making dinner. Yu Hanzhou was the first to talk about a day's school life, and then motioned to Yu Wenwen to say it too. Yu Wenwen was taken by her, and she was used to such a rhythm, calmly and concisely talking about her daily routine.

The days passed peacefully. With Yu Hanzhou's reconciliation, there are few conflicts in the family. Many times, Yu Hanzhou blocked Yu Hanzhou's unpleasant words before they could say it out. Without these hurtful words, the thorns on Yu Wenwen's body were put away.

In a blink of an eye, it's been a month since school started.

On this day, Yu Hanzhou heard several girls chattering in the class, one of them was a little pretty girl said: "dressed like a man, isn't she a vixen? It makes Jiang Ge follow her **** every day. !"

"Knowing people and faces, but not hearts! Looking at her dress, who would have thought that she was a jerk!"

The words at the back became more and more ugly. Yu Hanzhou poked the person in front of him with his pen cap: "Who are you talking about?"

"A girl in the second year of high school."

"Yu Wenwen, the tall, thin girl with short hair that looks like a boy at first glance."

Yu Hanzhou said, "I think she is very handsome."

"Are you blind?" the pretty girl said contemptuously, "That's a slut! A jerk! What a handsome ass!"

Yu Hanzhou stood up abruptly, raised his hand, and slapped him with a slap.

"You, you hit someone?" The girl opened her eyes wide, covering her face, in disbelief and anger, "I X! You dare to hit me!" Standing up, she was about to follow Yu Hanzhou desperately.

Yu Hanzhou grabbed her outstretched arm, blocked her easily when she was about to kick her leg, and said coldly, "You scold my sister, it's light for me to hit you!"

Yu Hanzhou knew about the plot, Yu Wenwen was entangled by a **** at the end of the crane, beat the bastard, and finally led out their eldest brother Jiang Mingcheng, the male protagonist.

Jiang Mingcheng went to Yu Wenwen, but instead of fighting her, he beat up his little brother in front of her and apologized to her. Because he felt that he deserved to be beaten by a girl, he didn't hold grudges against Wenwen, and he taught his younger brothers not to trouble girls.

Yu Wenwen had a good impression of him, and the two would nod their heads when they met. Later, Jiang Mingcheng found out that Yu Wenwen played basketball well, and sometimes invited her to play basketball. It's only been a month since the start of school, and even if the two nod their heads every day, it's only thirty times. Even if I play basketball every day, I only play 30 games. What's more, there is simply not that much time for them to get along?

But Jiang Mingcheng's charm is too great, and there are many girls who adore him. Seeing that he doesn't lie about other girls, but he talks and laughs at Wenwen, he is jealous. Yu Hanzhou did not expect that there were people who said such things in the first year of high school, and it happened in her class. Now that you hear it, you can't pretend you can't hear it.

"You're that bitch—" Yu Hanzhou slapped the pretty girl before she finished speaking, "Try another word."

Her voice was not loud and her tone was not harsh, but it made the back of her head feel cold. The pretty girl opened her mouth and wanted to scold again, but she didn't say it.

This kind of thing happened in the class, and it quickly spread to the head teacher, who called Yu Hanzhou and the beautiful girl over.

"What's the matter, tell me!" the head teacher said.

The girl spoke first: "Yu Qingzhou beat people! Slapped me twice! It's wrong to beat people at school!"

Yu Hanzhou waited for her to finish, and then said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have beaten people. But she insulted my sister in a very ugly way, and I couldn't control my emotions for a while."

They are all good students with good grades. The head teacher did not ask them to write examinations, but just criticized them and told them to go back.

"You wait!" The girl said fiercely when she left the office.

Yu Hanzhou looked at her lightly: "I'm waiting? You're waiting. You scolded my sister, do you think it's over to slap you twice?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, her face filled with incredulity: "You, what else do you want?"

"Humph!" Yu Hanzhou looked her up and down, snorted softly, and brushed her away with his head held high.

There was Jiang Mingcheng's younger brother in Yu Hanzhou's class. He told Jiang Mingcheng about it, and Jiang Mingcheng told Yu Wenwen: "Your sister is very hot!"

Yu Wenwen gave him a cold look: "My sister is only a freshman in high school."

"You misunderstood, that's what I said." Jiang Mingcheng hurriedly explained, trying to show that he had no crooked thoughts.

Yu Wenwen said coldly: "There is no best. Dare to disturb my sister's study--" She didn't say anything later, but just squeezed her fist, and her tenacious and powerful fingers clacked.

"I see, I will ask people to look at my sister, and I will tell you as soon as there is any trouble." Jiang Mingcheng said positively.

"It's my sister! Don't shout!" Yu Wenwen said coldly and left.

After school at noon, the two sisters met at the stop sign, and Yu Wenwen said, "I don't want to go home for dinner today. What do you want to eat, I'll treat you? How about casserole ribs?"

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