The Female Partner Thinks About It

Chapter 150: life saving grace 7

The senior brother led the team and took a dart to the south. The **** was two boxes of antiques, which could not be knocked or touched. This trip was very careful.

Fortunately, the name of the big brother is still very useful, and it was delivered without any risk along the way.

Sister-in-law is a woman who is very good at taking care of others. Yu Hanzhou followed her on this trip and lived a comfortable life. Although the old lady didn't send her eggs, her sister-in-law would borrow the inn's kitchen from time to time to cook something delicious for them.

"Look at your gluttonous demeanor, didn't your second senior brother take good care of you?" Sister-in-law said with a smile.

That night everyone slept in the open air, and Yu Hanzhou drank the soup cooked by his sister-in-law, feeling warm all over. Because the senior brother took the two senior brothers to guard, she lay on the elder sister-in-law's lap and patted her belly with satisfaction: "Second senior brother also takes good care of me, but he is not as careful as my sister-in-law."

Brother Wu is a man after all, and the most considerate thing he can do is to buy her a bun, give her medicine, and give her some water. Honestly, it's already very good, but how can you compare with a sister-in-law who is good at taking care of people? Yu Hanzhou said without any guilt.

Sister-in-law tapped lightly on her forehead and stroked her hair with a smile: "This little one has no conscience."

Not long after, the big brother came back, and Yu Hanzhou sat up on his sister-in-law's lap and returned the person to the big brother.

The elder brother arranged for a vigil rotation, and Yu Hanzhou was on duty in the second half of the night, and at this time he was alert to the surrounding movement. The night was dark and cold, but fortunately there was a flash of fire, which drove away the cold. Yu Hanzhou looked at the brothers who were lying on their backs and slept randomly across the bonfire. Some of them snorted at this time, obviously very tired.

The goods they delivered on this trip were very valuable, and the longer they were on the road, the less safe they would be, so the trip was in a hurry. That is to say, she practiced it on the trip to send the old lady. If it was so difficult to walk darts for the first time, her two feet would not be hers.

Thinking of this, she moved her swollen and sore feet, but she was a little tired, not in pain, and smiled slightly.

After more than 20 days, the goods were finally delivered in good condition. The dart gave a lot of money this time, and my sister-in-law said that when they went back, each person could get eight taels of silver.

"I see that you don't have much to do, so go back and buy two cotton-padded clothes and cotton shoes." Sister-in-law pulled Yu Hanzhou to speak, "After two darts in a row, this little face has lost weight, and I see that your child doesn't like to eat either. Things, this can't be done, we can't be short of food in our line of work."

After talking a lot, he finally said: "I know your hands are loose. This time, you can't buy things indiscriminately. You are young, and you still need to save some money in your hands, which will be used later."

It's very dangerous to do this. If you are seriously injured, if you don't take good care of it, you will not be able to do it again. It's useless no matter how young you are, if you can't do it, you can't do it, you can only go home. If you don't have any money in your hand, how will you live in the future?

Yu Hanzhou nodded seriously: "I remember, sister-in-law."

On the return journey, the senior brother found another job. The local transportation pays and is afraid of being robbed on the road, so it happens that the senior brother of Xinglong Escort will lead the team and hit it off.

"It's not easy to go this time." After the sister-in-law found out, she looked worried.

Government things, ordinary people do not have the courage to grab it. But wealth and silk are heartwarming, and once they dare to rob it, they will lose their lives, and their business is bound to take risks.

Before setting off, my sister-in-law bought a lot of medicine for golden sore and carried it in her bag.

Her preparations were not in vain. This line of business has indeed encountered an unprecedented crisis. The robbers blocking the road are all holding big swords with cold light. They are tall and strong, and have martial arts skills.

The elder brother was stabbed on the back and on the leg, and he couldn't hold it anymore. Sister-in-law's martial arts skills were poor. Seeing that she was about to be slashed on the shoulder with a knife, Yu Hanzhou hurriedly threw the knife over, chopped off the man's hand, and saved the life of sister-in-law. However, the next moment, a cold arrow pierced through the air and plunged into her shoulder.

"Xiaozhou!" Sister-in-law's eyes widened and she exclaimed.

Yu Hanzhou bent over to avoid a bandit, picked up a knife from the ground, and cut his head down.

It was her left arm that was injured, and it didn't bother her. Originally, I was still a little clumsy, but at this time I couldn't care less, and cut one over with a knife. Another cold arrow came, and she slashed it with a knife. Out of the corner of the eye, she saw a long knife falling under her feet. The toes kicked on the handle of the knife, and the long knife flew into the woods.

Xu was hit, in short, there will be no cold arrows coming.

Although he was seriously injured, he managed to save his salary. None of the brothers lost their lives, but a few were severely injured. Several of the officers who gave the salaries died, so they set off quickly without caring to collect the corpses.

Finally entered the city, entered an inn, put the salaries in the backyard, sent people to guard, and others went upstairs to deal with the injuries.

At that time, I didn't dare to delay, lest the robbers still have reinforcements, so I just dealt with it hastily. For example, the senior brother just sprinkled some gold sore medicine at random, and wrapped the cloth twice. For example, in Hanzhou, the arrows shot into the shoulders were not drawn.

The senior brother was seriously injured, so he called a slightly injured senior brother to come in and draw arrows for Yu Hanzhou. After the extraction, the senior brother went out, and the sister-in-law stayed in the room to bandage Yu Hanzhou.

She was tearful, her lips moved, and she wanted to say something several times, but she didn't say it. When the injury was healed, she said, "I'll go to the market to buy a chicken and make soup for you."

"Then I'll wait." Yu Hanzhou smiled at her.

She lost a lot of blood. At this time, her face was pale, and there was no blood on her lips. She looked much weaker than usual, and she looked a bit like a girl.

Sister-in-law touched her face and said, "You can rest for a while, the soup is ready and I will call you."

"Yeah." Yu Hanzhou nodded.

After the sister-in-law went out, Yu Hanzhou lay on the bed. The wound was so painful, I couldn't sleep at all. She went out to see the senior brother and several other injured senior brothers. Seeing that everyone was doing well, she went back to the room.

This time, I was a little tired and fell asleep in a daze.

When she woke up again, it was already afternoon. A little hungry, she got up and went out the door.

"Xiaozhou is awake?" Sister-in-law happened to be walking out of the next room, and when she saw her, she asked, "Are you hungry? I made chicken soup, do you want to eat it now?"

"Well, I want to eat." Yu Hanzhou said.

Sister-in-law went downstairs and served chicken soup. Yu Hanzhou also went downstairs and sat down in the lobby. Seeing the sister-in-law came out, he said, "Sister-in-law, bring it here, I'll eat below."

"Okay." Sister-in-law came over with chicken soup.

She stewed a whole chicken and brought it to Yu Hanzhou in a crock pot, along with a small bowl.

"Is Senior Brother better?" Yu Hanzhou asked.

Sister-in-law shook her head while pouring soup for her: "I haven't woken up yet, but it's nothing, it won't hinder her life."

Although the injury was serious this time, it was not unheard of before. Sister-in-law is someone who has experienced wind and rain. Although she is worried, she is still calm.

Seeing that she was stable, Yu Hanzhou didn't worry anymore, and drank the chicken soup.

As they were drinking, there was a commotion at the door, and I saw the staff in the store greet them flatteringly: "Is the little prince here?"

little prince? Yu Hanzhou looked up and saw a young man dressed in a romantic style with a few attendants and walked in the door.

He was born well, but his brows were frivolous, and he lost seven points of beauty to five points.

Yu Hanzhou lowered his eyes and didn't look again, so as not to provoke this little prince.

However, Prince An, who had just entered the door, had already seen her. The young man with a pale complexion, delicate facial features, and a faint smell of sickness is exactly what he likes!

Deng Deng Deng! As the footsteps got closer and closer, a shadow fell, Yu Hanzhou had to raise his head, and saw the man on the opposite side with a happy face: "What a beauty! Go back to the house with the young master?"

Yu Hanzhou: "..."

She didn't panic, she put down the chicken soup and said lightly, "I'm a man."

The man laughed and clapped his hands: "You are a woman, I don't want it yet!"

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