The bright spring light reflects the flowers and plants on both sides of the porch. The girl stood under the porch, the light couldn't reach her, and her face the size of a slap was as crystal clear as snow. She looked at him with a slight smile, with a showy demeanor, looking like a quiet and not pushy magnolia flower.

However, Zhuang He Rui couldn't help but take a breath, and he couldn't help but ask, "What did you just say?"

He doubted his ears. She just said, let him kill her?

If she said let him marry her, it would be more credible! Let him kill her, what kind of repayment? !

"Please kill me." Yu Hanzhou repeated.

Zhuang Herui heard clearly now, and immediately lowered his face: "Nonsense!"

Flip your sleeves and go.

If she wanted something in return, he was willing to repay her as much as he could. But she said such nonsense, and he had no time to accompany her.

"Don't listen to me?" Yu Hanzhou stopped him.

Zhuang Herui stopped at his feet, turned around and said, "You saved me, what do you want, you can say it straight, I don't have time to spend time with you."

Yu Hanzhou didn't blame him for being rude, after all, what she said just now was too bizarre. She smiled slightly and said, "I asked you to kill Jiang Yinong, not me."

Zhuang and Rui frowned, isn't Jiang Yinong her name? Killing Jiang Yinong didn't kill her?

He thought the girl was weird and frowned, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Jiang Yinong is just a name, an identity, not a living person." Yu Hanzhou said slowly.

She said this carefully.

She is the daughter of an official family and a direct daughter. Her father is a very traditional and serious man, and her mother is proud and strong. To be their daughter, she has only one way out, and that is to marry a young man they carefully selected and become the most standard lady of this era.

If you are successful, you will live like Mrs. Jiang. Men respect her, children respect her, and she has a face inside and out.

It's not impossible for Yu Hanzhou to live such a life, but she doesn't like it. Therefore, she has to fight for it, there is really no way out, and she will live that kind of life again.

She is now collecting compensation from Zhuang Herui: "After Jiang Yinong's death, you can give me a new identity. I don't need to be brilliant. It doesn't matter if I'm poor, as long as it's a good family."

She wants a manhood.

It doesn't matter even if you come from a poor family, at least if you are free, you will have a way out if you work hard. You will not be asked to marry or have children.

Although he will be asked to marry a wife, and he will also bear the pressure of "three kinds of unfilial piety, no descendant is the greatest", but as long as you have some background, you can marry a wife and have children at any age. Unlike women, who are not married after 18, they are old girls and become devalued.

Her eyes were clear, her demeanor was firm, and she didn't seem to be talking nonsense, which made Zhuang and Rui's mind be confused.

He pinched himself secretly, it was painful, not dreaming. This young and delicate girl's family actually said such incredible things!

"Why do you think so?" he couldn't help asking.

She is a good daughter of the official family and enjoys inexhaustible glory and wealth. What is she tossing about?

It's really shocking to have such an idea!

"You don't have to worry about what I think." Yu Hanzhou said, "I saved your life, can you help me?"

Although she was not the main force to save him, she did her best in the end, and he could not deny the life-saving grace.

Zhuang Herui didn't intend to deny it. He frowned and said coldly, "This is a serious matter. You can go back and think about it before you talk to me."

She was the daughter of a dignified Hanlin scholar, and he "dead" her, what happened after that? Not to mention the sadness of her family, but if she really became a flat-headed boy, how would she make a living? Wouldn't he be pestering him?

"Are you afraid that I will pester you?" Yu Hanzhou saw what he was thinking, although it was a question, but his tone was firm, "I can swear, as long as you help me to be a good identity, I will leave the capital immediately, and I will never leave the capital. don't bother you."

Zhuang Herui was troubled by this little girl and had a headache. He looked at her delicate appearance and despised her: "You leave the capital? Who are you with? You are born like this, how can you guarantee your life and safety? Do you know how many dirty things there are in this world? Dirty thing?"

He regarded her as an ignorant little girl. Yu Hanzhou didn't blame him, but thanked him for his kindness. She said, "I have a clear mind and some ability to protect myself. You don't have to worry about that."

How can Zhuang Herui believe it? Yu Hanzhou didn't say much, and slammed his palm towards him!

Zhuang and Rui thought that the little girl was going to give him a hug, and immediately took a step back and flashed to the side. Unexpectedly, she turned her palm and slashed towards his chest again!

The sharp palm wind caused his pupils to shrink slightly, and he suddenly realized that he was thinking about something wrong just now. He dodged again, but she followed closely, not only with her palms, but her legs as well.

Even though she was much shorter than him, but her figure was agile and her tricks were a bit treacherous, he was quickly forced to do it.

He couldn't help but be slightly surprised by this pair, this little girl is still a trainer! He was full of doubts in his heart, and just when his curiosity was aroused, she backed away unexpectedly.

Yu Hanzhou took a few tricks with him and then stopped. It is enough to let him know that he is not a delicate girl, a little girl who has no ability to protect herself.

"Now you know?" She put her hands away, gathered up her skirt, and looked up at him.

Zhuang Herui couldn't help but ask, "Where did you learn Kung Fu?"

"It doesn't matter to you, everyone has their own secrets." Yu Hanzhou said.

Zhuang and Rui also had many secrets. He was silent for a while, and he didn't ask any further questions. He just thought to himself, what is the origin of this Miss Jiang family? Shouldn't it be someone's dark pile?

"Okay." He nodded without hesitation.

Yu Hanzhou gave him a smile: "Thank you. I hope it will be resolved within three months. Afterwards, you and I will be clear."

If Zhuang and Rui hadn't inadvertently hid in someone else's house, he would have suspected it at this moment, and being rescued by her was a premeditated plan!

"Wait for my news." He nodded slowly.

Yu Hanzhou also nodded to him, then turned and left.

After solving a major event, she was in a very good mood. When asked by the little girls where she went, she explained with a smile: "Going there to enjoy the flowers, I was fascinated for a while."

When Zhuang and Rui left, he could have avoided going through the corridor, but he couldn't hold back and left again. By the way, he looked into the crowd, looking for the little girl who made excessive demands on him just now.

But he didn't see her. Somewhat disappointed, he shook his head, threw away the strangeness, and left quickly.

Yu Hanzhou had lunch at Kang Wangfu before leaving with his mother.

On the carriage, Mrs. Jiang asked her, "What do you think of Princess Kang when you meet her?"

Yu Hanzhou thought about the original owner's temperament. She was a rather arrogant little girl, and she was quite clever, so he said, "It looks a little fake, not very sincere."

As he spoke, he showed a look of disdain.

Mrs. Jiang was no longer suspicious, nodded slightly in approval, and then said: "She clearly doesn't care about her stepson, and she has to pretend to care, and treat everyone else as a fool."

He also said to Hanzhou: "In the future, when you look at people, never look at what others say or say. Instead, look at what she does and how she does it. For example, Princess Kang, she talks about how she cares about her stepson. However, there are always tears in front of people, every sentence implies that the stepson is not good at discipline, disrespectful and unfilial."

"Look at her holding a flower viewing banquet. She often holds banquets, saying that she is looking for her stepson. But what's the truth? Zhuang and Rui are from fifteen to nineteen years old. In four years, can she look good on him?"

"It's just how many times she proposed marriage, what attitude did she use? Good people, her attitude is contemptuous, how can they agree? People should not, she said that Zhuang and Rui are not good, so that people look down on them, and turn to low A first-class family proposes a marriage. Zhuang and Rui are not fools, so how can they see it? Naturally, they will destroy it."

Mrs. Jiang hit the nail on the head: "Her own son is fourteen years old, and Prince Kang hasn't asked for the seal. Who knows what she's thinking?"

Being a stepmother is all for her son, and everyone who is confused wants to get it, and Princess Kang also feels that she has done it flawlessly.

After listening to her words, Yu Hanzhou showed admiration: "Thank you mother for teaching me."

Mrs. Jiang nodded lightly: "If you can listen to me, I will be less worried."

After that, the two didn't say anything else, and the carriage entered the Jiangfu.

After greeting the old lady, Madam Jiang went away, and Yu Hanzhou returned to his yard.

After taking off her accessories and changing her clothes, she slumped on the couch and ate tea.

She "passed away unexpectedly" in a few days, I'm afraid Mrs. Jiang will shed a lot of tears. But even so, she had to do it.

In addition to her selfishness, there is another consideration.

After the heroine Jiang Ruxue married Zhuang Herui, her father was promoted, thus stepping on Princess Kang's painful foot. She didn't want Zhuang and Rui to say that they were good friends, and her own son couldn't do anything, so she wanted to suppress Zhuang and Rui. Jianzhizhuang and Rui gradually became arrogant in front of the emperor, and Princess Kang discussed with her parents' father and brother to get rid of the Jiang family.

When the Jiang family falls, Zhuang and Rui will fall to the next level. In addition, his reputation for being obstructed by his relatives has been solidified. With such a reputation, the emperor is not at ease to reuse him, let alone the position of the prince.

Under the operation of Concubine Kang, Mr. Jiang, the father of the female supporting role, was suspected of being involved in an unjust, false and wrongful case, and the entire Jiang family was implicated and sentenced to exile for thousands of miles.

The **** took bribes and treated the Jiang family very harshly and neglected along the way. Madam Jiang was proud of her life and could not bear this humiliation. Mr. Jiang's life was also very unsatisfactory, and Mrs. Jiang's old age made it even more difficult.

Yu Hanzhou thought about it carefully. Master Jiang was wronged. He is a very serious person, and he has never done anything inappropriate in his life as an official. Being exiled is all the slander of Princess Kang. But this kind of fraud is difficult to prevent in advance, not to mention that the plot is not detailed here, and she doesn't know how to avoid it.

Moreover, she is a girl, even if she wants to remind her, but Jiang Da has been an official for 20 years, she will not listen to what she has to say.

After thinking about it, she should "die" first. Now that she has fulfilled herself, when something happens to the Jiang family in the future, she will go to help her and take care of her, so as not to make her parents and grandmother have a hard time.

As for vindication, in the original plot, it was Zhuang Herui who vindicated the Jiang family. He refused to let his fiancee suffer grievances and did a lot of work. But Yu Hanzhou thought, Master Jiang has been an official for many years, and she has a steel scale in her heart. When she listens to Master Jiang's instructions, she may not be able to rehabilitate the Jiang family.

By that time, her strength has also come out, and the credit has been established. Even if Mr. Jiang is angry with her previous Hu Lai, he will not hate her too much.

She went through it again in her heart and felt that there was no better way, so she could enjoy the days of still being a daughter of gold with peace of mind.

Eat well, drink well, dress well.

Jin was covered with quilts, jade pillows fell asleep, bickering and playing cards with the sisters at home, flattering and flattering the old lady.

"Big sister." On this day, Jiang Ruxue came to play with her.

Yu Hanzhou greeted her to come in: "The third sister is here?"

She is the eldest daughter of the eldest house, fifteen years old this year, and the longest girl in the Jiang family. Behind her, there is a concubine who is only two months younger than her. And Jiang Ruxue is the eldest daughter of the second room, born half a year later than her, so she ranks third.

"Big sister, I have something to tell you." After Jiang Ruxue entered the door, she bit her lip and seemed to hesitate.

Yu Hanzhou looked at her a few times, guessed her origin, and said with a smile, "What's the matter? Just talk about it."

She will leave the Jiang family soon, and in her final days, she was very kind to her family. Not to mention Jiang Ruxue, they are two concubine sisters, and they are very tolerant on weekdays.

"That, do you remember, we saved someone before?" Jiang Ruxue looked around and whispered.

Yu Hanzhou was startled and nodded, "Remember. What's wrong?"

"He came to me." Jiang Ruxue whispered, "Big sister, he, he said he wanted to repay me for saving my life."

When she spoke, her face gradually turned red, and she was embarrassed.

Yu Hanzhou made a surprised expression and said, "Really? How does he repay you? Your face is so red, does he want to promise you?"

Jiang Ruxue's face turned red, "Big sister!"

Yu Hanzhou smiled: "Is it right?"

"No!" Jiang Ruxue denied, "He, he is... big sister, what do you think he is looking for me for?"

Yu Hanzhou: "..."

What can I do? Thank you!

"How do I know?" she asked rhetorically, and added, "what did he say to you?"

Jiang Ruxue sat down in front of her, very embarrassed, and lowered her head to twiddle her belt: "He asked me if I saved him, and what did I want in return? In return, let him go."

Jiang Ruxue's character is a very kind girl. If you see an injured bird, you have to take it back and bandage it. Her experience of dressing Zhuang and Rui's wounds came from this.

When she saw the injured Zhuang and Rui that day, she really had no other thoughts, but was used to picking up birds and birds.

"Oh." Yu Hanzhou nodded, following her shrewd and picky character, frowning at her and said, "Are you stupid? He has found you, why don't you ask for benefits?"

Jiang Ruxue shook her head: "I don't want it."

The two sisters talked for a while, and Jiang Ruxue left. As soon as she left, the smile on Yu Hanzhou's face faded.

Jiang Ruxue didn't want to repay herself, so she drove Zhuang and Rui away. Why didn't she think about it, and the big sister saved people with her, so the big sister didn't want to repay?

She didn't mention it.

The same goes for Zhuang and Rui. In the original plot, he learned that the gentle woman who saved him in his impression was Jiang Ruxue, and he thought that the female supporting role was deceiving him, not deceiving him. He didn't take the female supporting role's actions seriously at all, and he took it for granted that his savior was only Jiang Ruxue.

What kind of brain circuit is this? Yu Hanzhou sneered.

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