Jiang Yu, who was lying on the chair and waiting for Chu Xueying to finish the meeting, heard this.

Immediately he sat up in shock.

Not excited, not excited, not happy, but ......

What's the matter with you holding your high-level meeting and suddenly announcing that you are going to transfer half of your equity to me? Jiang

Yu really didn't expect that Chu Xueying would stay here because ......of this matter

Lingyue's equity transfer is just that, after all, the three products he has developed have really brought long-term huge commercial benefits to the company, and he is already an employee.

Moreover, Lingyue, as a technology company, is the place to give full play to his strengths and skills, no matter how much Chu Xueying rewards himself, he can almost accept it.

Can...... Yonghua Oriental Hotel ......

This industry has nothing to do with him at all! Not to mention the hotel, it is a small restaurant that he doesn't know how to operate, Chu Xueying threw over half of the shares without saying a word, isn't this a trouble!

Unlike the nature of serving as the second person in charge of Lingyue, if Jiang Yu really accepted Yonghua's shares, then this is not ......

You have to marry Chu Xueying in the future! Otherwise, you will take the shares of other people's companies for no reason, what do you say

......?" ...... that is not needed at all

" "I don't know anything about the hotel industry, you think twice, ......"

After reacting, Jiang Yu looked embarrassed and said in a strict manner.

After all, in front of so many executives, he couldn't directly refute Chu Xueying, but the attitude of refusal was already obvious.

Who knew that Chu Xueying shook her head and chuckled:


~" "Director Jiang is too modest~" "

The suggestions you made about the future development and adjustment of the hotel just now are very valuable!"

After that, she even winked mischievously at Jiang Yu in front of a group of executives.

Jiang Yu: ......

What's the matter with your sweet and greasy tone......

Also, when did I make a suggestion! Didn't you have to pester me to ask questions just now? Just deal with a few words, this is very valuable?

Jiang Yu was really depressed, and when Chu Xueying asked him for advice just now, he naturally didn't understand, but after all, he was a human being in two lives, so he roughly described to her the business strategy and development direction of those world-top hotels in his previous life.

At that time, I thought it would be a help for her.

Who wants to ...... Instead, he wrapped himself in!"

But after all, the stakes are very high, so let's ......

from the long term" Before Jiang Yu finished speaking, Chu Xueying smiled and waved her hand, directly preventing him from speaking, but turned to look at General Manager Zheng and the others, and spoke lightly.

"I believe everyone has no opinion on this, right?"

As early as when Chu Xueying proposed to transfer half of the equity to Jiang Yu.

Most of the executives, led by General Manager Zheng, were not surprised at all, they had already thought of it.

Combined with the previous internal equity adjustment in Lingyue, coupled with Mr. Chu's annual supervision period, he also deliberately brought Jiang Yu here, and did not shy away from reading the financial reports with him.

As a senior management of the company, how can you not see it

? However, to everyone's surprise, judging from Jiang Yu's performance, he doesn't seem to know about it, and he actually has the intention of refusing?

This is too novel.

I don't want to give half of the equity for nothing, I can control half of the shares of Lingyue and Yonghua at the same time, I don't know how many people have to envy him

! And seeing that Chu always looks like he has to give, this is even more sour!

But this is the matter between the two of them, as hotel executives, general managers Zheng of senior workers, can only obediently obey Chu Xueying's arrangement.

So everyone nodded in agreement.

"I agree! The development of Lingyue is obvious to all, and I believe that Yonghua will be able to climb new heights with the leadership of Jiang Dong!" General

Manager Zheng immediately said enthusiastically.

"That's right! We all fully support Mr. Chu's decision

!" "Yes!" The

deputy manager and a group of executives also said.

Seeing this, Chu Xueying nodded with satisfaction.

"Since everyone has no opinions, okay!"

Seeing that the matter was a foregone conclusion, Jiang Yu still struggled.

However, it is a pity that it is ......

No matter what he said, Chu Xueying just looked like she was smiling, but she didn't care about him at all, and directly let the finance handle the equity transfer on the spot.

This scene really dumbfounded General Manager Zheng and others.

Growing so big, I've never seen this scene, one has to give equity, and the other is depressed and desperately refuses, this is too weird......

Looking at Jiang Yu's sad face at the end, if they didn't know what the situation was, they would still think

that Chu Xueying had forced his overlord to the bow! And even if the overlord was hard to bow, the other party was Mr

. Chu! It's just bloody! "Break the meeting! Let's go get busy!"

After dealing with the matter, Chu Xueying stood up and was about to leave directly, after all, there are still many industries that need to be supervised.

General Manager Zheng and others hurriedly got up, sent the two of them all the way to the door, and watched their cars gradually drive away, then turned around and went back to the hotel to get busy.

In the car.

Jiang Yu couldn't hold it anymore.

After driving away from the hotel, he parked the car directly on the side of the road, turned around, and looked at Chu Xueying with a serious face.

"What are you doing?"

the beauty wondered, but the slightest cunning revealed in Mei's eyes still betrayed her.

"What do you say, Lingyue, forget it, I can still understand, what's going on with the shares of Yonghua Hotel?"

Jiang Yu looked at Chu Xueying with a smile on her face and didn't care, and she was a little helpless.

"Oh, it's just a hotel!"

"You can just focus on your R&D and don't worry about anything else."

Chu Xueying waved her hand and smiled, giving Jiang Yu the feeling as if she had given away a cup of milk tea, and persuaded herself not to care about ......

"It's not this problem

!" "It's useless for me to want this equity!"

"Who said it's useless?" "What's the use?"

Facing Jiang Yu's questioning, suddenly, Chu Xueying's beautiful and charming face became inexplicably shy, looked out the window, and whispered:

"What if this is my dowry............?"

As soon as Chu Xueying said this, Jiang Yu was suddenly unable to straighten out, his words were choked, and his brain was short-circuit......ed

Whose dowry is for equity! It's just outrageous! Suddenly

, Jiang Yu was startled, and thought to himself, good guy! Really let me guess correctly

? In the conference room before, he secretly muttered, If he really accepts the other industries of the Chu family except for Lingyue Company, it is reasonable, why can't you say something?

At that time, I still thought that this would not be a trick under Chu Xueying's forced marriage, right?

It's good now, people admit it directly, it's a dowry, do you want it? No, I seem to have accepted it, so it's ......

Thinking of this, and looking at the shy and charming Chu Xueying on the side, Jiang Yu didn't know what to say at all.

I've already been tricked!


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