As soon as Lingyue's official announcement came out, many people couldn't help laughing.

It is said to be a clarification, but how does it look like it is provocative! Especially the "warm welcome" at the end, which instantly makes people unable to hold back.

"Haha! Lingyue really admits it

!" "Is this a clarification? Why do I think this is attracting investment

?" "Good guy! Are you really going to take

the military route in the future?" "Should you say it or not, if Lingyue takes the military route, there will be nothing to do with other companies!"

For a while, not only the internal public opinion of Huaxia Kingdom supported Lingyue.

Even the international community has seen a calm and domineering self-confidence from Lingyue Company's move.

This self-confidence is undoubtedly brought about by the top level of science and technology.

After all, so far, in the field of drones and robot dogs, even the R&D strength of today's lighthouse country, a major science and technology country, is not as good as a private enterprise like Lingyue.

Just a few days after Lingyue's announcement, Mao Xiongguo directly announced in a high-profile manner this time that they planned to order another 60,000 Tianyu generation drones and 100,000 Xiaoyue generation robot dogs.

In order to put an end to some unnecessary regional conflicts as soon as possible.

At the same time, in this public order, the supreme commander of the Mao Bear Country praised these two products, saying that they have truly realized the ideal state of individual long-range intelligent combat mode.

In the end, he highly sighed at the top R&D strength of Lingyue, and thanked him for a while.

Everyone didn't expect that Mao Xiongguo would not act directly this time, and the showdown was held, and the order plan was announced.

After hearing the news, the enemy military was almost in tears, and immediately ordered the troops to temporarily retreat to the defense until they could procure equipment that could defend against drones and robot dogs.

Otherwise, if this battle continues, there will be only surrender ......

The sudden change in the situation of the war was even more unexpected by all countries.

There have been many analyses in the international community, speculating on how this conflict between the two sides will end, but they can't imagine that it will be like this, because of the new product of a technology company in Huaxia Country?

"?Is the enemy country scared away by the order plan of the Mao Bear Country?"

To be exact, it is ...... by Lingyue's products"

Ahh......h It's a bit outrageous!"

"Is Lingyue's product so terrifying on the battlefield?"

Many people felt extremely incredible while watching the excitement.

It seems that the hairy bear country really used drones and robot dogs to teach the enemy country a hard lesson!

This has attracted many countries to pay special attention to the two products of Lingyue, and good scientific and technological products have such a great deterrent power on the battlefield?

It is not only curious, but also has the heart to crack the research, and many countries have secretly ordered a small number of drone and robot dog products in the name of private individuals to return to China.

After a series of actual combat exercises, the countries were completely shocked.

At this moment, they inexplicably understood why Lingyue, a technology company, was so confident and dared to make such a slightly provocative announcement ......

I also understand the reason why the Mao Bear Country was able to win so quickly, and the reason for the crazy order of these two products......

I understand the reason why the enemy country is so afraid and retreats directly to the defense ......

Especially in some areas where large weapons and equipment cannot enter, soldiers are equipped with drones and robot dogs, which can basically influence the ......victory of the war


Various countries have sent researchers to disassemble and analyze in order to imitate similar weapons and equipment.

The commercial value of such a perfect set of war weapons is simply immeasurable!

However, it is a pity that after the research of various countries, it is impossible to imitate even half of the performance, and the core scientific and technological elements are naturally in the hands of Ling Yue, or Jiang Yu.

It was only then that many countries reacted, when did Huaxia's level of scientific and technological research and development reach such a level? Even the researchers of the lighthouse country could not crack it!

Moreover, I heard that these products were all developed by the same person, and this one named Jiang Yu is too outrageous......

rightAt this time, Jiang Yu, who was leisurely drinking tea in the office, naturally did not know that he had become an extremely mysterious and terrifying ......existence in the hearts of military researchers from various countries

"Knock knock!"

"I'm in?" Jiang

Yu had just taken a sip of tea when he heard the familiar knock on the door and the sound of the royal sister.

I couldn't help but smile and shake my head.

Some time ago, I have been busy developing products, building new factories, and supplying orders to the woolly bear country, and recently I have been in the limelight in the international community, so I was finally able to relax and have a comfortable rest.

The clingy overlord is always here again.

But seriously, in the busy and close work, taking the time to look at Chu Xueying can always make people feel happy and full of motivation ......

"Come in!"

Sure enough, after the door opened, the beautiful and incomparable Chu Xueying appeared in front of him, which immediately made people's eyes shine.

stepped on a pair of pointed rivet heels with a red face and black background, a pure black hip skirt, covered with a red plush coat, and the hot and bumpy figure was really eye-catching.

Slightly rich and delicate makeup, a wavy curly hair casually spread out, a proper top royal sister temperament.

The whole person is like a heroine who came out of the comics......

Here, Jiang Yu was secretly admiring with emotion.

As soon as Chu Xueying came in, she couldn't help but smile with relief when she saw that Jiang Yu was finally not busy with work.


"Our Minister Jiang finally knows how to rest~"

As he spoke, he sat opposite Jiang Yu, folded his hands on his chest, held the big truth, and looked at Jiang Yu with flickering eyes.

Jiang Yu's eyes flickered and he swallowed deeply.

"Why, are you here to supervise me?"


he spoke, he picked up the paper and continued to work.

But it was taken away by Chu Xueying and thrown aside.

"It's too late to feel sorry for you!How can I supervise you

~" "I came here to give you a holiday~

" Well,

on vacation? Jiang Yu was stunned, what kind of vacation is it?

"Oh! Don't look at me like this!" "

I'm going to go to the imperial capital to deal with some things recently, you have to come with me."

Chu Xueying picked up the teacup in front of Jiang Yu, blew lightly, and took a sip elegantly before saying.

Jiang Yu looked at the lipstick printed by her on the edge of the teacup, and suddenly understood in her heart.

What kind of holiday is this? Obviously,

I just let myself accompany her on a business trip......

Going on a business trip with a female boss who has admired him for a long time, why is this plot so familiar

?"Hmm? What do you want

?" "Ahem!

It's okay, it's nothing" Jiang Yu picked up the teacup and took a sip ......of water to cover it up, then he wondered: "Is there anything wrong with going to the emperor?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just a simple deal about some of my family's industries over there." "


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