Li Feihong's mind is now full of wanting to place an order quickly, and then directly take a batch of robot dogs back to the military region for a drill.

Let's see the actual effect of individual loadout.

"Ahem, that, may I ask Minister Jiang, ......what is the unit price of this intelligent robot dog?"

at this time, a military researcher behind him asked in a low voice.

Although so far, I have never seen a similar product on the market, or equipped with a certain country's military.

But based on his observation and estimation of this device, the psychological price is about 100,000.

But thinking about it again, Lingyue even the world's No. 1 drone was only supplied to the military at a unit price of 80,000 yuan.

Then this robot dog, think about

it, it's almost the same! Who knows, Jiang Yu's words directly stunned the three of them.


"Although our robot dog is the first intelligent mechanical device on the ground.

"But the price is ......" "It's

currently set at around 48,000."

After Jiang Yu finished speaking, the researcher who had just asked was directly stupid, staring at the robot dog on the ground, and was speechless.

Such an advanced and unique intelligent device that can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers in the army is ......

It's only sold for forty-eight thousand!

He just estimated that he felt that it would be the same as the Heavenly Emperor Generation, around seventy or eighty thousand.

As a result, he didn't expect that he was directly discounted by Jiang Yu by almost half of the price.

That's really ......

No wonder they all say that Lingyue is a conscientious enterprise

! "Forty-eight thousand ......

" "Alas! Minister Jiang! You have once again greatly exceeded my expectations!" Li

Feihong sighed with emotion.

Then he seemed to think of something, and said excitedly:

"That's right, Minister Jiang."

"How much stock does your company currently produce?"

Jiang Yu looked at Li Feihong with an eager look on his face, as if he knew what he was planning.

After thinking about it, he still said truthfully:

"There are currently 20,000 pieces of ...... in stock"

As soon as the words fell, Li Feihong clapped his hands excitedly and nodded.


"In this way, our military region will first set 20,000 pieces in the first batch.

"Later, I'll wait for the actual combat simulation drill. "

Minister Jiang, please draw up the contract, I will first inform the heads of the military region!" After

that, he didn't give Jiang Yu a chance to refuse, got up and walked out of the laboratory, leaving only the two researchers to discuss the contract with Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu smiled and nodded.

Sure enough

, he knew that Li Feihong wanted to empty their inventory, but fortunately, Lingyue was now equipped with a fully automated smart factory, and the production efficiency had been greatly improved.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to give all the inventory to Li Feihong.

Now you don't have to worry about production capacity at all.

A large order of nearly one billion yuan was negotiated so easily.


After Li Feihong came back, Jiang Yu had already drawn up the contract.

As expected, when the leaders of the military region learned that Lingyue had a new invention comparable to that of the Tianyu generation, they asked Li Feihong to sign the contract directly without saying a word.

As Li Feihong thought, the first reaction of the leaders was to sweep away all the existing production capacity of Lingyue at any cost......

So, two and a half hours after the two sides signed the contract.

In the military district.

Li Feihong had already returned with 20,000 intelligent robot dogs, and he immediately sent them out.

Let the men of the troops begin to equip and become proficient in robot dogs.

Half an hour later, basically the entire military region has completely mastered and can skillfully operate the robot dog.

So Li Feihong ordered the immediate start of a surprise simulation exercise, and at the same time, all the leaders of the military region also participated to watch the results.

An hour later.

When the exercise ended, everyone in the military region, from the leaders who watched the exercise, down to the soldiers who participated in the exercise in person.

All of them were shocked by the strong performance displayed by Lingyue's robot dog.

The exercise simulated various difficult situations in real combat, however, as long as the robot dog was equipped.

It can be controlled from a distance to explore the path, carry weights, stab, conceal, and even equip some weapons to launch a surprise attack

on the target! Especially after matching it with the Tianyu generation of UAVs, the effect is even more against the sky, and there is really no target that cannot be found and solved in the sky and on the ground!

There is no need to guess, everyone can see that such a single soldier can definitely greatly reduce the casualty rate.

"This Jiang Yu is really powerful!"

"It's a pity not to come to the military region to develop weapons!" In

the stands, Li Feihong sighed with deep emotion.

The other leaders also thought similar to him, and they were all amazed by the performance of the robot dog.

Especially after hearing that this device was developed by Jiang Yu again, he was even more shocked.


!" "If it's okay in the future, I really have to go around Lingyue and have a good relationship with that Minister Jiang!" said

a leader standing in the center, this person was the old man who went to Lingyue to watch the Heavenly Emperor generation and was a colleague of Grandpa Chu Xueying.


Li Feihong immediately agreed, and he had already made up his mind in his heart.

In the future, if you say anything, you have to take the time to go to Lingyue Chang to take a look, and maybe you can see some military products ...... against the sky


A few days later.

When people all over the world are still immersed in the praise and affirmation of the Lingyue Xianyi smart car.

Without warning, Lingyue officially released a new message.

[In seven days, we will change the world again with a new product, please look forward to it!]

That's right, just such a domineering but very mysterious announcement, other than that, no other information has been revealed.

These words immediately made netizens confused, but more often than not, they were also curious and speculative, as well as shocked and incredible.

After all, it hasn't been long since the release of the Lingyue Fairy Wing smart car!

Why has there been a new product coming out

? And it seems that

it is a new field of equipment? If this is the case, then Lingyue's R&D ability is too terrifying, right

? "Isn't it? There is a new product about to be launched?!"

"This R&D speed is a bit outrageous

!" "This publicity method seems to be very mysterious!"

"Yes, I didn't say what the new product is?" After

the shock, many people were deeply curious, and they speculated that Lingyue had entered a new field?

According to past experience, whether it is a drone or a smart car, as long as Lingyue enters the game, it will basically be considered to be the ceiling, and other manufacturers can seize the time to change careers......

After all, the lessons of the first two markets are there!

An international brand that was once as strong as Murphy has long been pressed to the ground by Lingyue and rubbed against it.

Because of this, there are also many technology companies in new fields trembling, asking around about Lingyue's latest research and development, for fear of bumping into their own field, which will be a big trouble!

In short, in any case, Lingyue's mysterious marketing methods this time have once again aroused everyone's curiosity!


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