
Jiang Yu was a little confused.

The places I often go to have a sense of life, but compared with those famous scenic spots, they are too ordinary

!"What are you going to do in those places? There are still many scenic spots in Hangzhou! Many of them haven't been visited!" Chu Xueying's

charming eyes were full of tenderness and sweetness, and she said in a faint voice:

"I know!"

"But I just want to see the places where you have always lived!"

The royal sister is coquettish and difficult to resist.


"Then do I have any benefits?"

After saying that, Jiang Yu hurriedly got into the quilt and looked at Chu Xueying expectantly with big eyes.

Chu Xueying was immediately laughed at by him like this.


don't know how much you take advantage of me every night!

Stretched out a slender jade finger and put it on the tip of Jiang Yu's nose.

He said angrily,

"No." "

Sleep!" turned

around and turned off the bedside lamp, then got into the bed and turned sideways.

As soon as Jiang Yu saw her sleeping position, he immediately became energetic.

I thought that she still understood me


! For the next two days.

At Chu Xueying's strong request, Jiang Yu took him to the place where he once lived.

The school from elementary school to high school, the city library, the stadium, the bookstore, the restaurants and food stalls he frequented, and even the house before he moved.

Jiang Yu, who didn't think he would have any special feelings, was also quite nostalgic and sad after going through it again with Chu Xueying at this time.

In front of these places, Chu Xueying pulled Jiang Yu to take a photo with him, and even didn't let go of the kindergarten gate, which attracted passers-by to stop and watch ......

When Jiang Yu asked the reason.

Chu Xueying said with a smile:

"Because I want to know all your past lives!"

"And in this way, there is a feeling of living and growing up with you from childhood to adulthood~"

"Although it is only photos and videos......"

Hearing this, Jiang Yu just wanted to take her into his arms, or get into her arms himself, to express the warmth and touching ......

in his heartJust when the two were nostalgic for travel in Hangzhou.

The new energy vehicle market is undergoing a major reshuffle.

During this time, the first few batches of Lingyue fairy wings of the real car have already been cashed, and many car owners can't wait to take advantage of this National Day holiday to travel one after another, both short and long-distance.

There are even those who drive directly to the desert off-road, just like the original press conference of Shenxing.

Many people are even more outrageous, even if they spend a lot of money, they still have to go to the parking lot that simulates the world's four major tracks, like Jiang Yu during the live broadcast, and actually experience the thrill of racing on the top track.

The result was just as everyone thought.

At that time, there was no fraud or exaggeration in the live broadcast conference, whether it was traveling and running various long-distance routes, or racing on the track in the magic capital.

The expressions of Lingyue Fairy Wings greatly exceeded the expectations of the car owners, and the performance was exactly the same as the performance during the live broadcast.

Stable energy supply, black technology-like automatic driving system, and real intelligence of the whole vehicle.

For a while, the reputation of Lingyue Fairy Wings exploded again!

And the excellent word-of-mouth effect naturally triggered a frenzied sales wave.

As a result, the number of reservations for Lingyue Fairy Wings is increasing, and the time limit for redeeming the car is also getting longer and longer, but it seems that not many people care, and it seems that as long as they can make an appointment, even if they have to wait for a long time, it is worth it!

After all, this is the most advanced intelligent and safe new energy vehicle in the world today!

Other so-called smart cars like Murphy.

Not to mention going to the top track drag racing, even running a long distance is frightening, and you can really only run in the urban section, just this, safety is still a big question......

As a result, the sales of these two cars in Lingyue are getting better and better, and the life of other car manufacturers is getting worse and worse, and the market share that there is not much left has suddenly shrunk.

Many people expect that it may not wait for the end of this month, and in the future, the smart car market is estimated to be the same as the current drone market.

Even an international factory that was once as strong as Murphy is now showing signs of being crushed by Lingyue in the market of his own country.

Lingyue's influence in the global market today can be seen.

During this period, an interesting and interesting incident happened.

At that time, the Internet celebrity evaluator in Murphy's car accident finally woke up after a long time of treatment, and during the maintenance period, he accidentally learned that Lingyue had entered the field of smart cars.

And I just happened to see the press conference of Lingyue Fairy Wings.

Immediately he was stunned, and he couldn't help but feel deeply puzzled, how long had he been in a coma! I'm afraid it wasn't five or six years? When did the level of domestic smart cars reach such an astonishing level?

He, who was already extremely obsessed with and experienced all kinds of smart cars, was itching to rub the new car that his friend had arrived after spitting fragrant greetings to Murphy and curiosity about Lingyue.

After following the experience of getting on the bus, I was shocked and excited, and filmed the whole evaluation process.

After posting it online.

On the one hand, because he is an Internet celebrity blogger with millions of fans.

On the other hand, due to Murphy's car accident at that time, it attracted a lot of attention.

But suddenly, I saw that he posted a comprehensive evaluation of Lingyue Fairy Wings, and netizens all clicked in curiously.

In the video, this person still has a plaster cast on his feet, a bandage on his head, and a broken hand, but it still does not prevent him from sitting in the passenger seat, and he praises Lingyue Fairy Wings endlessly.

"Don't look at me like this, in fact, it doesn't affect at all, the intelligence of Lingyue Fairy Wings has really reached the level that the whole person is okay when he lies down and sleeps, and automatic driving helps you solve all the ......

" "What is a smart car? This is the real smart car, friends!"

This person couldn't help but sigh with heartfelt emotion.

"Alas! I can't imagine that during the time I was hospitalized, domestic smart cars have developed to this point!"

"Finally, I still advise everyone: stay away from Murphy, it will become unfortunate......"

As soon as the video came out, it immediately became a hit on the whole network.

I thought that Jiang Yu invited the man who had an accident in the experience store to live broadcast at that time, and the publicity effect was enough against the sky.

But now ......

Even the person who had a car accident at that time also released an evaluation of Lingyue Fairy Wings, and it was a rainbow compliment, and at the same time brought Murphy out to whip the corpse.

Especially looking at him full of bandages and still excitedly evaluating him, it really made netizens happy.

"Good guy, just got out of the hospital and started working?"

"Tsk, take the initiative to promote Lingyue!"

"It's okay to stay away from Murphy." "




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