The moment they heard the news, netizens all had question marks floating over their ......

Lingyue released a new car? They even have a new model! Could it be that the configuration of this car is more powerful than Lingyue's Shenxing?

Otherwise, there is no need to release it at this time!

This is really too sudden, and everyone is caught off guard.

"Really, it's fake?Lingyue is going to release a new car again?

" "It's not been long since Lingyue Shenxing was released

!" "This R&D capability is terrifying!"

"Hmm...... I wonder if I can still see the last time the minister and the president test the car together...... "

Although it was an accident, whether it should be said or not, everyone was full of curiosity and anticipation for this new car.

I thought that Lingyue Shenxing was already the limit technology of new energy vehicles, but I didn't expect that Lingyue would release a new car when he turned his head.

If I really beat myself, I won't even let myself ...... go

At the same time, many people reacted, no wonder Murphy didn't care about Lingyue before, it turned out that he was busy developing new cars!

Compared with Murphy, who only worked publicity and marketing, Lingyue's image of only concentrating on technology immediately became taller.

The favorability of Lingyue has simply increased exponentially.

And this time the new car momentum is also different from the previous one, except for the official news and a few promotional pictures, there is nothing else.

It's not like the previous release of the Spirit Moon Divine Walk, which caused a storm in the city.

The reason why Jiang Yu did this is because Lingyue's new energy vehicle has already made a reputation, and the next thing to do is to wait for the improvement of reputation like a drone.

After all, the positioning of the new car this time is not as entry-level as Shenxing, but to ensure Lingyue's authoritative position in the field ......of new energy and autonomous driving!

At this time, Huading Tianmu's home, in the master bedroom.

Jiang Yu is preparing for the live broadcast conference the day after tomorrow.

Chu Xueying, who had just finished taking a bath, walked in wrapped in a bath towel, and saw that Jiang Yu was still busy at the desk, so she couldn't help but lean over.

"It's not over yet! it's time to take a bath~"

Jiang Yu raised his head and met a pair of moist eyes, and the unique body fragrance emanating from Chu Xueying's body went straight to the tip of his nose.

I don't know how many times she has seen this look, but every time she sees it, she can still arouse the deepest throbbing in people's hearts, which is really moving.

Jiang Yu shook his head and stretched.

"It's going to be fine right away...... "

Forget it, I'll go take a shower first!"

"Let's go~ I'll give you some rewards when I'm back~

" "Hmm, what's the matter?"

Jiang Yu's eyes lit up, and he was quite expectant.

"Reward you for your hard work recently and the development of a new technology for the company!" Chu

Xueying smiled, but she really felt that Jiang Yu was working too hard.

Almost from the beginning of the drone project, he has not been idle for a moment, developing one product after another.

As soon as the drone ended, she began to be busy with Lingyue Shenxing again, and now she is about to release a new car, she has been the president of Lingyue for so long, and she has really not experienced such a rapid research and development speed.

Not to mention Lingyue, even among those top technology companies, there will not be such crazy

R&D personnel! All these products together are enough for some companies' R&D projects for four or five years.

And Jiang Yu did it all in less than two months, and even not only technology research and development, he even had to consider marketing strategies.

With such a high-density and complex work, Chu Xueying was really worried that he was tired and sick, and Jiang Yu had stayed up several nights in the past few days for the launch of the new car.

Every time, it was under Chu Xueying's forcible order that he obediently went to bed ......

"Hey, it's been a bit hard lately

!" "Then I'm waiting for your reward?!"

Jiang Yu naturally understood Chu Xueying's concern for him, his heart warmed, and he said with a smile.

Then I picked up my pajamas and went to take a bath.

Fifteen minutes later, Jiang Yu, who had taken a very comfortable and comfortable hot bath, returned to the bedroom in his pajamas and was satisfied.

"Is the reward ready

?" "Huh?"

Jiang Yu opened the bedroom door excitedly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help but look at the bed, and in an instant, he was stunned.

I saw that the spacious and comfortable bed was scattered with some fragrant flower petals.

And Chu Xueying, who had just finished taking a bath, was wearing a silk pajamas, her hair had just been dried, and she was lying there with her lotus root arm stretched.

The pair of seductive and tender eyes looked at Jiang Yu shyly and timidly, and the charming and charming royal sister was full of temperament.

But what made Jiang Yu unable to take her eyes off the most was her set of big truths, and on her legs, she actually wore a pair of black silks?!

That's right!

Chu Xueying, who had just taken a shower, somehow put on stockings!

The whole person still looked shy and waiting.

At this time, seeing Jiang Yu stunned in place and staring at him in a daze, the faint smile on Chu Xueying's pretty face became a little stronger.

"It's ready!"

"I'm waiting for you." "

Come here~"

After saying that, he also hooked his jade finger at Jiang Yu, smiled and smiled, with a very charming posture.

Jiang Yu walked over slowly and deliberately asked

, "Ahem, don't you sleep? What are you doing in stockings at night...... "Don't you

like it?" "When did I say I liked

it?" "Who didn't let me take it off when I was massaged last time?"



Yu was speechless.


" "Okay, lie down

~" "This time, I'll give my husband a massage~"

Chu Xueying got up, gave Jiang Yu a place, and motioned for him to lie on the bed.

Jiang Yu saw that she had even set up a pillow for herself, so she obediently lay down and put her hand on her chin.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt that Chu Xueying's pair of slender jade fingers gently pressed her neck and kneaded it rhythmically, which was very comfortable.

After a moment, the pair of jade hands gradually moved down, kneading his back and waist from time to time, relaxing his muscles.

Although Chu Xueying's hand was lighter, Jiang Yu also felt very comfortable, squinting comfortably and enjoying it.

"Tsk! President Lingyue personally massaged me, this is a lot of money!"

"Heh~" "

Then how do you repay it! Do you have to work overtime desperately?!"

Jiang Yu: ???

"Then I don't want it...... Spare me......

" "Teasing you~

" Chu Xueying laughed, couldn't help pinching Jiang Yu's waist, and then said softly:

"Didn't I say that you don't need to work so hard, and you still work so late every night

......" "Ahem! Isn't this a new car being developed recently......

" "You don't rest! A project starts a new project as soon as it ends......

" If you do this again, believe it or not, I'll remove you as a minister

!" "I'll let you be my personal secretary and don't go anywhere!" Chu

Xueying said distressed and threatening, and the strength in her hand couldn't help but increase a little.


!" "It's good to be a secretary!"

"What's the matter, what's the matter...... Shhh



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