In the car.

Jiang Yu looked at the right hand that was held tightly by Chu Xueying, and then looked at the smile that bloomed towards him on that beautiful face.

A helpless and wry smile ......

He didn't have to look at the screen to know that the barrage must have exploded.

It is inconceivable that the president of the dignified Lingyue will personally appear at the press conference to test ride the new car.

It's good now, not only to test the car, but also to interlock with a young executive in the company in front of so many ......

audienceThe melon-eating masses who are already speculating about the ambiguous relationship

between the two don't have to think about it, what is the difference between Chu Xueying's move and the direct official announcement? Jiang Yu is already numb, but it doesn't prevent the audience in the live broadcast room from boiling

! I have long found that Chu Xueying's eyes are very wrong when she looks at Jiang Yu, who wants people to stop pretending, and go straight to the showdown!

Seeing that such a beautiful goddess president took the initiative to hold someone else's hand.

Although most people didn't know Chu Xueying before.

But it doesn't prevent them from being sour

! It's just a good end to watch a new car press conference, and they are inexplicably fed a large mouthful of dog food, who can stand this

? And they should be a relationship between superiors and subordinates, right?!

In doing so, they are not afraid of being seen by people in the company

? "Mom! This hand is very informative

!" "Is it so unevasive? The president and the company minister are holding hands!"

"So...... Are they a real couple

?" "Hey! Could it be that the people in their company already knew?!"

The barrage was completely off track at this moment.

talked about the relationship between the two, and a simple subordinate and subordinate must be impossible.

I just don't know if it was Chu Xueying who Jiang Yu took the initiative to chase, or Chu Xueying unspoken Jiang Yu's ...... as the president

Look at the increasingly outrageous barrage on the screen.

Jiang Yu: ......

I'm so stupid, I should have thought of it.

glanced sideways at Chu Xueying beside her, and saw that her eyes were full of smugness and cunning.

Alas! Sigh secretly, what else can I do? This is a real-time live broadcast! Just like this, I'm afraid that Quan Lingyue knows the relationship between the two.

"Ahem, that ......"

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't think about it, we're doing this to show the stability and safety of our new car more directly."

Jiang Yu casually explained a few words, but even he didn't believe what he said.


"We're about to go out of town and up the hill.

"Once again, a warm reminder, please don't imitate!" Jiang

Yu finally broke the topic of deviation a little back to the main matter.

"Come on, really! Now at this point, the autopilot goes around

the mountain road!" "And this is still a mountain outside Yuqing City! I'm afraid it's even more difficult to walk!" "Look at the posture of the two of them interlocking their fingers, I'm afraid it's real!" "

Good guy! Even the president is still in the car, what if this is ...... Ahem!"

After gossiping, everyone finally turned their attention back to the new car.

Hearing that Jiang Yu was really going to go around the mountain at night, he still felt very incredible and shocked.

Seriously, the current performance of Lingyue's new car has long been beyond everyone's expectations, and it is already the first echelon of driverless cars.

But then again, since Jiang Yu has to do this, the audience is really curious and looking forward to it.

I would love to see how the car performs on mountain roads, especially at night.

You must know that in the past, the target scene of new energy driverless cars was only in the city!

The simple road conditions in the city are one thing, and more importantly, the energy consumption required to run the mountain road is also very large.

The general new energy vehicle cannot withstand long-term consumption at all, and the battery life is extremely limited.

Not to mention that at night, when the interior and exterior lights and various control systems are running at full capacity, the energy consumption is even greater.

can see that Jiang Yu and the others look indifferent, it seems that these fatal problems are not a problem at all in front of Lingyue's new car.


It was close to eight o'clock in the evening.

The mountain city of Yuqing is on the road leading to the outside of the city.

A new car that exuded a faint starlight in the night and had a license plate of Lingyue Company was speeding away.

From time to time, it attracts the attention of surrounding vehicles.

In the live broadcast room, the audience sees many perspectives.

The main view is naturally the interior of the car, which clearly indicates to everyone that the vehicle is indeed in autonomous driving mode.

After all, Jiang Yu's right hand was still being pulled by Chu Xueying, and the other hand was on his lap, so he couldn't make room to grasp the steering wheel at all.

Several other perspectives that show the road and the external environment come from cameras that have been placed near the windows in advance.

But soon, many people found that in addition to these perspectives, there were three aerial shots in the live broadcast room, tracking the vehicle at all times to show the position of the new car speeding on the road.

Even at night and at high speeds.

The footage is still clear and accurate, and the frame rate is stable.

Just when they were stunned, the audience saw that under the three aerial pictures, a line of small words quietly emerged.

[This live aerial footage, transmitted by the Luna generation drone in real time]

Audience: ?

!Good guys

! This Lingyue is really good enough! Release a new car and don't forget to advertise your own drone

, it's really okay! But think about it, Lingyue's status in the drone industry has ranked first, it doesn't matter if this advertisement is played or not, the world knows how powerful the Luna generation is.

What's more, in order to clearly and directly show the driving conditions of vehicles on mountain roads at night, He Jiang Yu wanted to show the amazing effect of the new car's automatic driving.

Except for his own Luna generation, there is really no other drone that can do it.

Soon, under the high-speed gallop of Lingyue Shenxing, everyone saw that in the camera, there was a junction up the mountain.


road in the mountains is not as brightly lit as in the city, except for the faint moonlight and the sporadic headlights, there is no other light at all.

Even if there are street lights, there is only one far away, and the light is only enough to illuminate the road signs ahead.

Therefore, as soon as the new car went up the mountain, the audience in the live broadcast room was more nervous than them.

However, at this time, Jiang Yu was not only nervous, but also ordered the artificial intelligence in the car to play a soothing and elegant music.

It's already like this, and he doesn't shy away from it, holding Chu Xueying's right hand tightly, and his left hand also stretches over, and he can't help but caress the back of Chu Xueying's white jade-like hand.


!" "Everyone can be optimistic!" "

I haven't touched the steering wheel with my hands from beginning to end, and the vehicle has always been in automatic driving mode!" Jiang

Yu explained seriously, and did not forget to show his hands holding Chu Xueying's soft hand to the camera in the car for a moment.

The audience was stunned.

Are you here to show the power of unmanned driving, or is it for your personal desires!


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