The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3985: unexpected

"Okay, then try it out."

Since this was specially brought back by Wang Feng to him, Jiang Yihuan naturally couldn't touch Wang Feng's intentions, so he directly opened one of the jade bottles and poured the silver blood inside into his mouth.

Jiang Yihuan had already taken the silver blood. According to Wang Feng's previous practice, he should open his heavenly eyes to observe the movement of the silver blood after entering Jiang Yihuan's body.

It's just that Wang Feng didn't do that, because Jiang Yihuan was not his servant. Even if his servant had been spied in his heart, they would not dare to say anything, but Jiang Yihuan was different.

Wang Feng didn't control Jiang Yihuan, and Jiang Yihuan was also a brother with him. If Wang Feng even had to look at him with the eyes of heaven, it might not be a bit immoral.

So Wang Feng is just waiting here for Jiang Yihuan's real feeling after taking the silver blood.

"not bad."

After about a minute or so, Jiang Yihuan's eyes slowly opened. At the moment his eyes opened, Wang Feng could feel his soul power increased a lot.

"Unexpectedly, this silver blood can actually strengthen the soul of a person. This is really a world of thousands, and there are no surprises."

As everyone knows, if this soul power wants to be strong, then it must be cultivated. I remember that the cultivation of this soul power is more difficult than this cultivation base, because the increase of soul power often changes along with the improvement of this cultivation base.

But if this cultivation base does not change, it is very difficult to make this soul power stronger only by cultivating the soul.

But now this small bottle of silver blood can increase his soul power, which naturally shocked Jiang Yihuan.

"If it is difficult for this cultivation base to break through, and the first to cultivate the soul, that might be a way out." Jiang Yihuan said at this time.

The improvement of this cultivation level will correspondingly increase the cultivator's soul power and help them strengthen their physical bodies, but if the cultivation level does not improve, if the strength of this soul power can be increased, it is also a breakthrough.

"But with such a little blood, this soul is afraid it will be difficult to break through." Wang Feng shook his head, not thinking about it.

"I'm just providing an idea, don't think so much."

"Brother Jiang, you take these blood for the time being, and I will give it to you when there is no more."

"it is good."

After bidding farewell to Jiang Yihuan, Wang Feng went directly to the formation where everyone in the heavens was, and he blinked. This time has passed for so long. At the beginning, Wang Feng promised the people inside, if anyone's cultivation base can break through to the early stage of the immortal realm , Then Wang Feng will release them.

Now that it has been so long, I think someone has broken through to this state.

After all, the cultivation environment of the Red Flame Alliance is so good, as long as they are not too stupid, they can basically follow this general trend of heaven and earth to break through the cultivation base.

Of course, this is just Wang Feng's more optimistic thoughts. It is also possible that none of the people in it have made a breakthrough. You will know when Wang Feng enters to see what's going on.

Entering the formation where the people of the heavens are located, Wang Feng immediately felt several powerful auras. There is no doubt that the people inside have already broken through to the early stage of the immortal martial realm.

"It seems that the situation is somewhat beyond my expectations."

Perceiving such a change, Wang Feng's face showed a slight smile. You must know that those servants outside Wang Feng couldn't really believe it, and only his original team, Ma Wangfeng, could entrust the important task.

Otherwise, Wang Feng has always been worried that others will expose them, and if the emperor chases and kills them, then all of them may be over.

"Wang Feng, you are here."

When Wang Feng descended on the cultivation star where everyone in the Red Flame League was, Hou Zhentian, who had been waiting for Wang Feng to return, rushed up all at once.

He was almost tortured mad for a while, this Wang Feng promised the Red Flame Alliance, if anyone can break through to the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, then whoever can leave here and go to the outside world to survive.

But when their cultivation reached the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, Wang Feng stopped coming to this place. This is a long time. Those people come to Hou Zhentian almost every day, and the noisy Hou Zhentian has a big head. Up.

Although he was in control of the Scarlet Flame Alliance, Wang Feng didn't tell him how to leave here. The formation that Wang Feng and the Emperor Yongzhen jointly put together was not so easy to be penetrated.

And without Wang Feng's order, people like them would not dare to forcefully attack this formation, so they could only wait for Wang Feng's arrival again in this place.

It's just that none of them thought that it would take such a long time, which was beyond their expectations.

So now watching Wang Feng come here, Hou Zhentian’s face immediately showed joy. He has waited for Wang Feng for too long. If Wang Feng does not come again, he is afraid that he will really be affected by the Scarlet Flame Alliance. People are forced to death.

"Why? Are you so anxious waiting for me?" Wang Feng asked with a smile.

"It's not that I'm waiting anxiously, it's that others are waiting anxiously." Hou Zhentian shook his head.

"What's so urgent about this? Anyway, you've all been in this place for such a long time, so why not stay here for a while?"

"Anyway, I see that they are eager to get out of here, they come to me every day, and I don't know how to get out, so I can only hope that you will come here sooner."

"Now you don't have to I'm here to let them out."

Said that Wang Feng's thoughts swept out like a tide.

"All those who have reached the early stage of the immortal martial realm come to me."

Wang Feng's thoughts were very powerful, and he informed everyone that at this moment, almost all the monks in the heavens knew that Wang Feng was here.

There were many cultivators who had reached the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, so when Wang Feng's voice sounded, these people gathered towards Wang Feng at their fastest speed.

Probably it was less than half a minute. Five cultivators at the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm appeared in front of Wang Feng.

Wang Feng originally thought it would be very good for the people here to have one or two cultivators at the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, but what he didn't expect was that five of the people here had broken through to the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm. It was beyond Wang Feng's expectations.

However, the more the better at this level, the more the better, even if there are more, Wang Feng will not dislike it.

"Leader, can we leave here?" At this moment, a person in front of Wang Feng asked.

"Yes, I said last time that if any of you can break through to the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, I can let you leave this place and go outside to cultivate and survive. Now you have reached the standard."


Hearing Wang Feng's words, the faces of the five people couldn't help showing joy. You must know that since they were covered by the formation, they have not left this place for a long, long time.

This is always staying in one place, they are already tired of it, so they can't wait to leave here and go outside to see what kind of world they are in. ,

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