The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3965: Empty the treasure house

It was not difficult for Wang Feng to kill these people. It only took him less than half a minute to wipe out all of these people, and none of them remained in Wang Feng's hands.

When these people died, naturally no one could stop Wang Feng from entering this treasure house, so Wang Feng directly pushed open the door of this treasure house.

The formation above this gate is almost like a decoration to Wang Feng, and Wang Feng can see through it at a glance.

What is in this treasure house Wang Feng has already used his celestial eyes to see clearly, so when he entered this treasure house, what he did was naturally to include all these things in his Dantian space. .

After all, this Shenlong Sect is only a rising power, and this background naturally cannot be compared with those big families, even the Qi family that Wang Feng destroyed at the beginning is richer than this Shenlong Sect.

However, Wang Feng's purpose in coming to this Shenlong Sect was to teach that Shenlong a lesson, so no matter what was in it, Wang Feng would be taken away by him, there was nothing left.

"In the entire Shenlong Sect, there is only one spiritual vein left with some value."

After evacuating the treasure house of the Shenlong Sect, Wang Feng murmured in his mouth, and then he left the treasure house, he was about to dig the spirit vein of the Shenlong Sect.

Wang Feng, the dragon vein of the royal family, was dug away, and now he naturally wouldn't let go of the spiritual vein of the Shenlong Sect.

"what happened?"

To dig this spiritual vein, the movement is naturally not small, and the entire Shenlong Sect is shaking violently at this moment, as if an earthquake has occurred.

The self-heating people of the Shenlong Sect who were cultivating were all awakened, and they all looked dumbfounded and did not know what was going on.

But they don’t know what happened now, and soon they knew, because the entire Shenlong Sect’s ground cracked directly, almost splitting a huge crack from it, and Wang Feng forcibly detained the Shenlong Sect’s spiritual veins. .

"Oh my God, what is this person doing?"

Seeing that the monk in the sky grabbed the spirit veins of the Shenlong Sect, many of the Shenlong Sect monks couldn't help their eyes widening with incredible colors.

You must know that Shenlong Sect has the Lord Shenlong, who dare to dig their spiritual veins so courageously? Is this fatal?

"Let go of the things in your hands, or don't blame us for being impolite."

Shenlongzong has quite a few masters, so when they saw that others had dug up their sect's spiritual veins, these people immediately started to drink.

It's just that even though they were yelling, no one took the lead, but since this person dared to come to their Shenlong Sect to dig out spiritual veins, he was naturally not a role to provoke.

"Come up if you are not afraid of death."

Hearing this, Wang Feng just sneered and said: "Shenlong Sect is not your family. If you really want to die for this Shenlong Sect, I can fulfill you."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, everyone present felt that Wang Feng was a bit arrogant. After all, he was only at the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm. Where did he have the courage to say this?

"He is alone, so many of us are still afraid of him alone?" At this time, an elder of the Shenlong Sect sneered, and then he took the lead.

With him taking the lead, it is not good for the other people to continue watching the excitement. After all, this person is digging the spiritual veins of their Shenlong Sect. If their Shenlong Sect has no spiritual veins, wouldn't they not have enough spiritual energy in their cultivation in the future ?

They can't just sit back and watch this kind of self-interest matters, so at this moment at least a dozen people have shot Wang Feng at the same time.

"There are really people who are not afraid of death."

Seeing these people rushing up towards him, Wang Feng's face showed a sarcasm. He didn't intend to kill these people, but since they were coming to die, Wang Feng naturally had to fulfill them.

Because these people are not dealt with, Wang Feng's spiritual veins may not be so easy to collect.

He has already said that if you are not afraid of death, you can come up. He didn't expect that there are a dozen people who are not afraid of death. If this is the case, Wang Feng naturally does not need to be merciful, he directly exploded his supernatural powers.

In this way, he could not miss both collecting spiritual veins and killing people, and these people would die if they didn't even think about getting close to Wang Feng.

"My cultivation base is actually declining?"

Shrouded by Wang Feng's supernatural powers, these people naturally suffered a great influence, and all their complexions changed drastically.

In Wang Feng's magical powers, they were not only unable to move an inch, even their cultivation base was still falling, and their souls were being torn apart. Under this situation, almost every one of them was panicked.

It's just that since Wang Feng's supernatural powers have been used, it is impossible for these people to escape even if they want to escape. They can only perish in Wang Feng's supernatural powers.


The screams came and went one after another. At the beginning, these people could slightly resist Wang Feng's supernatural power, but as time passed, some of these people's souls had been completely torn into two parts.

Under such circumstances, how could they not scream out, after all, the pain of tearing their souls is so painful that few people in this world can bear it.

Even if a person like Wang Feng's soul is torn apart, he might not be able to resist it?

"How is this going?"

Below, those elders of Shenlongzong who hadn't done anything saw that when they approached Wangfeng, they were all like mud cows entering the sea, and they also made screams that were not like human beings. If they were not afraid, it would be impossible. .

The people in this sky are really can torture so many people at the same time by one person.


Probably after a few breaths of time, a person suddenly uttered a terrible scream that shook the sky, and then he directly stopped all movements, and the whole person fell like a stone towards the land of the Shenlong Sect. Go down.

His soul has been torn to pieces by Wang Feng's supernatural powers, and he is dead!

For a person who was already dead, Wang Feng's supernatural powers could not continue to target him, so this person fell from the sky very easily.


The corpse fell on the ground, making the ground tremble fiercely. Seeing this scene, many Shenlong sects did not respond for a while.

You know that he is a strong player at the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, is it just like this?

His death was just a prelude. After that, other corpses fell from the sky one after another. It may not even be used for twenty breaths. Those who rushed to deal with it all fell on the ground. Above, none of them is alive, they are all dead.

Seeing this scene, the huge Shenlong Sect was a deathly silence. It was terrible. A dozen elders died so quickly. Is the person in the sky in the middle stage of the Xianwu Realm?

"Is there anyone who wants to die?" Killing these a dozen people is not a problem for Wang Feng at all, and Wang Feng can do it very easily.

And at this time, Wang Feng had already put away the spirit veins, but he still had some trophies that he had not collected before, so naturally he would not leave.

Hearing what Wang Feng said, none of the cultivators present dared to respond, because Wang Feng was too strong, so strong that none of them could rise to resist.

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