The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3963: Shenlong Collection

Wang Feng wandered around the Shenlong Sect for a while, until he was really sure that there was no Shenlong in the Shenlong Sect, Wang Feng walked towards the Shenlong.

You must know that when Wang Feng escaped from the Shenlong Sect, his identity was still a member of the Shenlong Sect, and he even had his identity badge and clothes.

Therefore, in just a few breaths, Wang Feng had already transformed himself into what he looked like when he was in the Dragon Sect, with his identity badge hanging around his waist.

"My lord, are you back?"

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the Shenlong Sect, the two people who guarded the gate suddenly showed respect, because what Wang Feng and the others could see were elders who were much taller than them. Such people can I can't afford to offend, so I respectfully invited Wang Feng in.

"Do it well, the martial art will not treat you badly." Patting the shoulders of these two men, Wang Feng was in a state of action.

"I also hope that adults can help us more in the future."


He didn't take what the other party had said to his heart at all. At this moment, Wang Feng walked into the depths of the Shenlong Sect.

The Shenlong in this Shenlong Sect is indeed no longer there, so when Wang Feng entered this Shenlong Sect, he immediately checked everywhere.

His current status is an elder, so naturally no one dares to stop him wherever he is going, even after others see him, his face still shows respect.

When they came to the place where the dragon lived before, Wang Feng was stopped by two people. The two men wore the same costumes as Wang Feng, with a cold face. When they saw Wang Feng coming, they directly extended their hands. .

"You can't get close here, don't you know?" one of them said coldly.

"You are an elder, and I am also an elder, so if you can enter, I can't enter?" Wang Feng sneered after hearing this.

"The Sect Master has an order, if anyone dares to approach here, they will kill them all!" At this time, another person said, with a full expression of killing.

It's a pity that Wang Feng didn't pay attention to these two people at all, let alone the two of them. Even if there were ten people here, that wouldn't be able to stop Wang Feng's pace.

"Since you want to stop me in this way, then I can only make you hard bones pay the price." While speaking, Wang Feng waved his sleeves, and a mask immediately enveloped the two men.

Under the light mask, Wang Feng's two hands protruded at the same time, and both accurately pinched the necks of the two men.

"Don't you want to stop me from entering? Do you see that you have that qualification?"

When Wang Feng's palm was hard, two bones cracked, but the broken neck alone wouldn't do anything to them, and it was impossible to kill them.

After all, this monk is not a mortal, and he will die if his neck is broken. The most important thing for this monk is the soul. If the soul is immortal, even if their bodies have completely disappeared, they can regroup.

Therefore, if Wang Feng wants to kill these two people, then he must wipe out the soul of the other person.

Although Wang Feng, like them, was a monk at the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, but in terms of combat power, this soul power Wang Feng did not know how much stronger than these two men.

Therefore, it is very simple to destroy their souls. Wang Feng is nothing more than a soul attack. The souls of these two people almost broke into countless pieces without much resistance, and died tragically.

When the two of them died, naturally no one would stop Wang Feng in this place, and Wang Feng directly dropped the bodies of the two and entered behind the guard of the two.

This place should be the place where the Shenlong meditates and practices on weekdays, so two elders will guard it here and keep outsiders away.

If there are no secrets, why would he not let outsiders come near?

The last time Wang Feng was fooled by the emperor, he touched the formation and was known by the other party. Therefore, after Wang Feng came here this time, he did not move anything. He first observed whether the place was dangerous or not. Just entered it.

Compared with the emperor, the place where the **** dragon practiced was definitely different. The furnishings in this place were much worse.

But this cultivation is just a place for cultivation, no matter how beautifully decorated it is, the real meaning is actually not great.

Looking around the room, Wang Feng didn't show any traces of the formation, nor did he see any bookshelves. The Shenlong training place was indeed a bit crude.

There is no bookshelf, which means that he may not have left any cultivation experience in this place.

But just when Wang Feng was about to turn around and leave here, he suddenly showed a palm print on the wall. Although this print is not particularly clear, Wang Feng is the owner of the Sky Eye. This observation power was originally better than normal. The monks are more keen.

So he found traces of people touching this place with their hands. This place is not a place where you must pass in and out of this place. So there is only one explanation for the fingerprints here, and that is that there may be another dark space behind this place.

Without opening his own heavenly eyes, Wang Feng came directly to the wall, and he placed his hand directly on this mudra.

This handprint is not as high-tech as on the earth, and it recognizes fingerprints, so when Wang Feng put his hand on there was a creaking sound in front of him, and a secret door was opened. .

This secret door leads to the bottom of the earth, and when this door is opened, a cool breeze spreads out from it.

"Unexpectedly, this old guy still has a secret door here. Fortunately, I observed it carefully, but I missed it."

Wang Feng didn't hesitate when he spoke. He started walking down this passage. Just two steps later, a light suddenly lit up in front of Wang Feng, shocking Wang Feng.

However, this light is just the beginning, and more and more lights are on in the 66th, illuminating this passage transparently.

Wang Feng could see that this passage was forcibly dug out with force, and the wall was very smooth.

But these were not what Wang Feng wanted to see, he just wanted to see what was under the cave.

"Dogday, so rich?"

When Wang Feng walked along the cave to the depths of the earth, Wang Feng found a large amount of pills and elixir here, piled up all over the floor, fearing that he would be able to catch up with the sum of other powerful forces.

It seems that this Shenlong cultivation base has broken through to the middle stage of the Immortal Martial Realm and has not less to exploit others, otherwise he could not have so many treasures.

It is said that the dragon race is a race that likes to collect treasures, and it seems that it is true now, but this dragon may not have thought that his collection will be searched by others, and will not leave him at all.

"Unfortunately, I still don't have the wealth of the royal family's treasury, but it is a worthwhile trip to harvest so many treasures at once."

Wang Feng didn't see this practice experience, but he discovered some treasures here. Many of these treasures are useful to Wang Feng, which is an unexpected gain.

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