The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3959: New changes in the star chart

"You do your business, I do my business, why am I shameless?" Hearing this, the man immediately began to cynicism and said: "If you are not convinced, you can continue to decrease the number of pills. "

"Well, you can get news from me with three hundred and fifty pills." This person has been forced on a path. He only has to reduce the number of pills, otherwise he is afraid that he won't even want to make a profit.

"three hundred."

"Two hundred and fifty."

"Two hundred."

"One hundred pills." At the beginning, the man gritted his teeth and dropped by half.

One hundred pill is already very small, and almost everyone present can take it out. After all, they are all early-level cultivators in the Immortal Martial Realm. If you can’t even take out a hundred pill, that can only prove They are poor.

"Haha, you don't actually have to pay the price. The secret of this star map is actually alluding to the acupuncture points in each of us. As long as we can activate these acupuncture points, I believe we can produce some mysterious changes."

At this time, the monk who had paid out five hundred medicines opened his mouth and directly disclosed the secret. The reason why he wanted to fight the opponent with the number of medicines was just because he wanted to sigh for himself.

Now that the number of this medicine has dropped to a hundred, he didn't have any intention to continue fighting with the other party, so he just disclosed it directly, angering the other party.

"I'm a good person, you don't have to thank me."

After saying this, the man still looked at the person who started selling the secret with a provocative look.

It seems to be saying, come hit me if you have the ability.

The secret has been made public, and this has made many people's faces uncontrollable. People who can cultivate to the level of Immortal Martial Realm are not fools at all. Some people have already shown some clues, but I dare not confirm it.

Now that they had this human word, they realized that their original idea was correct, and that this star map was indeed closely related to human acupuncture points.

"I don't know how to activate this acupuncture point?" At this time, a person asked.

"I don't know this anymore. I only know that this star map is related to the acupuncture points of the human body. As for how to activate the acupuncture points, it is up to everyone present to slowly explore. I just give you a direction. "

"Really a good person."

This is the answer that appeared in many people's hearts. This person bought the news with 500 pills, but in the end he told everyone present and helped them save the pills.

So this person is indeed no different from a good person in everyone's mind.

He had a reputation as a person, but the person who first discovered the secret was furious. He lifted his palm and took a photo directly at the person.

A great battle exploded again, this time the battle was even more tragic than before, and this person was heading towards the deadly place of the opponent everywhere.

Under such circumstances, these two people naturally became entangled in this void like crazy.

"It seems that I have to rely on myself to activate the acupuncture points."

Although these people present already knew the secrets of this star map, there were very few people who could really understand it in the end, because power could not activate the acupuncture points.


At this moment, beside Wang Feng, the voice of vomiting blood sounded, and the person who started talking with Wang Feng indiscriminately tried to activate the acupuncture points and suffered backlash and spewed blood.

"Liar, activating acupuncture points can only make us suffer backlash."

There was a loud shout from the man's mouth, and then his face immediately showed anger.


It's just that he wasn't the only person vomiting blood at this moment. At least several people around him spewed blood at the same time, and it was obvious that they had also suffered backlash.

"If anyone can work out how to activate their acupuncture points, I can reward a thousand pills." At this time, a strong man spoke, showing his boldness.

It's a pity that when he heard what he said, the people present didn't have any response, because even if they didn't understand it, even if they finally understood it, they wouldn't tell others.

Because once these secrets are told to others, they are no longer secrets. When everyone's cultivation level is improved, what is the point?

So let alone a thousand pills, even if it is 10,000, I'm afraid no one will tell him.

The previous person may have been thinking of the pill and wanted to be crazy, so he would deliberately stand up and say that he has insight into the secret of this star map. Unfortunately, he only got five hundred pill and lost the following. It is really stupid. Extremely.

After all, there are still a few stupid people like him in the world. Once they have a secret in their hands, it will become a weapon for them to dominate others. Who would say it stupidly?

Everyone already knows the basic secret of the star map, so the next direction for everyone to study is how to use this star map to improve their cultivation.

After all, the reason why people like them came here was only to improve their combat effectiveness and realm. If this star map could not help them achieve any kind of wish, then this star map would be no different from waste.

Everyone is cultivating silently, and Wang Feng is naturally no exception. He is also cultivating right now, but he hasn't been cultivating for long before he wakes up with an exclamation.

"Look, there are new changes in this star map."

The speaker was very and immediately attracted everyone's attention. At this moment, Wang Feng, like everyone else, put his eyes on the star map.

I saw that the small dots on the star map were exceptionally bright at the moment. There were five in total, located on the top, left and right, and below, which happened to be combined into a human body.

"Should our acupuncture points be activated from these places first?" Seeing this scene, someone made a sound.

Of course, this was just a kind of his guess, and he didn't know if it was such a thing.

"Who is controlling this star map? Why does it change?"

In the past few days of Wang Feng’s practice, Wang Feng can be sure that no monks of the middle level of the immortal martial realm have visited this place. Even if they have been there, they are still far enough away from them. It is impossible to control the changes in this star chart.

Wang Feng felt more and more mysterious about the power behind this **** list and this star map. They were like an omnipresent force, which was shocking.

Even if Wang Feng hadn't met anyone, they could see that Wang Feng's cultivation power had improved. This was really weird, and it made Wang Feng feel very surprised.

Since the Star Atlas had already undergone a certain change, the number of cultivators present was definitely not a small number. Wang Feng saw that many people had closed their eyes, and it seemed that they had gone to enlightenment.

Wang Feng had some doubts about the origin of this star map, but now that the star map has undergone changes, Wang Feng can naturally try it.

Just trying to try, Wang Feng always feels like being led by the nose, as if there is a pair of invisible hands in the world stirring the situation.

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