The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3940: lesson


Seeing Wang Feng grabbed all the dragon veins under the royal clan, all the people who rushed up changed their expressions.

"Let go of what you are holding, or don't blame us for being rude to you."

"Since I dared to come to the palace, I naturally didn't put you in my eyes. None of you can stop what I'm going to do. I know that you are not from the royal family. If you want to die, I don't mind. Fulfill you."

"Can we still deal with you alone?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, one of them sneered.

We must know that since they can be selected by the emperor to come to guard in this royal family, they naturally have their own abilities. In other words, each of them is an enemy, even an enemy. Ten masters.

If a few of them are not Wang Feng's opponents together, it would be a big joke.

"Then you might as well give it a try."

To be honest, these people Wang Feng didn’t care at all. No matter how powerful they were, they couldn’t stop Wang Feng’s punch. So when Wang Feng was talking, he was still collecting the dragon veins. The same attack.

"What are you waiting for, come together."

Wang Feng really looked down on them too much. Under such circumstances, how could they still be able to bear it, and they chose to shoot one after another.

"You have to die as much as you come!"

Seeing that these people actually attacked, Wang Feng couldn't help showing a trace of coldness on his face, and then he freed up one of his hands and patted them directly at the same time.

He had already said so clearly, he didn't expect that these cultivators would still sacrifice for the royal family who had nothing to do with them. In that case, Wang Feng could only serve them.


To them, Wang Feng's power was as powerful as the mighty sky. Under such circumstances, none of them could stop Wang Feng's attack. They flew out one after another, and they were not his opponents at all.

"With such combat power, I dare to stop me. I really don't know how to live or die."

Seeing these people, Wang Feng’s face showed a sneer, and then he said, “I’ll give you another chance. If you don’t want to be beheaded by the emperor, you’d better escape from the palace as soon as possible. I won’t do anything to you. ."

Hearing what Wang Feng said, the hearts of these people couldn't help but struggle, because they are not Wang Feng's opponents now. If they forcefully fight against Wang Feng, they are likely to die, but if they follow Wang Feng's words, from this palace If you escape, the Emperor Qiuhou will settle accounts, then who of them can live?

So at this moment, each of them is caught in a dilemma. It's not going to go, it's not going to go, and they don't know what to do.

But just when the few of them didn't know what to do, suddenly an overbearing voice was transmitted from the inner three layers of the core, and the Princess Changping's sister, Princess Changsheng, appeared.

This woman used to make Wang Feng very prosperous. She had a beautiful appearance, but her heart was snake-hearted. If she hadn't promised Jiang Yihuan not to kill her, Wang Feng would have killed her several times earlier.

"You are the Keqing who my father specially invited back. If you don't guard the palace now, once my father investigates them, you will be ransacked by the whole family, and you will be afflicted with the nine races!"

The longevity princess was threatening when she spoke, and the faces of these people couldn't help showing bitterness.

On the one hand, Wang Feng is very powerful, but on the other hand, the emperor is also very scared of them, and now they are really not good at being human.

"Princess, it's not that we don't want to help, it's that the other party is too strong. We are not his opponents when we join forces."

"Stinky lady, aren't you good? If you have the ability, you rush to try it?"

At this time, Wang Feng had already collected the dragon veins into his dantian, and he was still heading toward the ancestor's ancestral hall in the imperial palace. He wanted to take away all the things inside.

This battle has already begun, and the emperor may have received the news on his way back, so at this moment, Wang Feng can't delay any time, he must leave here immediately.

When he came to the top of the ancestor's ancestral hall, Wang Feng did not hesitate, he directly raised his fist, and slammed it down towards the ground.

Of course, he was not smashing indiscriminately. He was attacking the eyes of the formation in the room. As long as the eyes were broken, the formation would naturally not continue to exist and would collapse.


The earthquake trembled and the house collapsed. This formation collapsed directly under Wang Feng's fist, and nothing was left.

The formation that enveloped the house was gone. Wang Feng took the things from it as if he was in a bag, and he took it out easily.

At this point, Wang Feng had almost nothing to obtain in this palace, so he turned around and left here.

It was just that he hadn't waited until he left, when he suddenly noticed a powerful aura sweeping toward him, and almost without turning his head, Wang Feng had already noticed who the shot was.

The longevity princess Wang Feng had already decided to let her go and leave here, but she didn't expect that she would really dare to attack her back. Do you really think Wang Feng is such a talkative person?

If the Changping Princess came to Wang Feng in disorder, she would still have to teach him, let alone the Changsheng Princess?

This woman's previous actions made Wang Feng extremely disgusted, so now that she is going to sneak attack behind her, don't blame Wang Feng for being rude.

Turning his head backhand is a palm, Wang Feng used at least 80% of his body's strength in this Under such a collision, how could this longevity princess be Wang Feng’s opponent? Her attack was directly caused by Wang Feng. His palm was shattered, and then he was hit hard, and he was knocked over into the void by Wang Feng's palm, and fell straight to the ground.

At this moment, she didn't know how much blood she had vomited.

Wang Feng once promised that Jiang Yihuan would not kill the two sisters of Princess Changping, but this longevity princess almost turned Wang Feng into a puppet before. Under such circumstances, how could Wang Feng keep his hands? He didn't kill the longevity princess. Already worthy of Jiang Yihuan.

"A word of advice to you, if you don't want to die, you can run away now. If it's too late, I'm afraid you will really die."

After speaking this sentence, Wang Feng turned around and left without hesitation.

These people have nothing to do with Wang Feng. Wang Feng just doesn't want them to die for the palace, so this kindly reminded them.

As for whether they listen or not, it has nothing to do with Wang Feng. Anyway, their fate is in their own hands. If they don't leave, they will definitely die when the emperor returns.

If they leave now, there is still a chance to escape the emperor's control over them, everything depends on their own wishes.


After leaving the palace, Wang Feng rushed directly in front of his servant, and directly landed his palm on him, taking him away from here.

This palace gave birth to such a big event, the emperor would definitely not let it go, so if he stayed here at this moment, it would be no different from death, so it is true that he should escape sooner.

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