The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3931: Su Hong is still alive?

Of course, all of this was just Wang Feng's own conjecture. He actually didn't know if this **** list was such a thing. He just thought it was possible.

During this period of time, he had almost only contacted this divine fortune teller, other than that was the power of this great power.

The cultivation base of this **** fortune has just broken into the early stage of the immortal martial realm. If he is said to have the ability to create this **** list, then Wang Feng would not believe it if he was killed. This guy still does not know where to hide to retaliate against others. , How could he be the master of this **** list.

Moreover, this **** fortune teller is a person from this heaven, and it is impossible to set up this **** list.

Therefore, Wang Feng's guess is somewhat reasonable, except that the power of this great path can detect Wang Feng's improvement in cultivation level, and the change in the ranking of this **** list is really unreasonable.

His own ranking has changed, and Wang Feng also looked behind this slightly. Although there have been some changes in the rankings below, the changes are not particularly large.

You must know that the people who can be on this list of gods are definitely people with excellent cultivating talents. It is not easy for such people to surpass, so the overall change of this list of gods is not big.

There was not much change in the ranking of this young generation of powerhouses, and then Wang Feng set his sights on the list where Jiang Yihuan and the others belonged.

At the top of this list, the ranking still hasn't changed much. The first person is still the current emperor. As for the future, Wang Feng is not interested in watching it because it has little to do with Wang Feng.

He only paid attention to the people in the middle level of the Immortal Martial Realm. As for those monks in the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, these were basically not Wang Feng's opponents, and Wang Feng was useless to see it.

Just when Wang Feng's gaze was about to be removed from this list, his face suddenly couldn't help but change, because he saw a name he knew very well on it, which can also be said to be his unforgettable name. .

Su Hong!

The owner of this name once perished the heavens, and for more than one era, but after coming to this place, Wang Feng clearly killed the Emperor Su Honggou, but why is he now on this list?

Could it be said that he has not really died yet? Or is it just a person of the same name?

You must know that after Wang Feng and the Great Nine Ranks joined forces to severely inflict the Dog Emperor, Wang Feng could watch the Dog Emperor let a monster swallow it alive. At that time, not only Wang Feng saw it, but also the Great Nine Ranks.

Even everyone who stayed in Wangfeng's Dantian saw this scene. In their opinion, the dog emperor must have no bones left.

But why does his name appear on it? Could it be that the monster didn't kill him at all?

Thinking of this possibility, Wang Feng couldn't help but a little bit of chill appeared on his face. If Emperor Su Honggou had not died, then Wang Feng would definitely find a way to continue killing him.

Because he is the great enemy of everyone in the heavens, if he is alive, the people in the heavens will die, such as those who threw their heads and shed blood in the final battle.

The death of the **** emperor was because of the greed of the emperor Su Hong dog, so Wang Feng would never let the emperor dog survive.

"God fortune teller, come to me, I need you."

At this time, Wang Feng flipped his hand and took out the messenger talisman of the **** fortune teller, and said.

You must know that the **** operator owes him several opportunities to be on call. Now that Wang Feng has seen the name of Emperor Su Honggou, he naturally uses the **** operator to calculate his position, and then kill him.

Anyway, this on-call opportunity doesn't need to be in vain. With the current ability of God Calculator, he is enough to calculate the location of Emperor Su Honggou.

Last time, Wang Feng didn't look at this list carefully, otherwise he might have seen the name of Emperor Su Honggou last time.

It’s just that it’s not too late to see him. His ranking is already middle, upper and lower, and he didn’t break through to the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, so once Wang Feng knew his specific position, it shouldn’t be difficult to kill him.

"How long has it been before you started calling me, do you really think I'm free?" At this time, the voice of the fortuneteller sounded from Wang Feng's talisman, and this guy seemed a little impatient.

"Don't forget the agreement between you and me. I have five opportunities to call you on call. Now I need to use one opportunity."

After saying this sentence, Wang Feng didn't say more, because some words were said too much for fear that it would really become nonsense.

If the agreement is in front, if this divine fortune is not fulfilled, it will not be so easy for him to benefit from Wang Feng in the future.


Wang Feng is a person who keeps his promises, and this divine fortune teller is similar to Wang Feng. Although he is a little impatient now, he still has to fulfill the promise he made.

"Chuangshen Peak."

"Okay, wait for me, I'll be here in a while, bad luck."

Speaking of the last sentence, this divine fortune teller is completely cursing, and it can be seen that he is very unhappy now.

It's just that it's uncomfortable, since he promised Wang Feng, he naturally has to come here now.

The current cultivation base of the **** fortune teller is in the early stage of the immortal martial realm, and the speed of this journey is naturally very fast. Wang Feng did not wait long for the creation of the gods peak, and the **** fortune teller has already arrived here.

He almost felt his presence when he first came to Wang Feng, and came next to him.

"Sister Ni, call me from afar, if there is nothing wrong, I have to squirt you to little girl are you busy teasing? You are so angry?"

"I'm busy taking revenge, you just call me over halfway, let's talk, what do you want."

"I want to calculate a person, who is also your enemy, if you still have a little conscience."


"Su Hong is the chief culprit who destroyed the heavens."

"Do I know this person?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the face of the **** operator showed a look of surprise.

You must know that when the heavens were about to be destroyed, he came directly to this star field, and Su Hong had never seen him before, let alone the one who led the destruction of the heavens.

"You may not know, but I do know that the reason why the heavens are destroyed is because of his selfish desires, so now you help me figure out his whereabouts, and I am going to kill him."

"He is also in this star field?"

"Yes, he destroyed our heavenly realm, and in this star field where we are, the royal family also sent a large number of masters to slaughter his star field, so he also fled here."

"Then it's okay. Since he is the murderer who destroyed our heavenly realm, he should be punished. There are so many people here. I can't figure it out well. Let's change to a quieter place."

"Then go to the unmanned star ahead, it should be safe to calculate on it."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's hurry up."

The cultivation bases of Wang Feng and Divine Fortune Teller are not low. Under such circumstances, the two of them quickly descended on an unmanned star. Here, Wang Feng gave the Divine Fortune Teller to see the portrait of Emperor Suhong Dog. Then the fortuneteller did not hesitate, he immediately began to calculate.

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