The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3677: The game between princess and prince

The opening time of the gods list is approaching little by little, and the number of people here is constantly increasing. The number of strong people in this older generation is visible. The number of young masters is becoming more and more. Many people are It's here to compete for the ranking of the gods list.

Although Wang Feng is in the late Blood Saint Realm, he is not outstanding among the younger generation, because there are many young people who have reached the Immortal Martial Realm, and it is strange that he can stand out.

What Wang Feng and Jiang Yihuan did not expect was that at the moment when the gods list was opened on this day, a peerless white-clothed woman in the sky came here, and the power of the initial cultivation of the fairy martial realm radiated from her body, she It's here to participate in this **** list.

Last year, she didn't come to participate in this **** list because of the incident, but since she is here this year, she must come to participate in this **** list.

And it was not only her, but at this moment there was another woman by her side. This woman was the one who almost killed Wang Feng at the beginning, that is, her younger sister, not a real sister.

These two people immediately became the focus of the audience, because whether it is Princess Changping or her sister, they all have a peerless appearance. If such a person cannot be the focus, it would be really strange. Up.

"The arrival of the two peerless goddesses really makes us flourish here." Someone said at this time, but the Changping Princess and sisters didn't pay attention to him at all, which made him embarrassed.

Princess Changping didn't come last year, but after she came this year, she missed another part. These people are the young geniuses of the Ye family.

They are now fighting against the imperial palace. Once they show up, they may be even more dangerous than Wang Feng. Therefore, none of the young children of the Ye family will come this year. It is a lot of money for the young people.

Because of the lack of strong contenders, their rankings in the gods can be squeezed up again, and they can get more benefits.

This is a good thing for them, they wish more people would not come, so that they could get more benefits.

The arrival of Princess Changping made the atmosphere a bit high, because everyone wanted to get the attention of beautiful women, especially Princess Changping, a peerless goddess with a high status.

Next to Wang Feng, when Jiang Yihuan saw the arrival of Princess Changping, his body couldn't help but tremble slightly. It was obvious that he cared about Princess Changping very much in his heart, but now there are so many people here, what is he? Can't do it, can only watch Princess Changping quietly.

It seemed that he felt the gaze of Jiang Yihuan, and the gaze of Princess Changping also looked towards them.

Princess Changping is really familiar with Wang Feng, so when she saw Jiang Yihuan and Wang Feng, she almost recognized Wang Feng’s identity at once, because she saw Wang Feng’s eyes and naturally also saw Wang Feng’s. Nature.

It's just that she didn't make it clear that Wang Feng was here, she just looked at them two more.

When everyone saw this Princess Changping looked at Wang Feng and Jiang Yihuan more, they only regarded the Princess Changping as the one who looked at Jiang Yihuan. After all, Jiang Yihuan also has a very powerful cultivation base. The two of them looked at each other, naturally, it was normal, because This is the eye contact between the strong and the strong.

It's just that others don't know that the main thing that Princess Changping is watching now is Wang Feng, because she has seen through Wang Feng's disguise, so she naturally looked at Wang Feng more.

"Brother, you have been sitting cross-legged in this void for such a long time, have you waited for the person you are waiting for?" At this time, the woman next to Princess Changping asked.

"Qi Mingtao, this coward dare not come out." The prince sneered, and then he put away his weapon.

The gods list is about to open. Qi Mingtao hasn’t appeared yet. Whether this person arrives here or not, I’m afraid he’s unlikely to show up. So this big prince doesn’t have to wait any longer. He may not be able to wait for him to ask. People waiting.

"The skills are not as good as humans, and we have to do so many things to lose the face of our royal family." At this time, Princess Changping spoke, not giving the prince any face.

Although the eldest prince is of high authority, she, Princess Changping, is also a daughter that her father loves very much. If these two people work together, neither of their father will blame it.

This Princess Changping has not dealt with the prince since she was a child. This prince is the most powerful and prestigious among the male princes, but Princess Changping is also the most powerful on the female side, so neither of them can Whoever serves, naturally this struggle will not be less.

Others dare not say this prince, but this Princess Changping dare.

"You are amazing, why don't you surpass my ranking? Take the first place on this **** list?" The prince sneered, and also did not put Princess Changping in his eyes.

This woman has been stumbling upon him since he was a child. If he hadn't had this stinky woman, maybe he would have already sat on the position of prince as he wished. How could he still be the prince until now, so naturally this big prince would He hates this Princess Changping very much, and of course he won't give her a good face.

"I can't get the first place in the gods list. Naturally, someone can do it. Didn't you let others surpass it last year? What can you be proud of?"

This big prince wants to use the Celestial List to run against the Changping Princess, and this Changping Princess can naturally use the Celestial List to in turn hurt the great prince.

No matter how powerful people were, they couldn't surpass Wang Feng in the end. Is there anything to show off?

"If Qi Mingtao comes again this year, I will definitely let him be frustrated in my Speaking of this, the big prince squeezed the palm of his hand, showing the very strong confidence in him.

Last time he thought it was a sure thing for him to win the gods list of this day. After all, he had been like this for several years in a row, so he was a little relaxed, but this time is different. No matter if Qi Mingtao comes or not, he will have to. With all his best effort, this day the gods list is number one, he has taken it!

"Then let's wait and see." Others may not know whether Qi Mingtao has come, but this Princess Changping knows that he has already come.

And she also knew that Qi Mingtao was the Wang Feng that the royal family had been pursuing. She didn't expect Wang Feng's cultivation talent to be so powerful that he could even win the first place on the list of gods. It was a bit unwise for the royal family to be an enemy of him.

After all, such geniuses should try their best to win them in, not suppress them.

It's a pity that there is no room for reconciliation between the royal family and Wang Feng, and she will not play the role of peacemaker. In what direction this matter will eventually develop, it has nothing to do with her. Don't want to interfere.

"This **** is not willing to show up now, most of it has been beheaded." The prince said, taunting Wang Feng heartily.

The man named Qi Mingtao had already offended their royal family to death. Once he appeared now, he would definitely die without a place to bury him. With so many royal masters, everyone could beat him to death with a single palm.

"Speaking of other people's trash, I think you are nothing more than that. You can't even surpass others in the ranks of the gods. You only know that you are the biggest trash."


Hearing this, the prince was furious, and almost drew his sword against the Changping Princess. In the end, it was the peak master of the Shenfeng who came out to mediate, and they gave up.

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