The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3666: Invincible

The Sect Master of the Heavenly Sun Sect is the cultivation base of the late Blood Saint Realm, and Wang Feng is also in this realm, but now their people in the Sky Sun Sect are going to be reduced to the point of relying on siege. This represents the bow of the Sect Master of the Sky Sun. It is more uncomfortable than killing him.

But Wang Feng has already killed them. If they don't know how to resist, I'm afraid they will show others a joke.

"Sect Master, you play forward, we will assist you from the back." At this time, an elder of the Tianyang Sect opened his mouth, and did not rush upwards rashly, because they all knew that their cultivation base was not as good as the Sect Master and the other young people. of.

Even if they rush in front, they may not be able to do anything to Wang Feng other than occupying the position, so this burden is still only their Sect Master can pick up, they can only hide behind and play support.

"it is good."

Hearing the words of the elder, the Sect Master of the Tianyang Sect finally responded. He was also a monk of the late Blood Saint Realm. Even if his mood was greatly shaken before, but now the entire sect is watching him. , He must not admit counsel, so he must now take action against Wang Feng.

"Let you make a move, why are such ink marks? If you don't make a move again, then I will make a move." At this time, Wang Feng urged on the opposite side, making all these people's complexions savage.

"Too much bullying!"

The Sect Master of Tianyang Sect gave a loud shout, and then he rushed towards Wang Feng, like a tiger, directly hitting Wang Feng's body shield.

Following the action of the Sect Master of the Heavenly Sun Sect, the elders behind him did not hesitate, and they all followed. Although their cultivation is not in the late Blood Saint Realm, but they are all joined together now, that power is not tolerated. I'm underestimated, whether you can beat this young man depends on their combined blow.

Everyone has no reservations, they have used their full strength, so now they are all counting on this blow to smash Wang Feng's protective mask, or even kill Wang Feng.

However, there is always a gap between this imagination and reality. They think that all of them can kill Wang Feng together, but in fact they can't kill Wang Feng at all, and even his body shield can't be broken.

In the incomparable violent power, Wang Feng was not damaged at all. On the contrary, these people suffered a strong shock force because of excessive force.

Seeing Wang Feng's mask still did not waver at all, the expressions of all the Tianyang Sects who took the shot changed drastically, because none of them thought that Wang Feng was so powerful, and even if they joined forces, they couldn't help each other. How strong is he?

"The three tricks are over, now it's my turn." At this time, Wang Feng made a sound, and then he took the initiative to remove his body shield. Dealing with these people was like eating and drinking water for him. Simple, even he can defeat all these people with just one move.

"Friends of Taoism, please don't take action, we are willing to give Lingmai." Seeing that Wang Feng was about to take action, the Sect Master of Tianyang Sect said quickly.

Now he is afraid of Wang Feng, a person's body shield is so strong, if he wants to make a move, I am afraid that all of them will be defeated or even killed by just one move.

The Sect Master of the Tianyang Sect was a very small person himself, so seeing that they could no longer stop Wang Feng, he was naturally willing to give spiritual veins.

At least the spiritual veins are lost, and they will not be killed. This is a blessing in the misfortune. The people who saved their Tianyang sect, there are talents and everything, although the spiritual veins are important, the loss of the spiritual veins is better than them. Good to be killed.

"Are you really willing?" Hearing the other party's words, Wang Feng's face showed an unexpected look, because he didn't expect this Tianyang Sect's sect master to be so witty. It seems that this person has already felt their disadvantage and is unwilling. The people on your side suffer.

It's just that he is willing to give spiritual veins, but others are not willing, such as the elders of their Tianyang Sect.

We must know that a spiritual vein is the foundation for a power to operate. If there is no strong spiritual energy to support it, how can they cultivate?

So this spiritual vein must never be taken out.

"Sect Master, we can't give this spirit vein, and we can't let him take it away." An elder of the Tianyang Sect spoke with a very strong tone, as if he felt that he could hold this spirit vein.

"Yeah, Sect Master, this spirit vein is the lifeblood of our Tianyang Sect, how can we give it to him?" The other elder also agreed, and it seemed that only by saying that would they appear to be bloody.

But they are really stupid. They haven't seen the situation clearly. Wang Feng's strength is no longer what they can resist. Even if they are defending, they must be able to defend it. Hearing these two people's words, this The Sect Master of Tianyang Sect couldn't help but feel anxious, even he glared at these two people.

It's just that the two of them didn't understand the meaning of their suzerain at all, they were still yelling endlessly, and even getting louder.

"You want to **** our Heavenly Sun Sect's spiritual veins, unless you step on us first."

"Looking at how fierce you are, then I'm as you wish." While speaking, Wang Feng raised his hand and pointed at the elder Tianyangzong who was speaking.

Seeing this scene, the face of the Sect Master of the Sky Sun Sect changed drastically, but it was too late to wait until he wanted to How powerful is Wang Feng's power, dealing with this person is like crushing to death. It’s as easy as an ant. Under one finger, the elder of the Tianyang Sect hadn’t reacted yet, he felt a destructive force sweeping over him, and his whole body flew out towards the rear, his bones covered. Almost all shattered at this moment, and he was vomiting blood. He was seriously injured and died. Seeing this scene, the other yelling elder did not dare to speak any more, but his eyes widened. Hell look on his face.

Wang Feng is really terrifying. He beat their Tianyang Sect elders like this in an instant with a single finger. If that strand fell on his own ground, he might end up with this person who flew out. same.

Thinking of this, he dared not stand in front of the crowd, but hid behind others. It seemed that only in this way could he feel the slightest sense of security.

"Friends, don't make any more moves, we are willing to give spiritual veins." At this time, the Sect Master of Tianyang Sect shouted.

If Wang Feng continues to take action, I am afraid that in the end what their Tianyang Sect will lose will not only be their spiritual veins, but the entire sect will be destroyed. Such consequences cannot be bear by the Sect Master of Heavenly Sun.

"Since I am willing to give spiritual veins, then I will give you another chance."

Seeing that the effects of killing chickens and monkeys had come out, Wang Feng didn't want to continue to commit crimes. After all, these people had no grievances with him, and killing them would be of no benefit to Wang Feng, so he simply let them go, after all. I have already got what I want, why should Wang Feng embarrass these people?

"Okay, thank you fellow Daoist and fellow Daoist." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the Sect Master of Tianyang Sect, as if he was amnesty, hurriedly endured heartache to dig out their spiritual veins.

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