The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3643: Ye family leader

"There are more and more masters."

It didn't take long for Wang Feng to find that the number of masters here has reached 10,000, and this number is still increasing.

I'm afraid that even when the Ye Family was at its peak, their Ye Family stars had never had so many masters gathered, this time it was definitely an exception.

When Wang Feng and the others were waiting at this place, several groups of people had come to them and wanted to join forces with them.

Among them, they mainly wanted to cooperate with Jiang Yihuan, but they were directly rejected by Wang Feng before they had thrown an olive branch to Jiang Yihuan, and they were not given a chance.


At this moment, a thunder-like voice rose on the ground, and the void seemed to explode in an instant. A person crossed out of it, and the overwhelming coercion made everyone present couldn't help but change their faces.

"This... the patriarch of the Ye family is here."

At this time, Jiang Yihuan murmured to himself, and then he didn't hesitate, he immediately began to retreat around Wang Feng and Shenfuzi.

When he came to this place before, he simply dropped the **** fortune teller, but when the moment of life and death came, he didn't do anything wrong, but took away the **** fortune teller.

The patriarch of this Ye family has now been promoted to the middle stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, far more tyrannical than their early people in the Immortal Martial Realm. This Jiang Yihuan even understands that he might not even be able to go down three rounds in front of the Ye family chief. .

In order to escape for his life in front of his brother last time, he had almost exhausted all his hole cards, so what would he do to resist the family chief Ye?

This is the site of the Ye family. The Ye family must have grown up for the things they wanted to unearth from the Ye family's ancestor land. Obviously, the Ye family has also received news.

"God fortune teller, it seems that we can't participate in it anymore." At this time, Wang Feng spoke, obviously a little surprised.

The head of the Ye family is here. Doesn't this mean that the master of the royal family will also appear?

"I don't want to embarrass you, if you don't want to die, get out!"

At this time, the head of the Ye family made a majestic voice. Although he is not the emperor, his current power is no longer weaker than that of the emperor. If anyone dares to underestimate him, he will probably pay a heavy price.

A powerful breath swept over the sky, covering everyone in it, and the weak were even directly pressed on the ground, unable to move.

"Walk around."

The aura of the head of the Ye family is so strong that many people can’t resist it. So at this moment, some people who are afraid of things quickly escaped and don’t want to stay in this place. After all, the place to unearth the treasure is the ancestral land of the Ye family. Qualified and able to come back to fetch their own things.

As for the others, they are now looters, and they are simply not qualified to stay here.

Under the shadow of death, many people here left most of them in an instant. Almost all the blood-sacred cultivators disappeared. They didn't even have the realm of Immortal Martial Realm, so why stay in this place?

With their cultivation base, I'm afraid they can't even resist the aftermath of other people's battles, so they can only leave here with interest.

Those who have not left are mostly in the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm. Although their cultivation is not as good as the Ye family leader, they are worse than the number of people. If they join hands, they may not be afraid of the Ye family leader.

And most of them haven’t seen what the Ye family is going to come out of. Wouldn’t it be a shame to leave like this? So even if they take huge risks, they want to see what it is. What?

"Aren't you leaving?" At this time, the head of the Ye family sneered and asked.

Hearing what he said, none of the surrounding people responded to him, because they all knew in their hearts that if they responded now, they would probably face death next. Who would dare to speak out against the family chief Ye at this time?

"If you don't leave now, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to leave here in a while." Seeing that these people are not leaving, the family chief Ye didn't say anything, because for him, he would kill these people. It is no different from killing chickens and dogs, and his main energy now is not on these people, but within his family.

"The royal family has occupied my Ye family's ancestors for such a long time. Shouldn't it be time to return it to me?" At this time, the head of the Ye family made a calm voice, and then he took a step forward. When he appeared again, he had already Entered the original headquarters of his Ye family.

When they were chased away by the royal family, they were almost like bereaved dogs. In the days that followed, they were even more panicked all day long, afraid that the royal family would find them, even if they were hiding in a safe place. worried.

Because what they have to face is the entire royal family.

The royal family has occupied this star field for too long. The masters in their palace are like clouds, and they don't know how much tyrannical than their Ye family. Under such circumstances, even if the Ye family wants revenge, they are not qualified enough. , So they have been living in panic.

But who could have imagined that they would actually have a mid-term existence in the realm of immortal martial arts. With the patriarch, they would have a certain amount of confidence to resist even when facing the royal family. So now I heard that the world has appeared in Yejiazudi The vision, they will naturally come back.

Things that belong to their Ye family, they must take them back.

"What do you want to do?" Hearing the words of the head of the Ye family, in the headquarters where the Ye family is located, a dozen members of the royal family filed out immediately, all looking at the head of the Ye family warily.

All of their cultivation bases were in the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm, and they were considered top powerhouses.

It's just that they are a bit inferior compared with the head of the Ye family, because their cultivation base is one level lower than that of the head of the Ye family.

Now this family chief Ye gave them the feeling of being supreme, almost equivalent to his majesty.

A gap of one level is enough to cause a huge gap in their combat effectiveness, which is almost impossible to cross. Even if they have more than a dozen people, they still can't feel the slightest sense of security when standing in front of the head of the Ye family.

As if they were the food that had already arrived in front of the beast's mouth, they could be swallowed at any time.

"What do I want to do, don't you all know it well in your hearts?" Hearing what the other party said, a sneer appeared in front of the family chief Ye, and then he raised his hand towards these royal masters. I just shot it.

The people outside were afraid of the power of the royal family and dared not rush into the original headquarters of the Ye Family, at least they dared not go in before the treasure appeared.

After all, facing a behemoth like the royal family, how could they not waver in their hearts, but the Ye family leader is different. The Ye family and the royal family have already torn apart their faces. The royal family killed many of their Ye family, and even Their Ye family drove away from their homeland, so now the head of the Ye family won't be polite and will kill him directly.

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