The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3624: Unexpected

"go with!"

When the power in his fist was accumulated to a point that even Wang Feng himself felt terrified, there was a sound in his mouth that only he could hear, and then he raised his fist and blasted towards the heavenly Ji Taoist.

"As long as you have thousands of cards, you will become nothing in front of this seat."

While speaking, the Taoist Heavenly Ji didn't see any resistance. The void in front of him was constantly collapsing, and then a void was formed, which swallowed Wang Feng's power in an instant.

"The power of space?"

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng couldn’t help but change his color, because he didn’t expect this Heavenly Ji Taoist to have such a hand. Not to mention that the punch just now was Wang Feng’s full power, at least 70% of his power, but even so, He didn't hurt this Tianji Taoist person either.

"Haha, I knew that this person was not the opponent of the Taoist Heavenly Journey, and the sentence was already high with just one move." At this time, a crowd of onlookers made a loud laugh, and no one was optimistic about Wang Feng.

No matter how strong his boxing power is, but he hasn't hurt the people of Heavenly Mystery and Dao. This is the gap in realm, like a chasm, it is difficult to cross.

"Does this need to be said? Tianji Taoist is a big figure who has been famous for a long time, how many people in the world are his opponents?" At this time, someone agreed.

Opposite the Taoist Heavenly Mystery, although Wang Feng saw that the black hole created by the other party had absorbed his fists, Wang Feng could also see that the Taoist Heavenly Mystery snorted slightly.

Obviously what he was using was not the power of space, it was just the secretary. It was not that he was not injured. It was just that his muffled noise was so small that no one outsider could see it. Even Wang Feng was only aware of the other's breath. It was slightly disordered so suddenly, and instantly returned to normal.

"You are not my opponent."

The Taoist Tianji made a sound, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

"I asked you to make a shot, and you have already shot it now, and then it's your turn."

There was a sound from the Taoist Tianji, and he saw his eyes like torches, lifted his palm, and covered it towards Wang Feng.

At this moment, all the power within more than ten miles surging crazily, gathered towards the palm of the Heavenly Mystery Taoist.

This is to use the power of heaven and earth to deal with Wang Feng. Wang Feng uses his fist to deal with this Tianji Taoist. Now Tianji Taoist is hitting Wang Feng back and forth with his palm. It seems that this Tianji Taoist does not take advantage of Wang Feng at all.

In order to win the respect of others, this Tianji Taoist can be regarded as painstakingly.

Does he just think that his palm won Wang Feng?

Wang Feng's physical body is unparalleled in the world, and people who are tougher than his own cultivation base are no problem. Therefore, the Tianji Taoist wants to use such a palm to defeat Wang Feng, that is simply wishful thinking.

"It seems that the victory or defeat is about to be divided, with the palm of the Heavenly Ji Taoist, this man will undoubtedly die!" At this time, someone could see how terrifying this palm of the Heavenly Ji Taoist was.

"Boy, everything is over, you want to make trouble with me, now you have to pay for everything you did."

While speaking, the palm condensed by the Taoist Heavenly Mystery finally broke out and crushed directly towards Wang Feng.

Although the power of this palm is not the full strength of the Tianji Taoist, it is at least 80%. If the average blood saint realm late-level cultivator encounters such a power, there is simply a way to die.

But Wang Feng is not an ordinary monk, and his power is not comparable to ordinary people. Invincible in the Blood Saint Realm is not that simple.

"Break strength with strength."

There was a sound from Wang Feng's mouth, and then he raised his fist, directly as Broken Star Fist erupted.

The power of this punch is far greater than before, and the brilliance that burst out at that moment is almost impossible to open their eyes. Many people even choose to close their eyes to eliminate the irritation of the light.

As for Wang Feng and Taoist Tianji, they were directly wrapped up by this violent light, and people outside couldn't see the battle inside.

"Is this young man defeated?" someone said, thinking that Wang Feng might have been defeated or killed.

After all, his cultivation level can't be compared with the Daoist of Heavenly Mystery, and with his hands, it is like hitting a rock with a pebbles, how could he be an opponent of Daoist of Heavenly Mystery.

"It is inevitable that he will lose, and now is to see if he will fall."

Someone spoke again, and no one was optimistic about Wang Feng, and felt that it was impossible for him to persist.

But as the light gradually dimmed, when everyone could see the situation clearly, everyone present couldn't help taking a breath, and even showed a shocked expression.

Because he was in the void at this moment, Wang Feng was still standing steadily on the spot, and the Heavenly Ji Taoist was lifted out, with blood on his mouth.

The dignified Taoist of Heaven is not the opponent of this young man.

"How could you be so strong?"

Looking at Wang Feng, the expression of the Taoist Heavenly Journey was as if he had seen a ghost, his face was incredible.

You must know that his cultivation level surpassed Wang Feng, and he was a big realm higher, but even under such circumstances, he was actually inferior to Wang Feng in strength, which was too much for him.

As for the monks of the Tianji Taoist temple who were watching the battle, their expressions changed drastically at this moment, because none of them thought that the Tianji Taoist would suffer from Wang Feng's none of them expected this. .

"We all go together."

At this time someone spoke, and then all the masters of their Tianji Taoist Temple gathered together, wanting to run to the place where the Tianji Taoist was to help him.

"Dao Master, we are here to help you kill this Liao."

A person from Tianji Taoist Temple shouted and rushed directly up.


Seeing this scene, the Taoist Tianji yelled directly, preventing these people from helping him.

His realm is higher than Wang Feng, he just lost to Wang Feng, just because he was too careless, did not expect Wang Feng to be so powerful.

But now if he allows his own people to help, he will be directly inferior, and even become a laughing stock in others' mouths.

The cultivation base is higher than others, and he is a senior, but he actually needs others to help him besiege people whose cultivation base is weaker than his own. This kind of thing will never be allowed to happen, it is simply a smear on his face.

"Daoist, the second son must be killed." At this time, a person from the Tianji Taoist temple shouted loudly.

"I asked you to withdraw. Didn't you hear what I said clearly?" The Tianji Taoist gave a low voice, and his complexion instantly became ugly.


Seeing that the Taoist commander was already angry, these people didn't dare to continue rushing forward, because they didn't want to offend the Taoist commander.

"I admit that I underestimated you, but you can make me suffer the first time, can you make me suffer the second time?"

Seeing Wang Feng, this Tianji Taoist spoke, he was obviously angry. Before he was only careless, then Wang Feng would not want to deal with him easily, because he would show his true ability.

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