The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3512: Deceive

Chapter 3512

"Give you three breaths of time to consider, are you directly escorted back to trial like this, or you let me help you, I think this choice should not be difficult for you?"

"Not difficult?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the people around him seemed to be stuck in their throats, and their faces were very bitter. If this choice is not difficult, what other choices are difficult in this world?

If they don’t bribe Wang Feng, they will definitely be punished severely after they go back. If Wang Feng can help them speak good things, then the scene must be of another kind. So after thinking about it, someone immediately agreed to Wang Feng, willing Give your space ring to Wang Feng, at least so that they can feel better after they go back.

If someone takes the lead, someone will follow suit, so in just a while, everyone present agreed to Wang Feng's unreasonable request and was willing to hand over all the valuable things in his possession.

By Wang Feng's side, although the tortoise shell had a calm expression, his heart was always holding a smile because Wang Feng had always used his superb acting skills to deceive everyone present.

It's a pity that these people are so stupid, as if they didn't go out with their heads, they all believed Wang Feng's words, once they proclaimed their own cultivation base, then what awaited them was death.

It's just that these people are still willing to hand over their space ring before they die. If such people are not stupid, then there is probably no real fool in this world.

"For the sake of you all being so sensible, I will definitely help you speak nice things after I go back. Just say that our place has been attacked by a wave of strange forces, and your punishment will definitely be lighter by then."

"Thank you."

Someone thanked Wang Feng.

Comparing this offense to the family line and the disadvantage of guarding, they all know which one is more important. The latter is at best a crime of negligence, but the former may be deprived of the status of the royal family, so they must be thankful Take Wang Feng.

"If this is the case, then you should all seal your own cultivation." Seeing these people are very cooperative, Wang Feng said.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, the people present couldn't help showing embarrassment on their faces. There was no problem with arresting them and going back to trial, but now the problem lies in the seal repair.

Once the cultivation base is sealed, they will not have any resistance. For them, it is like others asking them to take off their clothes, which is very embarrassing.

"Do you want me to help you seal the repair base?" Wang Feng sneered at seeing these people lingering.

"Remind you, if you ask me to help you seal the repair, if you break your hands and feet, don't blame me for being rude."

"Then let's do it ourselves."

Thinking of the old man who was cut in half by Wang Feng with an axe, the people around couldn’t help but feel cold. Although their self-styled cultivation made them very uncomfortable, at least they were still alive. Compared with the previous old man, they Fortunately.

"I just like to stay with people who are acquainted." Wang Feng's mouth made a sound, and a smile appeared on his face.

Seeing these people one after another sealing his own cultivation base, Wang Feng's face also showed a smile, because he did not expect these people to be so stupid, and even coaxing them could make them seal their cultivation base. , As long as their cultivation base is sealed, even if the tortoise shell is shot, they can be killed without Wang Feng.

"I hope you can remember what you said." At this time, the last monk who had not sealed his cultivation base spoke, hoping that Wang Feng could keep his promise.

"You don't need to worry about this. You only need to do your own thing."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, this person did not hesitate anymore, he directly used his own power to completely seal his own cultivation base.


Seeing that everyone had successfully sealed his own repair base, Wang Feng winked at the tortoise shell and said, "What should I do next, don't I need to say?"


Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell nodded, and naturally understood what Wang Feng was going to do. The cultivation base of these people had been sealed by themselves, so the tortoise shell's killing of them was no different from killing chickens and dogs.

"You liar." A monk said, cursing Wang Feng.

It's just that Wang Fengquan didn't hear what he said, because Wang Feng wouldn't let them go what they said. These people's identities are royal family, whether it is a direct line or a side line, as long as it is a royal family, that is enough.

Because Wang Feng wanted to kill these royal family members to make them suffer losses.

"I didn't lie to you, everything is your own volition." Wang Feng said confidently.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, all the people around him drank, because none of them thought they would be fooled by Wang Feng.

After the self-appointed cultivation base, they have no resistance, so even if the tortoise shell shot, they are not opponents. After just a few breaths, there was a scream on the scene. All these people suffered from the tortoise shell. s attack.

No matter how they scolded Feng thought he didn't hear it. Just half a minute later, when the battle ended, all these people died tragically in the hands of the turtle shell, and their corpses and turtle shells were not let go, all All income went into their own hands.

The space ring of these people fell into Wang Feng's hands, and the corpses were taken away by the tortoise shell. All of these people were divided between Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, leaving nothing behind.

"Wang Feng, it's so stupid that these people would let you cheat so easily."

"I can't say that they are too stupid, I am too smart." Wang Feng said, touching gold on his face without blushing.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell suddenly showed contempt. This Wang Feng even said such words, it was shameless to the extreme.

"This place is a very rich vein of spirit stone, there are still a lot of finished products they mined here, and now all of them are cheap to us."

Although Wang Feng doesn't have much demand for spirit stones now, but these spirit stones are not needed for nothing anyway, why does Wang Feng leave them to others?

"Then what are you waiting for? Get them all away." While talking, Wang Feng smashed the opponent's treasury, revealing the mountain-like spirit stone.

There is no way to count the number of these spirit stones. Even if Wang Feng has no need for them, he is still shocked now, because he did not expect that there are so many spirit stones here.

"Fortunately, the fortune teller is not here. If he is here at the moment, I am afraid he will faint happily."

The higher the cultivation level and the farther he goes, the more Wang Feng misses people in the past. Perhaps this is what others call homesickness. Even those enemies in the past Wang Feng miss them very much, because they are all Wang Feng’s old friends. .

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