The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3510: Leapfrog

Both sides were thinking about killing each other, so it was impossible for this old man to keep his hands on Wang Feng, he even tried his best.

But Wang Feng is not something to provoke. No matter how fierce this old man is, Wang Feng can deal with it. Even if he can't deal with it, he can resist it with his own flesh, because his flesh has been strengthened once. , Even if it is someone whose cultivation base is stronger than his own, he can use his physical body to fight against them forcibly.

"How can your physical body be so strong?"

Seeing Wang Feng unable to attack for a long time, the old man couldn't help showing a look of surprise, because he didn't expect Wang Feng to be so powerful. He is only in the late Blood Saint Realm. Why should he fight against himself?

His combat power is simply so powerful, is this still a normal late blood cultivator?

"Why is it so powerful? Does it have anything to do with you?" Wang Feng sneered, and then said, "You old guy should wash your neck and wait for death."

"If you want to kill me, are you sure you have the qualifications?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the old man sneered, and then said, "Only you are killed by me."

"The Sun Bible!"

With a low drinking sound in his mouth, Wang Feng burst out his own solar bible.

The reason why Wang Feng did this was completely worried that other people would gather and attack at this time, so the sun swept through the real fire. Once these people got close to him, they would definitely be burned to death. There was no suspense at all.

Of course, the real fire of the sun is not only affecting these blood saint realm level monks, this old man who has surpassed the blood saint realm level has also suffered a certain impact.

Because he has never practiced the fire system, he has no way to withstand this terrifying flame power with his physical body alone, so he can only release his body shield during the battle, so his Naturally, power is consumed more quickly.

However, in comparison, Wang Feng's cultivation strength was consumed faster, because he was not a person of this state after all, and the reason why he could fight against them completely relied on the power of the cells inside his body.

Once the cell power was exhausted, Wang Feng would not be able to continue to explode such combat power.

The long battle is very unfavorable for Wang Feng. So in the course of the battle, Wang Feng turned his hand and took out several pills and stuffed them all into his own mouth. With the help of these pills, Wang Feng’s The strength of repair is quickly recovering.

Turning his hand and taking out his own sky-opening axe, Wang Feng directly pointed the sharp-edged side of the sky-opening axe directly at the old man, and had been fighting against the opponent. Wang Feng suffered a lot, so Wang Feng must end the battle.

Although Wang Summit has some risks in this way, if this continues to be consumed, Wang Feng will be unable to hold on, so he must kill the old man.

"What weapon is this?"

Looking at the axe that Wang Feng took out, the old man's eyes condensed, and a sense of crisis rose in his heart. He knew that the weapon Wang Feng took out must be very powerful. Even if he resists, he might not be able to stop it. Therefore, in the process of fighting Wang Feng, he is constantly retreating, preparing to temporarily avoid Wang Feng's edge.

Was it just that Wang Summit told him to leave?

Since Wang Feng had already taken out the sky-opening axe, his purpose was very simple, that is, to hack the opponent to death. If the old man did not die, Wang Feng would not be able to kill the other person, and even himself would be in danger.

So when the old man retreated, Wang Feng directly lifted the sky-opening axe in his hand and chopped it down.

Like the light of creation, under the brilliance of the sky-opening axe, the surrounding royal monks couldn’t help closing their eyes, because the light was so dazzling that they couldn’t straighten their eyes. Depending on.

"everything is over."

There was a muttering sound in his mouth, and the light of Wang Feng's Sky-Opening Axe directly hit half of the old man's body. It was not that the old man didn't want to go. It was because Wang Feng broke out this attack so fast that he did not Way to dodge.

Therefore, in desperation, he could only use his full strength and condense a light shield in front of him. He hoped that the light shield could block the axe power that Wang Feng had burst out.

It's a pity that imagination is beautiful, and reality is always cruel. His light shield is like a piece of paper under the light of this open axe. It is easily torn into two halves and hides here. The old man behind the light shield also paid a huge price for this, and the direct body was divided into two, respectively, scattered towards the two sides of the void.

It is difficult to recover from the injury of the Sky-Opening Axe, so after using the Sky-Opening Axe to split the opponent's body in half, the real fire of the sun directly swept up and completely wrapped the old man's body.

At the same time, Wang Feng took out his roots and put a lot in his own mouth.

After using the Sky Open Axe, Wang Feng’s power of cultivation was almost consumed 90%, so he must recover as quickly as possible, otherwise once the people around him gather and attack, Wang Feng’s troubles may be Big.

It’s just that Wang Feng really overestimated these members of the royal family. He watched Wang Feng split the body of a super strong man in half ~ ~ almost all of them were scared stupid, how could it be possible? Still have the guts to challenge Wang Feng.

At this moment, they have fallen into absolute panic, because none of them thought that Wang Feng was so powerful, and even cut a super strong in half with an axe. This picture is really shocking for them. , Almost made their hearts stop beating at this moment.


The body was split in half, and the old man did not die because of it. After all, he was a very powerful monk. Even if he was hit by the opening axe, he did not fall on the spot, but was still alive.

There is just one sentence that is well said, this capital crime can be avoided, so he is now suffering from boundless pain, and it is normal to utter a scream.

Hearing this sound, everyone around felt chills in their backs, because this sound was like a lingering spell to them, making their complexion greatly changed.

"How could this be?"

Seeing this very unreal scene in front of them, there was an imperial monk who spoke with an incredible expression on his face. In their eyes, this old man was almost an irresistible existence.

But now he is such a powerful and incomparable monk who was cut in half with an axe. With his strength of cultivation, he could not stop the opponent’s axe. If such an axe fell on If they are on their bodies, who can resist? I'm afraid all will be killed on the spot.

"Who dare to go?"

Seeing the people around him about to flee, Wang Feng’s mouth suddenly uttered a loud shout, and all of these people who were about to flee were immediately stiffened on the spot, no matter how much Wang Feng’s current cultivation strength was lost, at least for them. In terms of Wang Feng was already powerful and unstoppable, they did not dare to disobey Wang Feng's meaning.

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