The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3508: Swagger

"Actually, I didn't expect this empire to be so powerful, especially in this area near the palace. There are too many masters. Our level of cultivation can only be regarded as medium here."

"Don't belittle yourself. Once your cultivation level breaks through to a higher level, I'm afraid that a cultivator of the same level will die if it encounters you."

"Then I don't know when to wait until that day, I'm afraid there will be only a handful of people in the world who can beat me."

"I hope you can break through to that level sooner."

Speaking of this, the tortoise shell had a slight meal before saying, "Where are we going?"

"Didn't we all talk about it in the beginning? We are now going to the palace people to take revenge slowly."

"Then it's so close to the palace, let's go directly to kill near the palace."

"Don't be funny, I don't dare to go to this palace right now. Let's go to a more remote place." Wang Feng said, then he turned and left here with the tortoise shell.

The imperial palace is so powerful, so their people are naturally scattered around, so not only are there people in the imperial palace, there are naturally people outside the imperial palace, so these people outside Wang Feng are ready to trouble them.

"My evil spirit doesn't have many corpses to eat, you still have to save me some." The turtle shell said.

"it is good."

With the memory from the search for souls, Wang Feng already knew where people from the palace were stationed. Although these people were not part of the royal line, they were always people who came out of the palace. So killing them can also cause the palace to lose a bit, as long as the palace is Not happy, that Wang Feng's goal is achieved.

"This is it."

After galloping in the starry sky for a long time, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell came to a life star that they had lived in from the future. This life star was far away from Wang Feng and the tortoise shell and felt the powerful aura from above. I am afraid there is Master.

"It's not good to do it here, isn't it?" Out of the stars, the turtle shell asked.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. There is only one person on this star whose cultivation base has surpassed the Blood Saint Realm. Even if he and the people on the other side of the palace are a group, he can't stop us." Wang Feng said, he didn't feel it at all. The slightest fear.

There are many people in the palace on this star, they are in charge of a super large vein of spiritual stone, and every year they send a steady stream of spiritual stones to the palace.

Although the spirit stone is not very useful for monks of high realm, it can even be said that it is not useful, but the function of spirit stones is not limited to monks' use, for example, the operation of the formation is also not Do not open the spirit stone.

Therefore, the spirit stone still has a lot of effect, but it is not necessary for the monk himself.

This imperial palace is so big, and there are formations everywhere, these things add up, the consumption of that spirit stone is naturally a terrifying number, so this spirit stone mine has sent many masters to guard it, in order to prevent Others came to make trouble.

But just today, this place still ushered in two troublemakers, these two people are naturally Wang Feng and tortoise shell.

"Unexpectedly, this cultivator whose cultivation base surpassed the Blood Saint Realm level is actually here."

Outside the spirit stone vein, Wang Feng felt a powerful aura, which completely enveloped this spirit stone vein, and he was the most powerful monk guarding this place. Net debut

If Wang Feng and the tortoise shell want to wreak havoc here, then this person and the others will have to deal with it, or else they will be helpless no matter what they do.

"A powerful monk is standing in front of us, what do you think we do?" Standing beside Wang Feng, the turtle shell asked.

"What else can I do? Naturally, I just bite the bullet."

I have already found this place. If Wang Feng does nothing, it is not his character, so he must kill a few talents here.

"Then you take the lead and I will help you in the back."

Although the realm of this tortoise shell is the same as Wang Feng, there is still a gap between his combat effectiveness and Wang Feng, so he can only let Wang Feng go ahead.

"Change your appearance, and then we leave." Wang Feng's mouth made a sound, and then his facial muscles were constantly squirming, and then he had changed his appearance, even with his breath. Now he is even When acquaintances arrived in front of him, I am afraid that they dare not say they knew him.

"After changing my appearance and breath, I immediately feel better."

There was a sound from Wang Feng's mouth, and then he took the tortoise shell and walked directly towards the vein of spirit stone.


The two of them hadn’t really approached the spirit stone ore vein. Suddenly a person ran out and blocked the two of them here, only to see this person with a cold face and holding a rod about two meters away. The sky is painted with a halberd, and the aura from the whole person is very fierce, as if it can poke a hole in the wanton! "

Hearing this, Wang Feng's mouth made a loud shout, which made this person stunned.

Because he didn't expect Wang Feng to be so arrogant, doesn't he know where this place is?

This is a royal property, and no one would dare to make trouble here at ordinary times. Now this person is still so arrogant when he gets here, so to this person, Wang Feng is like a fool.

"Do you know who I am?" Wang Feng said at this time.

"then who are you?"

I was a little frightened by Wang Feng's tone. This person just asked Wang Feng to lead his nose, so he asked at this moment.

"I was sent by the palace to inspect the work. You dare to block my way, do you want to die?"

"It will take a few days for the people from the palace to come here, aren't you fake?" This person asked suspiciously.

"Dare to say that I am a fake, you are looking for death!"

While speaking, Wang Feng raised his palm, and he slapped this person with a slap.

Although this person suspected that Wang Feng might be a counterfeit, he was not sure, so he hesitated a little when he watched Wang Feng's shot. It was just such a little hesitation. He was shot directly by Wang Feng and flew out, spouting blood.

"Those who stand in my way, die!"

There was a roar from Wang Feng's mouth, and then he took his own steps and walked towards the front.

"Will we be a little too ostentatious like this?" Beside Wang Feng, the tortoise shell asked in a low voice.

"What are you afraid of? We are here to make trouble anyway, and it doesn't matter if we are swagger."

Wang Feng spoke, and then he took the initiative to exude his own aura, and immediately attracted the consciousness of many people in this spirit stone mine.

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