The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3506: Kill you

The atmosphere became extremely dignified at this moment. Wang Feng never dreamed that this person and several people would actually slap the tortoise shell, and the tortoise shell himself did not expect that because they had no hatred with each other, he was even arrogant. One point, there is a degree.

It's just that they have never seen the kind of shameless and unrestricted person, the person in front of them is like this.

He did something that Wang Feng and the tortoise shell had never expected, and even Wang Feng didn't stop him, because what happened was really unexpected.

The dignified Blood Saint Realm late-level master had lived for countless years, but he was slapped face to face by someone unexpectedly. After a brief silence, the tortoise shell couldn't help but erupt.

"I'm Cao Nima."

Lifting his palm, the tortoise shell will be thrown back directly with the same slap. At this moment, his heart is infinitely intent to kill. This person must die, and he must pay the price of blood for what he just did.


Seeing the tortoise shell raise his palm, this man snorted coldly, and didn't put him in his eyes at all. You must know that in his family, he is definitely a good master, and it is difficult to find a rival in the same realm.

So how could an old fellow at the late Blood Saint Realm level be his opponent? He didn't even take the tortoise shell seriously.

The tortoise shell wanted to slap the tortoise shell back, but this man turned out to be even more vigorous. He raised his palm again, and seeing his posture, he was completely going to slap the tortoise shell again.

It's just that Wang Feng is not a decoration. He hadn't even dreamed that this person shot the tortoise shell before, but now if Wang Feng allowed this person to beat the tortoise shell, then he would really be useless.

Wang Feng also raised his hand at this moment and grabbed the opponent's hand directly.

This person is indeed very strong and arrogant. Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell are just passers-by. He actually wants to fight. Such a person is simply not worthy of living in this world. It is a waste of air and spiritual energy.

Wang Feng Zhengchou didn't know who to ask about the structure of the empire. Right now, this person is the best choice.

Wang Feng's cultivation base can be said to be invincible in the same realm. No matter how powerful this person is, then he cannot be Wang Feng's opponent, because his cultivation is only in the late Blood Saint Realm.

Although this person wanted to slap the tortoise shell back, it’s a pity that Wang Feng’s strength of cultivation is something he can shake. Wang Feng’s hands are like two iron tongs, tightly binding his hands. He couldn't move at all.

So the final result can only be that the slap of the tortoise shell fell straight on this young man's body, and his cheeks quickly became red and swollen, which was worse than the tortoise shell.

"You **** dare to beat your grandfather, I will beat you to death now."

While speaking, the tortoise shell slammed out of his palm again, and the young man who hit him couldn't help groaning, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"Keep on beating, don't stop." At this time, Wang Feng's mouth made a sound, completely encouraging the tortoise shell to continue beating this person. Since he dared to be so arrogant, then he must have already had the consciousness of being beaten by others.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing that the tortoise shell had to slap himself a second time, the man roared in his mouth, and then his other palm was raised, and he wanted to resist.

But since Wang Feng has already shot, then he won't give this person the slightest room to resist, and he wants to fight back? That is something that does not exist.

"Kneel me down!"

Kicked on this person's leg, and a clicking sound suddenly sounded, and this person's leg bones were abruptly kicked off by Wang Feng, and he half kneeled in the void.

It's not that he wants to kneel, it's that his current situation is that he has to kneel, because his legs have been broken, and he can't stand firmly.

"Continue to fight." Wang Feng made a sound, and then he also raised his other hand and hit this person.

Snapped! Click~

The sound of incomparably crisp and broken bones sounded, Wang Feng's slap was not light, and the cheeks of the person who hit him instantly deformed. If he dared to hit the tortoise shell, he was looking for death.

A large amount of blood mixed with skin, blood clots and teeth kept coming out of this man's mouth. He really hated Wang Feng and the tortoise shell now, because since his debut, he has not suffered such a big loss.

But what about this? If Wang Feng is provoked, then his tragic ending is doomed.

If he was just a little arrogant, maybe Wang Feng would not do anything to him, because this person is not acting alone, he has other teammates.

It's just that he slapped the tortoise shell, and still in front of him, did not pay attention to the two of them at all. If this is the case, then Wang Feng can't let him leave here. This kind of person is damned, the slightest pity It is all superfluous to him.

"Do you know who I am?"

There was a loud roar in his mouth, this person looked terrifying, but the bones in his mouth had been broken in many places, and the sound he made leaked everywhere. It sounded very funny and not threatening.

"Whoever you are, even if you are the son of the king of heaven, I will kill you today." The tortoise shell made a loud roar. At this moment, he was crazy, and he didn't give him the slightest chance. .

This person has never suffered such a big loss since his And the tortoise shell has never been slapped since his debut, this person is the first one, so how could the tortoise shell let go? He, such a person must be killed and must not remain.

Wang Feng and the tortoise shell have already begun to slap, so no matter what this person says, he is greeted with a fierce slap. He only slaps the tortoise shell, but now the tortoise shell may have slapped him dozens of slaps. Up.

At the beginning, this person could still speak and want to frighten Wang Feng and the other two, but when he got to the back, he couldn't speak at all, because his face was completely deformed and blurred, and there was no human being at all. The appearance of the face, even the outline of the face is not there.

"Make you crazy, make you crazy."

With a slap in the face and a slap in the face, the tortoise shell is like a machine, and it is not tireless at all. It was not until the end that he completely smashed the opponent's face, and then he stopped, and his hands had already let The blood was dyed red, looking shocking.

"This person is handed over to you." Tortoiseshell said to Wang Feng after being overly addicted to revenge. Net debut

"Leave it to me, don't worry."

This person turned back halfway to deal with Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell, and none of the people with him came back in the process. Perhaps none of these people realized that their team had lost a person.

"Next comes the time when you should be judged." Wang Feng's mouth made a sound, and then he raised his palm and landed on this person's head. Although his head was already **** and bloody, this It won't affect the operation of Wang Feng's soul-searching technique. This person has already left, but he wants to run back and slap the tortoise shell. Therefore, he is completely blamed for his current fate. Blame himself.

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