The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3495: Change life

Chapter 3495: Change of Life

The feeling of being spied has never disappeared. Wang Feng knows that someone is still calculating him. He originally wanted to run to where Jiang Yihuan was, but Wang Feng also understood that once he ran towards Jiang Yihuan, Others can definitely detect it.

Once Jiang Yihuan's residence is discovered, where else can Wang Feng hide?

So as long as Wang Feng's heart still has the feeling of being spied, Wang Feng can't return to where Jiang Yihuan is.

He was not thinking about Jiang Yihuan, but for himself. For Jiang Yihuan, that place was a place to hide, and for Wang Feng, it was like a paradise.

Therefore, Wang Feng could not bring the war over.

It's like having a home and being unable to return, Wang Feng is also suffering now.

In the palace, the old man sitting in the middle of the crowd was pale, because he could no longer contact the people sent out by the palace. Maybe they received the message they sent, but they didn't respond.

This time the action itself was carried out around him, but now the situation is beyond his control, how could his complexion look good? It would be good if he didn't turn black directly.

"Your Majesty, what should we do?" The man who looked like a father-in-law next to the emperor asked.

"Send the elites out, kill all those who do not listen to me, and continue to chase the man named Wang Feng." The emperor said, and did not let the old man directly calculate his own brother.

After all, they haven't calculated Jiang Yihuan for such a long time. Who would have thought that Jiang Yihuan had come out now?

In their opinion, these people may have encountered some treasure, and then ran to grab the treasure, otherwise why didn't they go after Wang Feng.

If you dare to directly violate the orders your Majesty gave them, then there is no need for these people to continue to exist in this world.

I have to say a good sentence, Li Lingzhi faint, these people want to catch Jiang Yihuan and go back to ask for credit, but they have forgotten their original purpose when they came out this time. The imperial palace here asked them what happened, but they never responded .

In that case, there is only one ending waiting for them, and that is to be mercilessly beheaded.

"Still staring at me all the time." There was a curse in his mouth, and Wang Feng couldn't help it for a while.

"Senior Ye Zun, you used to be good at calculations. Now someone has been calculating my whereabouts. How do you think I can avoid it?"

"The first element of a predictor is the need for traces, whether it is a portrait or a breath. As long as a person who is good at predicting gets one of them, it can be infinitely calculated."

"Senior, what do you mean, I still need to erase these traces of mine?"

"I want to erase these traces, unless you die, but do you think this is possible?" Ye Zun couldn't help but smile.

"Then I can only be infinitely calculated like this?"

"There is actually another way to block the calculations of others, but this method is very dangerous."

"So what's the method?" Wang Feng asked at this moment.

"The other party can use your traces to track you, and I can use your traces to block him. As long as I can help you block him, then he can find you in a short time."

"Then what do you do, senior?"

"You can set up a one-time teleportation formation for me. Once you escape successfully, I can use this teleportation formation to leave."

"But this place is still some distance away from the residence of Brother Jiang, let's talk about it when we get a little closer."

If Wang Feng wants to leave, then he must evade other people’s calculations. If he has been under the supervision of others, then he is afraid it will be useless to run anywhere, so since Ye Zun has such a method, then he Naturally have to try.

It is too dangerous to be exposed to others' vision in this way, so Wang Feng must disappear.

"Just here."

After galloping forward for a while, Wang Feng landed on an unmanned dead star. This star has been dead for a long time. The whole star was barren and lifeless.

After landing in this place, Wang Feng directly released the tortoise shell and the nine-turned emperor. The person who estimated him in this palace only estimated him alone. As for who is around him, that person has great abilities. Don't even think about it.

Just as Ye Zun said, the first element to predict others is to trace. Neither the tortoise shell nor the nine-turned great emperor has ever appeared in the palace. That person can calculate that the two of them are really weird.

"Help me set up a one-time teleportation formation for Senior Ye Zun. Isn't it a problem?"

"Then what are you hesitating about, start now."

It is not a big problem for the cultivators of the three late blood sacred realms to set up a one-time teleportation array. As for where the teleportation array will send Ye Zun to, it depends on the positioning set by Wang Feng for him.

Wang Feng originally wanted to set the location of Ye Zun’s teleportation to the star where Jiang Yihuan was located, but Ye Zun said that this approach was too dangerous, so after some discussion, Wang Feng set the location of the teleportation array at this distance Jiang Yihuan Not far from the stars.

In this way, even if a palace expert finds this place, as long as Wang Feng and Jiang Yihuan completely hide the mountain they are on ~ others may not be able to find it.

Now Wang Feng is still in the calculations of others. He has no perfect solution at all, so he can only do this.

Setting up the teleportation array took a lot of the tortoise shell and the nine-turned great emperor’s power of cultivation. After all, Wang Feng had to run away, and the two of them did not need to do anything, so the power needed to set up the teleportation array naturally came from both of them. Provide the best.

"Senior Ye Zun, the teleportation array has been set up."

"Then you guys are going to leave." Ye Zun said, and then he took a deep breath and sat cross-legged on the ground.

This time, the person who estimated Wang Feng must be very powerful. He would pay a huge price if he rushed to block him. It was just for Wang Feng's safety. Even if he had to pay a certain price, he had to do so.

"Senior, this is the pill given to me when I helped Big Brother Jiang kill those palace members. I haven't used up the pill, so I will hand it to you now."

"When I am blocking the other party's calculations, he may be aware of my position, so once you see that I haven't come back, don't come to me."

"Senior, you can't do this. If you need to pay the price of your life to help me, then I would rather continue to wander in this starry sky."

Although Ye Zun didn't explain what he said, Wang Feng was not a fool. He knew what Ye Zun wanted to express.

Once his position is discovered, then he will definitely be in a very dangerous situation. If Wang Feng and the others do not help, if Ye Zun is caught by the palace people, wouldn't he have a dead end?

So how could Wang Feng let Ye Zun do this? It was too dangerous. If Ye Zun said this at the beginning, then Wang Feng would not even set up a teleportation array for him.

One life for one life is not worth it at all!

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