The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3490: Intimidate

Chapter 3490 Intimidation

Just feeling the breath of the opponent, Wang Feng's face did not have the slightest fear, because this city lord was not particularly powerful, if Wang Feng used his full strength, he could even fight the opponent for a while.

However, Wang Feng didn't want to waste time on this city lord, because this city lord was obviously a pitiful fool with little courage, and it was not worth wasting time on such a person.

"Leave what you got below, I can spare your life." The city lord said, his tone was arrogant to the extreme, but with his strength, he seemed to have such arrogant capital.

"In that case, I want to ask, do you know what I have gained below?"

What the red liquid is, Wang Feng hasn’t figured it out yet, and since the city lord brought so many people to this place, maybe he knew the information, so Wang Feng wanted to dig out something from his mouth to treat himself Useful news comes.

"No matter what you get, just give it to me. Give you three breaths of time. If you refuse to pay, then don't blame the city lord for being rude."

"Since you want to be polite, just come, do you think I will be afraid of you?" Wang Feng sneered, not at all afraid of this **** City Lord.

This guy may know that there is an ancient tomb in this place, but he shouldn't know what treasure is in this ancient tomb, or he might say it out now.

He didn't even know what baby was here, and wanted to take it from Wang Feng's hands. Wang Feng really wanted to scold this dog town master as shamelessly.

"Since you are toasting and not eating fine wine, don't blame me."

As he spoke, the whole body of the city lord became irritable, and at the same time his body was constantly soaring. Originally, he was just a normal person, less than two meters tall, but there was no time for two breaths. The body of the city lord has exceeded two meters unexpectedly, and is still in constant skyrocketing.

This is nothing short of good at facing the wind. It may be four or five breaths. The height of this city lord has exceeded ten meters, and when he became this giant, his legs were still shrinking. In the end, he had the body and height of a giant on the top, but the two legs on the bottom were like two fire sticks. The two were completely out of proportion and seriously out of balance.

"What kind of monster is this?" Seeing this scene, Wang Feng really didn't expect this city lord to become such a person, not human, or animal.

"Go to death for me."

Seeing that Wang Feng seemed to be frightened by himself, the city lord didn't hesitate at all. He lifted one of his thin legs and swept towards Wang Feng.

Although his two legs now look very small and out of proportion to his upper body, when this leg swept across, the speed was as fast as lightning.

Even if Wang Feng had Heavenly Eyes, he almost didn't react.

Stretching out his own hands, Wang Feng wanted to completely block the opponent's power, but just forcibly took the opponent's whip leg, Wang Feng was swept out, and fell directly into the magma sea.

Fortunately, Wang Feng was not afraid of the heat of the magma, otherwise he would have been cooked directly now.

"Unexpectedly, this guy's thin legs have such a powerful force."

In the magma sea, Wang Feng couldn't help but shook his somewhat numb arm, showing a trace of shock on his face.

Before, he wanted to laugh that the city lord had become a monster of humans, beasts, and beasts, but now he understands that the power of the city lord has increased linearly, and his thin legs are probably the real trouble.

The more inconspicuous things are, the more powerful they are. Before, Wang Feng laughed at others, but now he can't laugh.

"court death!"

Seeing that Wang Feng hadn't been killed by himself, the face of this city lord couldn't help becoming extremely ugly.

You know that his cultivation base is higher than Wang Feng. If he can't even kill Wang Feng, wouldn't he be too embarrassed?

So he didn't hesitate at this moment, he raised his two thin legs and launched a fierce attack towards Wang Feng.

On the surface, the huge body of this city lord would affect his actions, but in fact the huge body of this city lord would not have any influence on his actions at all, and he was extremely flexible.

One leg can sweep Wang Feng out. Now that the city lord uses his two legs, it is naturally more difficult for Wang Feng to fight. He is constantly being repelled in this magma sea, and now he has felt it. Very strong pressure.

This city lord is not so troublesome, Wang Feng looked down on him earlier.

He is not an easy person to be able to reach the current state. If he tries his best, he might even leave Wang Feng here.

It's just that Wang Feng won't give him such an opportunity, because Wang Feng is not stupid, and he won't get any benefits from fighting Wang Feng with this city lord. He can only consume the power in his body unlimitedly, so he must leave here as soon as possible.

"Let the person hiding in the dark come out, I will kill you all together." At this time, the city lord sent out a word that made Wang Feng a little puzzled.

The secret person? Where is someone hiding in this secret?

It's just that Wang Feng is not a On the contrary, he is very smart, so he immediately thought of why this city lord would say this sentence.

Because before, Wang Feng took the turtle shell into his dantian in front of the city lord.

Wang Feng's dantian is a truly enclosed space. As long as they enter, their aura will disappear without a trace. If this were not the case, I am afraid that the person Wang Feng hid in his dantian would have been discovered by others.

Once entering Wang Feng’s dantian, this breath completely disappeared, so this also created a false impression for the city lord, that is, the people around Wang Feng were instantly hidden. The city lord must have noticed this thing before, so at this moment Such a sound came out from the mouth.

Is it just Wang Shengeng who let the turtle shell come out? That is obviously impossible.

What is the fighting power of the tortoise shell? Wang Feng is very clear in his heart. If it is normal, he might be able to come out to help and cheer, but now he has to deal with a person who has surpassed his own cultivation level, and it is not much to let the turtle shell out The effect is to add chaos.

It's just that Wang Feng won't let the turtle shell come out, but he can make good use of the turtle shell.

Isn't the city owner worried about the tortoise shell? That Wang Feng could use this to make a fuss about this city lord.

"It is impossible for him to come out. Unless your skill has been consumed to a low enough level, he will come out to harvest your life." Wang Feng said, completely alarmist, threatening the city lord.

"Are you threatening me?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the city lord's complexion suddenly became ugly.

"You are right, I am indeed threatening you. If you don't listen, don't blame me." Wang Feng said, and then he kept backing away.

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