The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3483: what happened?

"What's going on?" Looking at the scene in front of them, the tortoise shells and their faces were shocked, completely unaware of what happened.

Before this thing still wrapped Wang Feng tightly, but now these things disappeared from Wang Feng's body in an instant. What happened?

The red liquid had disappeared, and the temperature here naturally dropped quickly. The tortoise shells and others rushed into the room and came to the front of Wang Feng.

"Apprentice, what happened?" Then Great Emperor Xuan Yu asked.

"These red liquids...have already entered my bones." Wang Feng said, making Emperor Xuanyu's complexion change drastically and stunned.

Because none of them thought that the red liquid actually entered Wang Feng's bones, but they were not mentally prepared at all.

"How can these things get into your bones? Isn't your physical body very powerful?" At this time, the Nine-turned Great Emperor also asked.

"My physical body is indeed strong and good, but no matter how strong it is, it is not invincible after all. My physical body could not stop the erosion of these red liquids." A wry smile appeared on Wang Feng's face.

"Then how do you feel now?" The turtle shell asked at this time.

"I feel..." Hearing this, Wang Feng took a closer look at his body. Although the red liquid had penetrated his flesh and blood, and then entered his bones, Wang Feng did not feel the slightest burning. The feeling of burning, even his physical body is not painful.

Because his physical body is gradually recovering, he has taken a lot of natural treasures, and his physical body's self-healing ability is very abnormal, not to mention that he still has a green glaze lotus tree. This injury is not for him at all. Whatever, he can recover easily.

But what really surprised Wang Feng was not that he couldn't feel the burning sensation from his body, but that the strength he had lost with the use of the sky-opening axe had already recovered.

It was as if he had never used a sky-opening axe before, and his strength of cultivation was restored to the peak in an instant, which made Wang Feng himself stunned and stunned.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing Wang Feng's shocked look, they were also shocked by the tortoise shell, because Wang Feng would not be stupid because of this?

Waving their hands in front of Wang Feng, they found that Wang Feng hadn't changed his expression at all. He seemed to be completely petrified.

As a last resort, the tortoise shell couldn't help but push Wang Feng with his hand, which made Wang Feng come back to life, as if he had just woke up from a dream.

"How are you feeling now? Is there any pain?" Seeing that Wang Feng had restored his former look, the tortoise shell couldn't help but ask.

"I think I feel very good now, and the power I lost from using the Sky Open Axe has completely recovered."


Hearing Wang Feng’s words, the tortoise shell even wondered if there was something wrong with his ears, because he understood that once Wang Feng used the sky-opening axe, there would hardly be any power left, even if Wang Feng’s cultivation base is now better than It was stronger at first, but he will definitely wear out severely after using the Sky Open Axe.

And now Wang Feng actually said that his cultivation strength has been fully restored, which is simply an incredible thing for the tortoise shell.

"The strength of my cultivation level that I said has been restored." Wang Feng said again.

"You mean, the reason why your cultivation level has all recovered is because of the red liquid?" The turtle shell asked in surprise.

"It should be so, these red liquids may not do me any harm."

The red liquid entered the body, although Wang Feng felt a little painful, but Wang Feng's power of cultivation was completely restored. Apart from the red liquid's credit, Wang Feng could hardly think of other possibilities, because he only touched such a thing now.

"This is too abnormal, right?" The turtle shell was shocked. He didn't expect the effect of this red liquid to be so magical.

Wang Feng is a cultivator in the late Blood Saint Realm. If his cultivation strength wants to recover all of it, it may take a while, even if Wang Feng takes the top-notch pill, his cultivation strength cannot be so fast. He recovered, so he believed what Wang Feng said.

"Has all this red liquid entered your bones?" Ye Zun asked at this moment.

"Yes, it's all in my bones." Looking at the situation in his body with his eyes, Wang Feng didn't notice any special features in his flesh and blood.

The only thing that is special is that his bones were originally crystal clear, but after all the red liquid poured in, his bones were the same as the bones that Wang Feng had just smashed with a sky-opening axe. It turned into a glowing red color and looked very dazzling.

"Then take a step and take a look." Ye Zun said at this moment.

"Why?" Upon hearing this, Wang Feng asked suspiciously.

"Didn't you say that the bones are too heavy to imagine? Now that these red liquids have entered your body, do you have the same changes?"

"Then I will try Feng raised his leg while speaking, and took a step forward at once.

Originally, after hearing Ye Zun's words, Wang Feng thought he would have to take a step very hard, because he knew the weight of the red liquid best, even if it was a fist-sized ball, I am afraid that Wang Feng would not be able to pick it up.

The density of this thing is really astonishing, a drop of weight is terrible, and now that all of these red liquids have entered Wang Feng's bones, he will definitely struggle to move.

But when Wang Feng took a real step, he was surprised to find that his steps were no different from before. He lifted his leg easily and took a step forward.

"It seems that there is no change." Wang Feng shook his head, also very surprised.

What exactly is this red liquid, Wang Feng is really more curious now.

"It seems that this red liquid is really harmless to you, otherwise you shouldn't be standing still."

"I always feel like an uninvited guest has arrived in my body." Wang Feng muttered, and then he raised his left leg and took a step forward.

"It really doesn't matter." Wang Feng still walked very calmly at this step, and he didn't feel any weight on his body at all.

If according to the weight that Wang Feng felt before, if he stepped on this step, a huge hole would appear in the earth.

But the reality is that his steps are very light, not heavy at all.

It seemed that after the red liquid entered his bones, some unknown changes had taken place.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng didn't hesitate. He opened his heavenly eyes, and he wanted to see what happened after the red liquid entered his bones.

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