The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3480: Red liquid

"Turtle shell, you have a lot of knowledge. Have you ever heard of someone practicing special substances into your own bones?" Wang Feng hadn't seen this thing. Of course he didn't know what was going on, so he simply asked The oldest turtle shell present asked questions.

It's just that after tortoise shell heard what Wang Feng said, he was also at a loss, because he had never heard of it, how did he answer Wang Feng?

"What do you mean by the special substance?" the turtle shell asked.

"I don't know. The stuff in the bones of the bone in front of us is like red magma. I have never seen anything like this."

"There are tens of thousands of perverts in the world, and there must be things that we haven't seen before. If you say that he has made special things out of his bones, then he must have practiced some special exercises, otherwise you should not appear like this. Case."

"I have practiced the Sun Bible, but the temperature of this bone can't even stand for me. I'm afraid this person's practice is even more domineering than mine." Wang Feng said, somewhat surprised.

"Or break one of his bones and see what's inside the bone." At this time, tortoise shell made a suggestion, and Wang Feng couldn't help but slap his tongue.

This guy is too disrespectful to the deceased, he actually wants to break the bones of others, so that others can't rest.

It's just his proposal, why didn't Wang Feng think of rejecting it?

"We do this, it seems... not great, right?"

"What's wrong with this, the futon under this bone must be a treasure, if you don't take this bone away, how can you take out this futon?"

"Okay, let's try." Hearing the tortoise shell, Wang Feng couldn't help but eager to try, because he really wanted to study what the red liquid inside the bone was.

Turning his hand and taking out his innate spear, Wang Feng mobilized the power in his body, controlled the spear and pierced one of the bones.

Although the bone was hard, Wang Feng's innate spear was not weak. When Wang Feng's spear head pierced the bone, a crack suddenly appeared in the bone.

At the moment when the crack appeared, the temperature here suddenly began to rise sharply, as if it was affected by the red liquid in his bones.

"In order to ensure your safety, I will close the pubic area first to prevent the temperature from rising instantly and hurting you."

Before, everyone in Wang Feng's dantian was affected by the heat, so for safety reasons, Wang Feng decided to shut down his dantian first so that he could use his body to help them resist the heat.


Wang Feng used his congenital spear to attack the bones of the bones and there was a crack. Wang Feng thought he would continue to attack the bones before they would shatter, but beyond Wang Feng’s expectation, when this crack appeared , The red liquid inside has already begun to permeate towards the outside. Although this permeation speed is not fast, when this red liquid permeates out, the temperature here suddenly rises, even if Wang Feng has practiced the Solar Bible, but He still felt a burning pain in his skin.

"I'll see what you are." Wang Feng said, and then he wrapped the red liquid with his own strength and sent it to his eyes.

Without looking at it, Wang Feng found that the red liquid was like a molten molten iron, which seemed to be very hot.

However, Wang Feng knew that this thing was not molten iron, because the temperature of the molten iron would never reach such a high level, and the molten iron would certainly not enter the human bones.

With the naked eye, Wang Feng couldn’t tell what this thing was, but when Wang Feng looked at it with his eyes, he found that the density of the molten iron was really scary. The weight of the red liquid alone was already scary. .

All of a person's bones are filled with this red liquid, and the combined weight is naturally daunting.

Apart from the density of the red liquid, Wang Feng didn't seem to have anything special to discover, but when Wang Feng was about to finish watching, Wang Feng suddenly noticed that a white light suddenly appeared in the red liquid.

This light is exactly like a hairspring. If it weren't because Wang Feng was in the state of the eyes of the sky, he might not be able to see this thing. The red liquid may not have much effect by itself, at most it only provides heat, but it is possible to really work. Still the white things in this red liquid.

"Wang Feng, haven't you practiced the Sun Bible? Can you absorb the things in his body?" At this time, Wang Feng's dantian once again made the sound of a tortoise shell.

For the turtle shells, the red liquid in the bones is very dangerous. After all, the high temperature is not something ordinary people can tolerate.

But Wang Feng is different. Wang Feng has practiced the Sun Bible, and his resistance to high temperatures is much higher than that of others. If he can convert all these things into chance, wouldn't Wang Feng make a lot of money?

Of course, that's just what the tortoise shell said about this kind of thinking. Whether it can really work, I'm afraid it will depend on Wang Feng himself.

"Don't worry, I will Wang Feng said, and then he stretched out his hand and forcibly grasped the red liquid in his palm.

When the power that Wang Feng used to wrap the red liquid completely disappeared, the liquid suddenly fell into Wang Feng's palm.

When Wang Feng’s palm was completely in contact with this liquid, Wang Feng’s arm and even the whole person couldn’t help but sink, and at the same time, there were bursts of blue smoke from Wang Feng’s palm. The temperature of the mass liquid is surprisingly high.


Even if Wang Feng’s heart was mentally prepared enough, when the liquid came into contact with his skin, Wang Feng still suffered, as if he was holding a large mountain in his hand, and this large mountain still exudes amazing expressions. The heat.

Wang Feng felt that his entire palm was about to be penetrated, and this thing was constantly hurting his palm.

This thing Wang Feng even had to grasp with his hands, if he put it in his mouth, I am afraid that his entire mouth will be thoroughly burned by the red liquid.

As a last resort, Wang Feng could only throw the liquid in his hand to the ground. He really didn't want to keep holding this thing.

After this group of red liquid fell on the ground, it immediately corroded a big hole in the ground. To be precise, it burned the ground through. It is hard for Wang Feng to imagine that there would be such a hot red inside a person’s bones. liquid.

How did his bones withstand the hot red liquid?

Wang Feng couldn't figure this out, and he didn't know how this thing appeared inside his bones. It's just that these Wang Feng didn't know who to ask for the answer, so he could only slowly explore it alone.

"A terrible thing." Looking at his festered palm, Wang Feng couldn't help but shook his head.

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