The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3459: Steal a floating half-day leisure

Chapter 3459

It took nearly half a month for Wang Feng and Jiang Yihuan to drink. In this half month, no matter how ups and downs the noise outside, or how many people want to catch them, Wang Feng and Jiang Yihuan have lived very well. happy.

"It's only a pity that this wine is not good at all, but it's not addictive." Jiang Yihuan said with a chirp.

"Brother Jiang, it is true that wine is not intoxicating and everyone is drunk. What we drink is not wine, but an atmosphere of drinking.

"Haha, that's a good point, what we drink is an atmosphere." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Jiang Yihuan couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Jiang, I'm afraid the people looking for us out there are already going crazy, right?"

"Whether they are crazy or not, I only understand that we had a happy half month."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yihuan couldn't help sighing again, and said: "It would be fine if your sister-in-law was still there now... alas.

Speaking of the last sentence, Jiang Yihuan couldn't help but shook his head, looking a little depressed.

The place where he lives is indeed no different from the fairyland on earth, but once Wang Feng leaves here, he will become a lonely man. Even if he lives in a tall place, what is the effect?

What Wang Feng and Jiang Yihuan said was not right. During the half-month of their disappearance, those who looked for them were indeed going crazy, especially the star where Jiang Yihuan lived before. Those people almost digged three feet away. It almost burst the whole star.

But none of them would have thought that Jiang Yihuan and Wang Feng had already left the center of the vortex and came to the edge of the vortex. Moreover, outside the star where they were, a large expanse of starfields were all dead stars, who Can you guess that there is a star of life hidden in the innermost part of these dead stars?

"Don't be too sad, time is the best antidote, everything will be eased slowly by the years." Wang Feng said comfortingly.

"You don't understand, I will never forget the kind of family affection that hurts my bones." Jiang Yihuan shook his head and said.

Hearing what he said, Wang Feng did not continue to respond, because he understood the feeling of loving someone to the point that he would rather die for him, just like when Wang Feng rescued Sister Xue and others, even if someone else forced Wang Feng to hurt himself. Wang Feng did not hesitate at all.

His wife Jiang Yihuan was unable to keep it. This was the biggest regret in his life. If he even lost his wife’s memory, then how could he be worthy of the wife who had been with him for many years?

"The deceased has passed away, and the relatives mourn."

Wang Feng could only say such a word, because he didn't know how to comfort Jiang Yihuan.

"Okay, don't talk about such unpleasant topics, let's talk about when you are going to leave here."

"Brother Jiang, this time you are their biggest target, and if my cultivation level is low, those people may not put me in their eyes. If I want to go back, I only need to change my appearance and breath. Someone will find me."

"You still don't underestimate the power of this dynasty. If they all move together, once you step out here, you may be calculated by them. Do you know why we can eat and drink here safe and sound for half a month?"

"Is there anything special about this place?"

"That's natural. I have arranged a lot of formations in this place long ago. These formations can protect us from being estimated by others. Otherwise, even if we hide farther, I am afraid they will find out. ."

"This... awesome."

Hearing Jiang Yihuan's words, Wang Feng realized that there were arrays everywhere where they were.

These formations use artificial hills, running water, etc. as the array eyes, almost densely covering this place, without revealing any cracks.

Jiang Yihuan's meticulous thoughts are far beyond Wang Feng's imagination.

"Brother Jiang, if you don't take the position of emperor, it is really a waste of your talent."

"The emperor is not so easy to behave. He counts every day and sits in such a position. How can I be so happy now?"

"Brother Jiang, with your wisdom, I'm afraid no one can calculate you, right?"

"You can't say it like that. Youdao means that there are people outside and there are outsiders. Don't be too self-confident at any time. That will only hurt yourself.

"If you want to leave here, wait a little longer, this time the storm has subsided a bit, and then talk about it. What do you think?"

"OK then."

It would be terrifying if all the power of an dynasty were in operation. Although Wang Feng's fate was peculiar and not easy to be estimated, there are so many masters in this empire. Who can guarantee that they do not have particularly powerful predictors?

So Wang Feng should stay here temporarily.

About half a month later, Wang Feng was about to leave here, because he had stayed in this place long enough.

If the palace hasn’t found anyone within a month, I’m afraid they will slowly give up. After all, this empire is so big. If they want to find Jiang Yihuan one by one, it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's strange.

The treasure Wang Feng in that room has been taken are all installed in his space ring.

Originally, Wang Feng didn't plan to have all of them, because there are so many treasures, and if all of them are taken away, Wang Feng will inevitably be embarrassed.

It's just that these things are of little use to Jiang Yihuan, and it's useless to stay here.

The more important point is that all these things were sent by people in the palace. Looking at these things, Jiang Yihuan can always think of the scene when his wife was killed. It’s the so-called touch of the scene, so these things He forced all of them to Wang Feng, leaving nothing behind.

"I always feel that I have become a mobile treasure house. If someone robs me at this time, then I will be truly rich." When he was about to leave here, Wang Feng couldn't help but say.

Jiang Yihuan took a lot of treasures, and in the ancestral realm of the palace, Wang Feng also killed a lot of people and made a fortune. It can be said that the things Wang Feng now carries can be used to enrich the country. To describe it.

As far as the things he is carrying now, I am afraid that they have been used by the heavenly realm for 10,000 years, which is really too much.

Those members of the palace are rich and oily, but they are cheaper than Wang Feng.

"Don't talk about this kind of crow's mouth, as long as your wealth is not exposed, who knows that you are a moving treasure house?" Jiang Yihuan gave Wang Feng a stare at this time and said.

"Brother Jiang, you won't leave here in the future?"

"That's not good. Once I'm discovered, I will definitely be evacuated from this place, but if they can't find me, you can come and sit with me in the future if you are free. It will relieve my boredom."

"That's good, I will come here when I have time." A smile appeared on Wang Feng's face.

"Welcome anytime." Jiang Yihuan made a please gesture.

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