The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3456: admire

Looking at it, almost everyone at the scene knelt down, leaving Jiang Yihuan and his brother to kneel down. The weight represented by a family heirloom is too heavy, and few people can afford it. .

This is a family heirloom passed down by their royal family for countless years. It is of extraordinary significance. In a sense, this thing represents the ever-changing imperial power.

Because in the past, only the emperor had this heirloom treasure in the hands of the emperor, but in Jiang Yihuan’s generation, things had some forks. The emperor was handled by Jiang Yihuan’s brother, and Jiang Yihuan controlled the heirloom. Treasure.

Killing this Jiang Yihuan in front of the family heirloom, the emperor really couldn't do it, because he couldn't deceive his master and destroy the ancestor.

"This are ruthless!"

After a long silence, the emperor still didn't kneel down, because his pride and his identity did not allow him to kneel down, so he could only take a deep look at his brother, then turned and left here.

As soon as he left, it naturally meant that he couldn't do anything to his brother, at least what he couldn't do now.

The role of the heirloom is not just as simple as the heirloom. In this palace, the effect that this dragon head cane can exert can almost surpass the world's top weapon, even if he wants to kill his own brother. , I am afraid he will have to weigh it carefully.

So he can only let them leave here now.

So many people came to stop Wang Feng and Jiang Yihuan, but they were eventually destroyed by a leading cane. Wang Feng and Jiang Yihuan now seemed safe.

"From now on, don't bother with the king's cleansing. If anyone wants to die, just come to me, and I will kill one if it comes, no matter who it is!"

Jiang Yihuan spoke, and then he held the dragon head crutches in one hand, and dragged Wang Feng with the other, so he swaggered out of the core third floor of the palace and kept heading outside.

"Brother Jiang, why didn't you kill those clamoring people?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

"I want to kill them, but have you considered the consequences of killing them? Killing them now can eliminate some of the threats to me in the future, but if I act too quickly now, will my brother let me go? He can now I think it’s the limit to be pushed back. If I’m killing people indiscriminately, I’m afraid it’s difficult for us to leave now.”

"It makes sense."

Hearing Jiang Yihuan's words, Wang Feng nodded. It seems that he still thinks too little. The emperor's cultivation base is unpredictable. Once he really annoys him, what about deceiving his ancestors?

So watching him take the initiative to retreat, it is true that they are still wise to leave first. Don't get it that they can't leave when they want to leave, that's troublesome.

"follow me."

Taking down the dragon head crutches in his hand, Jiang Yihuan took Wang Feng and walked towards a mansion not far in front. Net debut

"What do you bring me here?" Looking at Jiang Yihuan, Wang Feng's face showed a different color.

"Come with me." Jiang Yihuan opened the door of the mansion while speaking and stepped in.

Behind him, Wang Feng also followed in. He had just entered, and Wang Feng suddenly found a huge altar in the center of the mansion, which must have been arranged by Jiang Yihuan.

"This is a temporary teleportation formation that I urgently arranged the night before three days ago. If we just leave here on foot now, others will definitely find us, so we have to borrow this thing."

"I thought Big Brother Jiang went out to kill people that night. I didn't expect you to come here to set up the teleportation array." Wang Feng really admired this Big Brother Jiang, and his thoughts were so careful.

"You are right, I did go out to kill that night, do you know how I arranged this teleportation array?" Jiang Yihuan asked at this time.

"I don't know." He glanced at the teleportation formation with his eyes. Wang Feng hadn't seen what it was because of it for the time being, so he simply shook his head and let him guess. Wang Feng didn't bother to guess.

"To build this teleportation array, all I use is the blood of others, so the people I killed that day, I took all their blood and essence to build this teleportation array."

"Then where will this teleportation array send us?"

"You will understand when you go in."

While speaking, Jiang Yihuan took Wang Feng and stepped into the center of the teleportation array.

It was like stepping on some kind of mechanism. When the two of them entered the center of the teleportation formation, the teleportation formation suddenly lit up with a strong light, and then the two of them were teleported out instantly.

And as soon as the two of them left, the teleportation array was instantly torn apart, and in the end it was simply split into countless pieces, which could no longer be used at all. This was a temporary teleportation array that could teleport people far away.

In this way even if others want to track the traces of the two of them, I am afraid they can't do it, because the teleportation array has been destroyed, how can they chase it?

"Shall we now go back to the star where Brother Jiang lives?"

The other side of the teleportation array is a vast starry sky. Here, Wang Feng can't see the vast star. It is already very far away from the star where the imperial palace is located. Others shouldn't catch up.

"We are now back to the place where I lived before, isn't that a self-inflicted snare? I have lived in that place for many years and I have long been bored. I should change to a new place and start a new life." Jiang Yihuan Shen He took a breath and said.

"If we don't go back, wouldn't all the treasures in your collection be wasted?" Wang Feng said regretfully.

When they left before, Jiang Yihuan didn't take these things away, and now they don't go back to that place anymore, aren't those treasures the tortoise grandchildren of the palace?

"Unexpectedly at this time you still think about those treasures." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Jiang Yihuan couldn't help but laugh, and said: "Actually, you don't need to worry. Someone will clean up those things after we left. The mansion where I live has been completely evacuated. Even if someone from the palace wants to search, you can’t find anything of value. My things have been secretly sent to the predetermined place by someone I sent."

"I really admire this." Upon hearing this, Wang Feng couldn't help but gave Jiang Yihuan a thumbs up.

Before he left, he had already made these plans. Obviously he knew what he would encounter, and had made sufficient preparations in advance. This kind of mind is not something ordinary people can have.

The eldest brother he picked up halfway is really a talent.

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