The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3451: Public anger

Chapter 3451: Public Fury

How many people have been killed, Wang Feng has a certain number in his heart. There were hundreds of members of the royal family who came in this time, and the people Wang Feng killed were almost one-third of the total number, and he was in these three. Wang Feng really doesn't remember how many iron pots were used in the day.

Because he used one of these tin cans when he got one, it was strange that he could remember when the number increased.

And he never thought about remembering how many iron pots he used, because no matter how many iron pots he used, at least his physical body was truly powerful.

However, Wang Feng didn't know how many iron pots he had used, but the senior officials of the royal family outside here remembered him clearly.

At the beginning of this ancestral realm, someone said that if members of the royal family could get ten iron pots in this ancestral realm, it would be a great fortune.

But what they never expected was that Wang Feng, a foreigner, used more than 30 iron cans in this ancestral realm. With so many iron cans, Wang Feng used them in an extremely wasteful way. , Many of the high-ranking imperial family members are pounding their chests.

They have already made up their minds, that is, after Wang Feng comes out, they must grab Wang Feng, peel him off the skin, and then boil his flesh and blood into a pot of soup, so that maybe they can extract something useful from him. s things.

"Why didn't I find this foreigner after searching for more than a day? Has he already fallen?" When these three days were about to come, the prince who had touched Wang Feng and almost killed Wang Feng opened his mouth, frowning. wrinkle.

It can be said that in this more than a day, he almost traveled the entire ancestral realm area, but he did not find a trace of Wang Feng, only found some of the corpses of the royal family members buried hastily in the mud. .

It is impossible for a big living person to disappear for no reason, so the only explanation is that Wang Feng may be dead, otherwise how could he not be found?

It's just that he has seen Wang Feng's strength and it is absolutely terrifying. For a person like him, even a person with a higher level than him may not be able to kill him, so the chance of him being killed is also very small.

"Have you all seen that foreigner?" the eldest prince asked another group of people.

"No." Hearing the words of the prince, other people responded, saying that they had not seen Wang Feng, because the people who had seen Wang Feng were already dead, and it was strange that these people knew.

"That's a bit interesting, when this ancestral realm is completely closed, he can't hide even if he wants to hide."

Three days have come, and the eldest prince did not continue to search for Wang Feng, because he had not found Wang Feng for so long, and it was impossible for him to find Wang Feng in such a short period of time, so he simply stopped searching. , Waiting for Wang Feng to show up on his own.

A changed appearance of Wang Feng deceived many people, and all he used were guerrilla tactics. After killing a person, he immediately changed places. In this way, it is impossible for others to find his trace, even if It's this tyrannical prince who can't do it.

Outside of the ancestral world, seeing Wang Feng killing so many members of the royal family, Jiang Yihuan couldn't help showing a smile on his face. He had been hiding the smile on his face before.

But now this ancestral realm is about to close immediately, he has no need to hide his inner thoughts, because he understands that once this ancestral realm is closed, an uproar is obviously unavoidable, and then he and Wang Feng will become a storm. The focus of the center.

In that case, why would he hide himself?

Of course these people teamed up to kill his wife, and now he has to make these people pay a huge price, because this is the retribution they deserve.

"Jiang Yihuan, you lunatic." Seeing the smile on Jiang Yihuan's face, someone spoke, but still didn't dare to rush forward and do what about Jiang Yihuan.

No matter how many years Jiang Yihuan has left the palace, and no matter how desolate he looks now, he is still the younger brother of today's sage and the top prince of the entire empire.

With such a halo covering him, even if they give others ten courage, they dare not do anything to Jiang Yihuan.

Because they openly attacked Jiang Yihuan, they were tantamount to provoking the entire royal family, so even if they were angry in their hearts, they couldn't do anything to Jiang Yihuan.

Just like killing his wife, his wife can be killed, but no one dares to move. This is the same truth.

If you want Jiang Yihuan to die, you must look at the meaning of this majesty. As long as your majesty wants his brother to die, Jiang Yihuan has no room for struggle.

"I'm sober now. What do you think of me as a madman?" Jiang Yihuan asked, and then he started a rhetorical question, "You openly scold me, are you trying to challenge me?"

"Don't be proud of it too early, the person you sent in has offended all of us and wait for him to come out, we have to put his body bit by bit in front of you Dismembered." A collateral prince said, his expression grim.

This time he sent two sons into this ancestral realm.

But what made him dream of was that the difference in the ancestral realm was actually a permanent difference between their father and son, because Wang Feng killed both of his sons, leaving none of them.

The white-haired man gave the black-haired man, and now he only had murderous intent in his heart, and the whole person looked very fierce.

It's just that his cultivation is only in the late Blood Saint Realm. What he said really didn't have any weight at all. Jiang Yihuan didn't put such a thing in his eyes, because he is just a small character, why should he talk nonsense with such a person?

"Whoever dares to kill him is to have trouble with me. The original mistake has been made. I can't change anything, but this time, none of you will try to succeed."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yihuan’s aura suddenly swept out like an ocean, making many people present changed their expressions, because many of them did not reach this level. When Jiang Yihuan broke out of this level of pressure. It is normal for them to be unable to resist.

"If you have committed public anger, are you sure you can keep him?" At this time, a prince whose realm is similar to Jiang Yihuan sneered. Although he does not have a dead son, if he can get rid of this big threat like Jiang Yihuan at this time, then he is still Very willing.

Although the royal family looks glamorous on the surface, secretly, they have no idea how many years of intrigue. They just responded to that sentence. Behind the light is the darkness. Many of Jiang Yihuan and the others want to get rid of it. As for that Wang Feng, who helped him kill young members of the royal family, could perfectly become a fuse.

This flame will eventually burn Jiang Yihuan, which he can't avoid.

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