The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3444: Chicken dog

"You guys, where are you going?"

About a day later, Wang Feng had already killed more than 20 people. At the beginning, Wang Feng only got the treasure in the space ring of these people, but with the passage of time, after he killed others, he was actually The iron pot was also found in the space ring.

These people didn't even use the tin can after they got it, but it was cheaper for Wang Feng.

He didn't bother to care about why these people didn't use the tin can after they got it. As long as he got it, he would use it immediately.

In just one day, Wang Feng had already used seven iron pots. After his body had used these earthy yellow mists, his body had already appeared in this color, which made him look more masculine.

It seems that there is explosive power in his flesh and blood, and it feels uncomfortable to see from a distance.

Killing people can get iron pots. This is beyond Wang Feng’s expectation. So he moved faster and faster, and he was not as careful looking for the iron pots because someone was already accumulating this thing for him. Why did he need it? Wasting energy to find it slowly?

"Unexpectedly you are a foreigner." This time Wang Feng encountered a combination of four people. They are all side lines of the royal family. Now they are gathered together to prevent others from coming to deal with them, so when they see At that moment, their faces suddenly showed a sneer.

"What? Do you look down on us foreigners again?" Wang Feng asked calmly.

"You are right. You foreigners are all low-level races. When you see our royal family, don't you still kneel down?"

At this time, a member of the royal family shouted, actually wanting Wang Feng to kneel for them.

"You want me to kneel for you, your wishful thinking is pretty loud."

"The ancestral realm is the treasure of our royal family members. You, a foreigner, are not qualified to come in. If you weren't taken by your uncle, do you think you can appear here?"

"A foreigner, before your ancestors took the world, you are still just like me, just ordinary people, what can you be proud of?"

"No need to talk nonsense with him, I don't think he came here with any good intentions this time, so he should be killed quickly, so as not to waste our time looking for opportunities."

"But now my uncle is looking at us outside. What if we kill him and his uncle gets angry?"

"Have you forgotten? There are no rules in this ancestral realm. If he dies, he will die. Could the uncle still trouble us?"

"If this is the case, then we will all go together and try to get him down at once." A member of the royal family said, without thinking about fighting alone.

Since they all have the absolute upper hand, why waste time with Wang Feng? Seize the time to kill him is true.

"Come one to die, come two to die, you go together, then I will just send you all to the west." Although these people plan to go together, Wang Feng's face did not show any fear.

Because none of them has surpassed Wang Feng's strength in cultivation, what lessons does Wang Feng fear?

Once he shot, the death of these people was doomed, and none of them were Wang Feng's opponents.

Most of the people Wang Feng met before were acting alone, but four people appeared here at once, which saved Wang Feng the trouble of looking for them everywhere.

"Go together." Seeing Wang Feng's arrogant arrogance, the faces of these royal family members showed a trace of cruelty, and then the four of them simultaneously crushed towards Wang Feng.

"It's vain to go together."

Seeing the four people rushing towards him at the same time, Wang Feng's mouth showed a sneer, then he raised his fist, and the broken star fist broke out!

Seeing Wang Feng raising his fist, those outside the ancestral realm couldn't help but look ugly, because they knew that once Wang Feng used this trick, it meant that someone was going to die.

Of course, they also have a certain hope in their hearts, that is, Wang Feng can kill one person, but he might not be so easy to kill four people.

Even he might be killed by counter-kill, which is like a person can lift one stone, two stones.

But if there are four stones at the same time, I am afraid it will not be so easy to lift, and may even be smashed to death.

They all hoped that Wang Feng would be killed, but what happened next made them all look ugly, because under Wang Feng's punch, these four people were blown up at the same time and vomited blood.

Fortunately, they opened their defenses in time, plus Wang Feng's power was slightly scattered, otherwise they might be directly destroyed.

"How could he be so strong?"

Looking at Wang Feng, who knocked the four of them into flight with a single punch, the faces of all four of them showed incredible expressions.

We must know that their cultivation base is no lower than Wang Feng, but why do they appear so vulnerable in front of Wang Feng?

"A group of native chickens dare to call themselves the noble royal family. I think you are completely discrediting your royal family." A sneer appeared on Wang Feng's face, and then he raised his steps, step by step towards The four of them walked over.

Although his steps are very gentle and slow, but every step he takes The hearts of these people can't help but tremble fiercely, as if Wang Feng's feet are directly on their hearts. Same as above.

"You are really too weak." When he came to these people, Wang Feng's face showed a sneer, and then he said: "You noble royals, everything can be over, you will die in my inferior The hands of the monk."

"Inferior ants, want to kill us, dream." Seeing Wang Feng's powerful and terrifying, one of the royal family members made a sound, then he turned over and took out something and crushed it.

This is something his father gave him specifically to save his life. After crushing it, it can form an extremely powerful mask to protect him.

Although they can't leave here after being shrouded in light, they will be sent out naturally after three days. The most important thing now is to save their lives.

"I'm already dead, and I think I can survive. It's just a wishful thinking."

While speaking, Wang Feng raised his fist and smashed it down towards the mask.

At this moment, Wang Feng regretted it a little, and that was why he didn't make an early move to kill these people, so that he was wasting a little more power now.

But even if they had a mask, it was useless. When Wang Feng's fist fell, the mask shook suddenly, and then some cracks appeared.

Seeing the cracks appear, all the four people in the mask were pale, because they all underestimated Wang Feng, whose strength has far exceeded their expectations.

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