The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3421: Passionate lord

Chapter 3421: The Enthusiastic Lord

With doubts, the prince finally left here, because his uncle didn't keep him, wouldn't it be shameless for him to stay here?

"Bring the door for me when I go out." Just as the prince was about to leave here, the middle-aged man made a sound.

"Yes." Hearing this, the prince nodded, and then he closed the door of the mansion directly.

"Unexpectedly, the status of the senior is so high." After the prince left, Wang Feng said.

When those royal family members came here before, Wang Feng just felt that this middle-aged person was very high, but after such a prince came here, he immediately understood the middle-aged person's identity.

He turned out to be the prince of this dynasty. In his capacity, he could go to the core third floor of the palace to live. How come such a tiny star that does not **** a bird.

"These are nothing but clouds, it's nothing more than our background is better than others."

"Is it better to stop?" Hearing this, Wang Feng really had the urge to roll his eyes, but this was a very rude gesture, so Wang Feng forced it down again.

"I hope you don't feel grudges because of this. I am just a commoner now. The previous ones have nothing to do with me."

While speaking, the middle-aged man suddenly grabbed his palm, and suddenly the things left by the prince were detained in front of him.

Putting the cat-like statue in front of Wang Feng, the middle-aged man said very sincerely: "Young man, although I don’t know your name yet, it’s for you to drink so much wine with me today. , This thing is given to you."

"Senior, this can't be done." Upon hearing this, Wang Feng shook his head quickly.

They all say that there is no reward for no merit, and this thing is obviously a treasure. If this middle-aged person asks Wang Feng to do something for him because of this, wouldn't Wang Feng be a big loss?

So he would rather not have this thing.

"What's wrong with this, I don't need it in this place, so you might as well use it to play a role. The right is to be used as waste."

"Waste utilization..."

Hearing this, Wang Feng finally couldn't help but roll his eyes. Such a good baby, he actually said it was a trash, is his vision too high?

"Dare to ask senior, why did you move from the palace to such a remote place?"

"A victim of imperial power, understand?"

"Seems to understand but not understand." Hearing this answer, Wang Feng sensibly did not ask any more, because this obviously involved the secret in the other party's heart. If he asked again, then Wang Feng would be too disrespectful, so he simply stopped asking.

"Come on, it's rare to meet you who can drink with me, let's have another drink." The middle-aged man didn't seem to deliberately suppress the urge to get drunk in his heart.

So after drinking so much alcohol, he seemed to be a little drunk, and in the end he simply became brothers with Wang Feng.

The real brother of this person is the current emperor, and even other brothers must be the prince. Undoubtedly, he and Wang Feng are now called brothers. Wouldn't it be troublesome for Wang Feng?

However, there were only two of them in this place, and Wang Feng simply let him go. After going out of this door, who knew that he and this middle-aged man had called brothers and sisters?

"Brother, you can take this thing, as well as the treasures in the back room, you can take whatever you like, don't be polite with me."

"I'm very embarrassed to take this, I can't ask for it anymore." Wang Feng said, putting away the cat statue that the prince had just taken out.

This statue contains very majestic vitality, and perhaps it can save Wang Feng's life in a critical moment, so he will brazenly put this thing in his bag.

And now this middle-aged man wants to give him more things, how can Wang Feng ask for it?

Although he was shameless sometimes, but he couldn't take advantage of others when others were drunk, so Wang Feng simply refused.

"Come on, come and see me before you say this sentence." During the conversation, the middle-aged man dragged Wang Feng to the door of a room and said, "This room is for me to store gifts from others. , Take a look."

While talking, the middle-aged man directly pushed open the door, and all kinds of light instantly filled Wang Feng's eyes, and the huge room was filled with treasures.

Many of these treasures are invaluable, and can even be described as priceless treasures, but this middle-aged man still throws this thing here like trash, he is simply atrocious.

"Little brother, take whatever you want, don't be polite with me." The middle-aged man patted Wang Feng on the shoulder and said.

"forget it."

Although there are many treasures in this place, Wang Feng did not reach out to take it because he already took something from someone Isn’t it unjust?

"Little brother, this is a rare opportunity, and there is no such opportunity after this door."

"Even if the opportunity is rare, I can't take it." Wang Feng turned around and left as he spoke.

"Little brother, you..." Seeing Wang Feng turned around and left, the middle-aged man didn't seem to expect Wang Feng to leave so simply.

A man-man, he has something to do or not. Wang Feng and this middle-aged man don’t know each other. They don’t even know what the other person is called. Wang Feng is already satisfied to get one of his precious things, so if you take it now, then Too shameless, so Wang Feng would rather not.

"It's a pity such a good opportunity."

In Wang Feng's dantian, seeing Wang Feng not doing anything in the face of Treasure, everyone shook their heads and sighed.

If Wang Feng just gave up such a good opportunity, wouldn't it be a big loss?

"It's nothing to be a pity, just be content with Changle."

"Brother, are you really sure not to take some?"

"I really don't need it anymore. These things were given to you by others. You can keep them for yourself, even as a collection."

"In that case, then I won't force you." The middle-aged man closed the door as he spoke.

Before leaving, he still grabbed a few treasures from them, which he wanted to present to Wang Feng.

Anyway, he brought Wang Feng here. If he didn't give anything, wouldn't he be the eldest brother too interesting?

So even if Wang Feng doesn't want his things, he will give it to Wang Feng even if it is hard to do.

"Brother, come here, this is for you." The middle-aged man said, and then he forcibly stuffed this thing into Wang Feng's hands.

"What are you doing?" Wang Feng asked after seeing this scene.

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