The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3206: Heaven is in a hurry


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Wang Feng also thought that those who came back from the barren land would seek revenge from the Heavenly Dynasty.

But what Wang Feng never expected was that they had actually attacked the Celestial Realm first.

You must know that there were not many people who survived in the heavens. If they were to kill like this again, the heavens would definitely suffer heavy losses.

"Grass mud horse."

Unable to hold back, Wang Feng cursed.

Letting these people out is for them to take revenge on the dynasty beyond the sky, but now they have attacked the people in the heavens, how can Wang Feng bear it?

"what happened?"

Hearing Wang Feng's curse, the tortoise shell also seemed to notice something was wrong, so he asked quickly.

"The people in the heavens were attacked." Wang Feng said in a low voice, his expression ugly.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, this tortoise shell couldn't help but be shocked. The people of the heavens live in such a remote place and are inaccessible. How could they be attacked?

But this tortoise's shell is not stupid, he suddenly thought of some possibility, his face was shocked.

"Couldn't the people you let out do it?" the tortoise shell whispered.

"It should be right." Wang Feng nodded, and then he immediately made a decision and said: "It is impossible to continue to delay. I must rush back to save people. You continue to delay them here and don't get caught. live."

"Well, let's split up immediately."

There were not many survivors in the heavens. If these people were to do this, the losses would be heavy, that's for sure, so Wang Feng must go back to rescue.


Seeing Wang Feng and the tortoise shell split into two at once, the people who pursued them did not understand what had happened.

It was so good to stay together before, so what is the plan?


Although Wang Feng and the tortoise shell have moved separately, they are crowded and they can also act separately, and even this way their pressure will be reduced.

Seeing a few people chasing him behind him, Wang Feng looked ugly, but there was no way, because the people of the heavens were definitely not the opponents of the criminals. These criminals might have seen the resources of the heavens and wanted to **** them.

If he can't rush back, I'm afraid all the heavenly people will die.

Those people are extremely vicious, and they are sure to not let the heavens go.

Before, Wang Feng only thought that after releasing these people, they would definitely seek revenge from the people of the Heavenly Empire, but Wang Feng ignored the point of Heaven.

Although the heaven is far away from the heavenly dynasty and in a place off the beaten track, who can guarantee that they won't hit the star where the heaven is when they return?

This is a very likely thing to happen, but it is a pity that Wang Feng did not prevent it, and now he can only do his best to rush back.

He just wants to go back. He must get rid of the people behind Wang Feng. Once they find the place where the people in the heavens are, what will Wang Feng do?

He is now rushing back to save people, not to bring about a greater disaster, so in the process of rushing, Wang Feng is constantly speeding up, even he reversed his blood, the purpose is to get rid of these people as soon as possible .

The people behind this also seemed to find that Wang Feng seemed crazy in order to drive, so they did not dare to neglect, and quickly burned their souls to chase him.

"Hurry up and go back."

The people behind him clung to Wang Feng firmly, and Wang Feng didn't have the ability to get rid of these people in an instant, so now he can only beg the criminals to start activities and attract all these people back.

Otherwise, Wang Feng would not dare to return to the star where the heaven was.

After taking these people around in the starry sky, Wang Feng still failed to get rid of these people.

They were like a piece of brown candy, and they firmly stuck Wang Feng. Under this situation, Wang Feng's mood couldn't help becoming irritable. ,

Thinking of the people in the heavens, Wang Feng is looking for a chance to leave here, but it is a pity that these people don't give him a chance at all, so he has nothing to do.

He can only wait, he can't take these people to the stars where the heaven is.

Earlier, Wang Feng thought about these people being taken further and further by them, but now it is better. This good show is not regarded as, but the people of the heavens are suffering first. Looking back now, it is really a great irony.

"He is anxious to throw us away. Something must have happened. Don't let him go."

Wang Feng's intentions were already very obvious, and these old men could see it, so under this circumstance, how could they let Wang Feng leave their line of sight? They could not chase Wang Feng temporarily, but Wang Feng could not leave either.

After moving around here for almost half an hour, Wang Feng has not been able to successfully get rid of these people.

It's been such a long time, people in the heavens are afraid...

Thinking of this, Wang Feng didn't dare to continue thinking further down, because he was afraid he would not be able to accept it.

People in the heavens, such as the Great Emperor Xuanyu, have gone to the affiliated star region to experience, but besides them, there are still a large number of Wang Feng's relatives in this heaven, such as his biological parents are still in this star.

If Wang Feng doesn't rush back to rescue, I am afraid it will be too late.

"No, the imperial city has entered a lot of killers, we have to go back immediately."

These people have chased Wang Feng for so long, and they finally received a message from the imperial city, asking them to rush back to support.

The people imprisoned in the barren land are not short of strong people, so now they have some people who have smashed into the imperial city, and they are killing people related to the army has experienced it once. It's not going to be the weather, so they have to rush back to support, or wait until they return, I am afraid it will be too late.

Pursuing Wang Feng is important, but protecting the safety of the imperial city is even more important. You must know that your majesty is still in the imperial city. If the killer is attacking your majesty at this time, then what is the role of them chasing Wang Feng here?

The meaning of their existence is to guard the peace of the empire and protect the safety of your majesty. Now that your majesty is threatened, they naturally want to go back as soon as possible.

Seeing Wang Feng who was still on the run, these people finally had to give up the idea of ​​continuing to chase him and chose to retreat.

Seeing all the people chasing him back, Wang Feng knew that the imperial city must be in a hurry and they had to back up, so after they left, Wang Feng did not hesitate and went straight to the stars where the heaven was.

Time has passed for so long, and he doesn't know what is going on in the heavens, so he must rush back as soon as possible. If something happened that made him regret for a lifetime, how could he forgive himself?

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