The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3203: Turtle shell besieged

The gap between the Heavenly Empire and this barren land Wang Feng is considered to be opened, and the people in this barren land will definitely come out one after another. When these people are all integrated into this barren empire, a great chaos will definitely be unavoidable. .

On this day, the army of the foreign dynasty had been almost destroyed by Emperor Wang Feng and Yongzhen, and they certainly did not have extra power to continue to deal with these people.

So it won't be long before the outer dynasty of this day will face collapse. Even Su Hong will not be able to contain the situation in a short time. No matter how strong he is, he will only be alone.

But the Tianwai Dynasty managed so many places, how could he be busy alone.

So Wang Feng, the seed of this evil, was temporarily planted. This Su Hong had done a lot of evil and killed countless people in the heavens. Now it is time for him to pay the price.

As an emperor, but even his own empire is not well managed, a person like him will definitely add a strong touch to this history.

Wang Feng has dealt with the problem here, so he did not stay here for a long time. No matter what kind of crime these criminals have, Wang Feng will not do anything to them, because he still needs these people to destroy the peace of the dynasty outside the sky, so These people are better alive than dead.

"Husband, when will your realm break through?"

In Wang Feng's dantian, this Yan Junyun asked.

"Who said this clearly, I don't know." Wang Feng shook his head.

"If your cultivation base can break through to the late Blood Saint Realm, then your combat power will definitely be far better than others, and the third under heaven is enough." Yan Junyun sighed.

In many cases, a strong realm is indeed an extraordinary effect, but this realm can not be broken if you want to break through. This requires an opportunity and also requires luck, and Wang Feng feels helpless.

The barren land has been opened by Wang Feng, and Wang Feng's mission has been completed, so he went directly to the satellite domain where the Li family was located.

It has been out for more than ten days, and it will take a certain amount of time for Wang Feng to go back. It has been more than a month before and after. I don't know if anything happened during this period.

Wang Feng returned extremely fast, about ten days later, he returned to the satellite domain where the turtle shell was.

Here Wang Feng felt the breath of a tortoise shell from far away. He seemed to be fighting people at this moment. The aftermath of their battle caused the clouds on the surface of the star to be lined up. The scene looked very big.

"There are so many people, what a hero." The tortoise shell sounded, very angry.

Hearing this, Wang Feng's complexion couldn't help but change. Wouldn't he just come back and run into trouble with the tortoise shell?

Entering this subsidiary star field swiftly, Wang Feng found that the fighting below was getting more and more fierce. The three people were attacking the tortoise shell at the same time, pressing him firmly into the wind.

That is to say, the tortoise shell itself has lived long enough, and the combat experience is relatively rich. Otherwise, he might have been defeated by now, but even so, the tortoise shell will not end well. Almost all the blood in front of his clothes It was dyed red, which shows that their fighting time is not a half-time.

Fortunately, Wang Feng came back in time, otherwise he would not have seen this scene.

Seeing that the tortoise's shell was being attacked, Wang Feng's complexion couldn't help but sink, and then he didn't hesitate to join in.

No matter who these people attacked the tortoise shell, since Wang Feng had already seen it, he naturally wanted to help the tortoise shell.

"Eye of Destruction!"

After rushing up, Wang Feng directly burst out his own eyes of destruction. Under his sweep, those who attacked the tortoise shell also felt a huge threat, and all retreated.

"When did you come back?" Looking at Wang Feng, the tortoise shell's face was surprised. He was about to inform Wang Feng before. After all, he had no chance of winning against three by himself.

But what he didn't expect was that now this Wang Feng appeared here by himself, who notified him?

"Don't care when I come back, what the **** is going on, how can someone come to besiege you?"

"Don't you see this? These three people are all masters in the palace." Tortoise Shell responded, and then said with a bit of resentment: "It must be the people in the palace who have used extrapolation to calculate my existence. Fortunately, you are coming back now, or else my old life will be explained here."

"These people are really lingering."

Hearing the tortoise shell, Wang Feng’s complexion also became very ugly. Fortunately, he did not stay too much on the border of the empire. He returned with all his strength. Otherwise, with the current situation of the tortoise shell, he would even be the last I informed myself that I am afraid that the day lily was cold when Wang Feng came back.

"Unexpectedly, both of you will appear at the same time. That's right, you two will stay here."

Seeing Wang Feng appearing, the faces of the three old men couldn't help showing an unexpected look. You must know that calculating Wang Feng requires a great price, and everyone who calculates has to pay the price of life.

Just like the last time, neither of them can accurately calculate the location of Wang Feng. They can only set up an ambush where he probably passed.

So this time the people in the palace learned to be smart, instead of calculating Wang Feng, they changed to calculating the turtle shell.

Anyway, this tortoise shell has a relationship with Wang Feng. If he is attacked, this Wang Feng is very likely to show up, just like now, when the tortoise shell is attacked, this Wang Feng really shows up.


Although the opponent has only three people, if Wang Feng and Turtle Shell join hands, they may also compete with each other, at least not losing in a short time.

However, Wang Feng clearly saw a person on the other side crushed something similar to a message. This place is very close to the main star, and people from the heavens are also on this If the other party comes to support, Wang Feng and Turtle I am afraid it will be difficult for the shell to go.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to fight here for a long time at this time, it is true to withdraw first.

These people must have come prepared, the purpose is to keep the two of them, so how could Wang Feng let them do what they wanted.

"it is good."

This place is too close to the main star, and there will be more masters coming at any time, so the turtle shell also knows that they are not suitable for long-term battles with each other in this place.

Didn't they come to find themselves just to elicit Wang Feng?

Now that Wang Feng has appeared, they will continue to use whatever tricks they have, so if the two of them are still foolishly fighting them here, they will be fooled.

"Want to go now? Are you leaving?" Perceiving the intentions of the two Wang Feng, the three sneered, and then the three of them occupied one side, forming a triangle, combining Wang Feng and the turtle shell. Blocked in the middle.

They only need to drag Wang Feng and the other two, and when the backup comes, everything is okay.

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