The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3201: Seal broken


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"Then what do you want us to do?"

"It's very simple, just follow your majesty's will."

"But our purpose of guarding here is to prevent people over there from running out. They are all guilty people. Once they are allowed to run out, I'm afraid they will do harm to the world." A soldier said worriedly.

"Yeah, these people are all desperate and evil people. If you let them go, they are afraid of misfortune." Another person also agreed.

"Today is different from the past. Although they are all sinners, the Empire needs them now. If they can redeem their merits, it would be a good thing."

"There is a saying that knowing what is wrong can improve the greatness. If the empire is not destroyed, these people must be released."

"Unexpectedly, the empire has come to such a stage, our wives and children are still in the empire, we must act."

"If this is the case, then all of us don't hesitate to open the seal and release the people on the other side to contribute to the empire."

"it is good."

Since Wang Feng has already said what he has said, all of them have to work together, otherwise the seal would not be so easy to open.

After all, this seal can prevent the opponent's people from breaking through, and the natural power is very powerful, and it is difficult to open it with personal strength alone.

Wang Feng also thought of this, that's why he thought of borrowing the power of these people.

He thought that these people already knew the news that his general was sent down, but judging from the reactions of these people, they didn't know this at all, even when Wang Feng was a general.

After all, their level is too low, and besides staying in this place, they don't go back all year round, naturally they don't know about the general's personnel changes.

"Unfortunately these people don't know what's going on."

In Wang Feng's Dantian, watching these people being deceived by Wang Feng, Bei Yunxue and the others couldn't help feeling sad for these people. It was like being sold and helping to count the money.

"Fortunately, they don't know, otherwise they won't help." Zi Sha said playfully.

These people have maintained this seal formation here all the year round, they are too familiar with how to break this formation, as long as they can find a weak point, breaking this seal is not a problem.

People over there are still constantly attacking this seal, and Wang Feng has also begun to actively weaken the power of this seal.

With the joint ‘effort’ of both parties, this seal is becoming weaker and weaker. I am afraid that it will not be long before this seal will be declared broken. By then, all the sinners exiled in this barren land will probably rush over.

"General, we have rashly released these sinners, they will definitely attack us." At this time, a person said with some worry.

"What are you afraid of, with me, will I still protect you from failure?"

Wang Feng's expression sank and said, "No matter how powerful these people are, they are just ants in front of this general, and they can be easily killed."

"The general has a high level of cultivation. I can't wait for it. By then, we will all rely on the general."

"Relax, as long as I don't die, you won't die."

After saying this, Wang Feng's heart couldn't help but muttered silently: "I told a lie like this once, I really said this once."

The seal is very strong, but it can't stop so many people from destroying it at the same time. When the seal was originally arranged, a lot of manpower was used, but now when the seal is broken, a lot of manpower is also invested.

Under Wang Feng's assurance, these people really thought that Wang Summit would protect them, so they were working hard to break the seal.

It may be less than ten minutes. This originally relatively stable seal is already on the verge of collapse. On the barren land side, those who attacked the seal seemed to have discovered that the seal was getting weaker and weaker. They don't know how many years the seal will be broken, they are naturally attacking Wang Feng who is going crazy here.

"Hahaha, the seal is broken!"

"We are free."

About a minute later, the seal was broken, and a large number of criminals from the barren land began to rush here, like a locust crossing the border, I am afraid the number will not be less than thousands.

Maybe this is just the first force, and more people will rush out later.


These people had just rushed out, and the first thing they did was to kill the Quartet. These border guards who helped break the seal were the first to be killed by these people.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng would not perform what he said before, calmly watching these people being killed.

"General, save us." At this time, a soldier spoke and cast a look at Wang Feng for help.

It's a pity that Wang Feng now pretends that he hasn't heard anything, and he's not moved. The heart of the person who is watching is cold.

He thought that Wang Fengsheng would save them, but now it seems that they made a mistake. This person may have never thought of saving them from beginning to end, and what he said is probably a scam.

"General? There are generals here?"

Hearing these people's words, these people who had been exiled in the barren land suddenly fixed their eyes on Wang Feng's body.

Many people have even shown bloodthirsty eyes, living in a barren land all year round, the resources in that place are too barren, and many of them have no way to cultivate normally.

So now that they have broken through the seal, the first thing they want to do is grab resources.

It was like a wolf that had been hungry for a long time, and it would bite something when it saw a living creature.

It's a pity that when Wang Feng exuded his powerful aura, many of these criminals began to retreat, because although they are now fierce, they have not yet reached the point where they lose consciousness. This Wang Feng discerning person can see that it is not easy to provoke. If they rushed towards each other at this moment, wouldn't it be death?

Therefore, under the pressure of the powerful realm, they can only pretend that Wang Feng does not exist and continue to kill others.

" You said you want to save us."

There are too many of these criminals, and these people live in that barren land, fighting for resources all the year round. Although the people here guard the border, they often have nothing to do.

So by comparison, these people naturally suffered a lot.

If these criminals are wolves, then their roles can only be dogs, and cannot be compared with them.

Even low-level criminals can now deal with their higher cultivation bases. The fighting situation is now completely one-sided. These soldiers are not the opponents of these criminals.

They are now completely slaughtered, and the scene looks very bloody.

"Wang Feng, or save them."

In Wang Feng's Dantian, Bei Yunxue and the others couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't bear it.

After all, these people are all innocent, and it is against the law of nature to be slaughtered in this way.

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