The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3199: Empire border


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"Since it's just a guess, let's not say too much. Who would spend so long on the road for such an unnecessarily guessing? Let's wait until the news becomes more specific." Wang Feng said.

If there is really an empire outside of the Tianwai Dynasty, then joining hands with them is not an option. After all, it is really too difficult to bring down the Tianwai Dynasty. Wang Feng and the others are weak. It may be even more difficult to find an ally. it is good.

"Apart from this, what other news is there?" Wang Feng asked, looking at the Li Family Patriarch.

"There is nothing more about this." Patriarch Li shook his head.

"Is there any news from the palace?"

"The imperial palace is now heavily guarded, our people can't get close at all, and after something like that happened, no one is willing to approach the imperial palace." Li Jia said.

"Forget it, now you should be cautious about restoring your vitality, and don't worry about the rest."

Since this empire has borders, and there are some movements outside the borders, Wang Feng felt that he had to go back to the place where he had just gone to ask the young man.

Anyway, this person is still under Wang Feng's control. With his organizational ability, he must know more about the situation than the Li Family Patriarch, so Wang Feng completely went to him to understand the situation. Anyway, this understanding of the situation does not need to pay any price.

"Why are you back again?"

At the base of the underground intelligence organization, when Wang Feng and Turtle Shell came back, the young man's complexion suddenly collapsed, as if he saw two demons.

"Don't worry, I just came to ask you a question, gave me the answer, and I will leave naturally."

"what is the problem?"

"Does our dynasty have a border?"

"Yes." Hearing Wang Feng's words, this young man responded with almost no thought. It seems that the empire really has borders, otherwise he would not answer so decisively.

"Are there other empires behind the border?"

"The empire doesn't. The people living there are all sinners from the past on our side."


"Many years ago, there was originally a barren land, but as the population on our side increased and the competition for resources was fierce, some guilty people were banished to that land and let them fend for themselves."

This person paused for a while, and then continued: "With the passage of time, this has become a tradition, and many sinners have been gradually exiled to that part of the world."

"So now that piece of the world has developed into a powerful force."

"Then is it possible for them to come over?"

Hearing this, Wang Feng's face showed a pensive expression.

Since they were exiled, they would definitely hate the world here, so even if Wang Feng did nothing, they would naturally do things after they came over.

This is an opportunity to further suppress the Tianwai Dynasty. Wang Feng did not want to overthrow the Tianwai Dynasty to be an emperor. He was only to avenge countless people in the heavens. So as long as he could avenge, he could do anything.

Since the forces outside the border hate the Heavenly Dynasty, Wang Feng must help these people so that they can come over smoothly.

As long as they come, they will definitely find the official trouble, so Wang Feng will invisibly provide a lot of helpers.

"Are they coming over?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

"According to our current intelligence, they are attacking the border defense line, but it is not that easy to come over."

"Then how did I hear that there have been many passages, are people over there coming over soon?"

"I said, it is not so easy to come over." Hearing this, the face of this young man suddenly became a little gloomy.

If it weren't for his life and death in Wang Feng's hands, he would have already blasted out this kind of person.

Their organization is indeed good for buying and selling intelligence, but sometimes they just give a reminder, where they will explain it carefully.

After all, if they can maximize the underground intelligence organization, they naturally have their own arrogance.

"Then show me which way."

Wang Feng knew that he might have asked a little too much, so he didn't get angry when the other party had opinions. After all, it was information that didn't require capital.

"That side." Hearing Wang Feng's words, this young man pointed to him and said: "As long as you gallop along this direction and reach the end of the month, there is the place between our realm and that barren land. border."

"Okay, nothing is up to you, go ahead."

Calling this young man out, Wang Feng and tortoise shell looked at each other, and then talked: "Are you going to the border?"

Turtle shell looked at Wang Feng and asked suspiciously.

For such a long distance, it takes a lot of time to go back and forth. If something happens during this period, Wang Feng can't call for support and can't come back, so this has to be considered.

"Have this idea." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "There are many masters in this day, and we are really weak. If we can get a bunch of powerful helpers, this day, we might be busy. "

"After all, they are all sinners. I'm afraid this behavior is not much different from the devil. You have to be careful."

"Are you not going to go?" Wang Feng's face showed a different color when he heard the tortoise shell.

"I'm not going anymore. The people in the heavens are now placed in this satellite domain by you. Once we are all gone, if they encounter any situation, there will be no one to rescue them, so I will stay here. ."

"That's fine too."

The tortoise shell is right. The celestial person, Wang Feng, is now in this subsidiary star field, so they need someone to guard it. Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, Wang Feng will definitely not be able to come back. .

Just helping to open the border passage, Wang Feng alone is actually enough.

An extra tortoise shell won't help much.

"When are you leaving?"

"Since there has been movement, let's go now." Wang Feng thought for a while and said.

"Okay, go and come back quickly."

Anyway, there is nothing to do in this dynasty, so I might as well go to the border.

"I will leave it to you to help me see the situation in the heavens. If there is anything I need to help, let me know as soon as I can. I will definitely try my best and come back as soon as possible."

"If even I can't cope with a situation, even if you come back, it won't have much effect. You are not worried enough here, I am enough alone."

"That way, I'm leaving."

While speaking, Wang Feng didn't hesitate, and galloped in the direction pointed by the young man.


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