The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3195: Escape


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Although the blood sea covers a wide area, this Su Hong has never been able to stop Wang Feng, so Wang Feng soon came to the edge of this blood sea. As long as he takes a step forward, Wang Feng can leave here and enter the starry sky.

He can leave here anytime then.

Looking back, Wang Feng found that the vortex transmission channel created by Su Hong, the killing statue had already appeared half of its body, and Emperor Yongzhen would definitely fall into a very unfavorable situation in the next battle.

It's just that Wang Feng's cultivation is the emperor's prestige, he can't help himself now, and even the arrival of him and the tortoise shell has caused a lot of trouble to the Yongzhen Emperor.

So what Wang Feng has to do now is not to stay in this place for a long time, but to leave here as much as possible, not to hold back the Yongzhen Emperor.

As long as this is achieved, even if Emperor Yongzhen loses to Su Hong, he can at least escape without scruples.

If Wang Feng is here, then Emperor Yongzhen might throw a rat-avoidance device, so now Wang Feng has to leave here quickly, so that he can't cause trouble to Emperor Yongzhen.

Stepping out of this blood sea in one step, Wang Feng was free at once. If he wants to leave at this moment, he can do it at any time.

But someone would not let him go so easily, this person was Su Hong.

"Leave him for me!"

Su Hong's mouth uttered a sound, and then the people under his hand, who had chased the turtle shell before, all chased towards Wang Feng.

Getting rid of Su Hong doesn't mean that Wang Feng got rid of the five people.

It's a pity that these five people had already burned their souls very badly when they chased the tortoise shell. Now they want to chase after a peak of Wang Feng, it is simply dreaming.

Even if Wang Feng is hard to waste, he can consume all these people on the ground.

You must know that when he was in the blood, Wang Feng could use his own cells to recover all his injuries, including Sky Eye.

So as long as these five people dare to chase after them, Wang Feng will even have a chance to kill them.

After all, they themselves are experiencing serious wear and tear, and if they pursue Wang Feng again, they will undoubtedly provide Wang Feng with a chance.

"Don't want to go."

I have to say that Su Hong's order is still effective, and the five people quickly pursued them, very fast.

Maybe they just want to show it in front of Su Hong and take Wang Feng here.

It's just that they will chase, wouldn't Wang Feng still run?

"Have the ability to chase me."

There was a sound from Wang Feng's mouth, and then he galloped towards the depths of the starry sky.

"You can't run away."

Looking at Wang Feng, the five people chasing from behind all chased him. They didn't mean to let Wang Feng go.

"Not dead?"

In Wang Feng's Dantian space, the tortoise shell suddenly opened his eyes and his face showed an incredible color.

Since he entered Wang Feng's dantian, he has been asleep directly. In his impression, he may never be able to get up again.

Because if Wang Feng couldn't stop this Su Hong's attack, then they would definitely die and there would be no way to survive.

But now after he slept for a long time, he found that he was still alive, and his heart was naturally shocked. What was going on?

Outside Wang Feng's dantian space was the starry sky, and Wang Feng seemed to be still galloping fast, so of course he wanted to know what was going on at this moment.

"Don't worry, we don't die so easily." Wang Feng's face showed a sneer when he heard the tortoise shell's words, and then he galloped at full speed again.

The people who chased him in the back were in very bad condition. As long as Wang Feng can take them for a while, I believe it is impossible for Wang Feng to kill them.

After all, they have burned their souls very seriously before. If they continue to pursue this kind of pursuit, Wang Feng believes that they won’t be able to hold on for a long time to expose major problems. Therefore, what Wang Feng has to do now is very simple. These people are running.

"How did we survive?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell was naturally shocked and asked.

"I'll ask this question later. We are running for our lives now, not for small talk." While speaking, Wang Feng sank his mind and concentrated on running away.

The people chasing him here are all masters in the late Blood Saint Realm. They were seriously consumed by the tortoise shell before, but they are still very fierce chasing them now. It seems that they are not ready to give Wang Feng a chance to leave, they are dead. Stick Wang Feng.

Several times, Wang Feng almost couldn't help burning his own soul on the way. After all, the distance between the two sides was constantly decreasing. Once within an effective attack range, Wang Feng might not be able to stop the five of them.

These five people are now like five evil dogs. As long as Wang Feng stops, they will bite over frantically, and they will never make any sense.

"Do you need my help?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the turtle shell asked.

"No need." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "You are currently at a serious consumption. It is enough for me to restrain them. You should hurry up and recover. Maybe I need to fight with you for a while."

"Then don't worry, since we survived, then I will definitely not let these grandchildren get better."

This time, the reason why he came to the fighting spirit of these two powerhouses was not to get rid of these people. Now that the situation has been reversed to a certain extent, then he must pay a heavy price for these people.

Such a round was carefully set up for Wang Feng and him to jump. If it hadn't been for Wang Feng to explode with immense fighting power, I am afraid that the two of them would not be able to get out of that formation.

So since these people are so cruel, how could he make them feel better? They must pay for their actions.

"It should be almost done."

With these people, Wang Feng galloped through the starry sky for almost half an hour, and Wang Feng didn't stop for a moment within half an hour. He was really tired.

Wang Feng is already like this, so the people who chased him naturally looked even more miserable. Although they haven't started a battle yet, their cultivation base is seriously depleted because of chasing Wang Feng, and now their faces are pale. It's like five people crawling out of the coffin, completely unlike normal people.

Now that they have consumed them for a while, in the process of moving forward, Wang Feng's figure suddenly stopped, and he turned around and the Eye of Destruction broke out.

Wang Feng's sudden return was far beyond the expectations of these five people. None of them expected that Wang Feng would stop, let alone that he would make a move.

When they reacted, it was too late, and they were all drowned in Wang Feng's eyes of destruction.

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