The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3193: No one can save

"Turtle shell, you can go to my dantian." At this moment, Wang Feng suddenly said.

"Once this enchantment is broken, I am afraid that both of you and I will not escape bad luck. I am afraid it will be useless if I enter your Dantian." Turtle Shell shook his head and said.

"It hasn't reached the final moment, who knows what the result will be?" A smile appeared on Wang Feng's pale face, and then he directly opened his dantian and said, "Go in."

"Everything is dead, I still go to sleep in your Dantian space."

Since Wang Feng wanted the tortoise shell to enter his dantian space, there was no reason to refuse the tortoise shell. He couldn't help much in the current situation anyway, so he might as well die in his sleep.

Entering Wang Feng's dantian space, the tortoise shell actually started to sleep. Wang Feng couldn't help being speechless when he watched. Isn't this old guy's nerves too much?

The tortoise shell has been put away by Wang Feng, and then Wang Feng will face this powerful pressure alone.

The barrier cast by Emperor Yongzhen obviously could not last long. Once the mask was broken, then Wang Feng and the people in his dantian would be miserable.

So now Wang Feng is seizing the time to restore his own cultivation base. He will not give up the struggle until the moment of death.

He has survived so many crises, how could he fall now?

It is not so easy to defeat him.


The barrier that enveloped Wang Feng now has cracks visible to the naked eye, and the barrier that Emperor Yongzhen has displayed has reached the edge of breaking.

In front of Su Hong, the Emperor Yongzhen was also anxious. He wanted to save Wang Feng, because Wang Feng had saved his life in the first place. If he watched Wang Feng being killed now, how could he feel comfortable in his heart? go with.

When he was in the imperial city, Wang Feng took a huge risk to save him. Now that Su Hong wants to kill Wang Feng, he has to provide help no matter how bad he is, and send Wang Feng away from here.

"With me, if you can pass, what if my throne is given to you?"

Seeing that Emperor Yongzhen wanted to break through his defenses, Su Hong couldn't help but let out a sneer. Since he dared to say this, it means that he has enough self-confidence, Emperor Yongzhen Want to pass, that is something that there is no door.

Today he will kill Wang Feng and the turtle shell!

When the barrier is about to break, Wang Feng can almost feel the terrifying coercion of the sea of ​​blood outside this barrier. Once this sea of ​​blood envelops Wang Feng, Wang Feng may end up miserably.

"Break it for me!"

It's just a barrier displayed by Emperor Yongzhen, Su Hong can't kill Emperor Yongzhen, can't he break the barrier he left behind?

Under Su Hong's strong suppression, Emperor Yongzhen couldn't make it through, and the barrier he displayed was finally overwhelmed and a big hole was broken.

When this barrier broke through the big hole, violent power poured into it toward the gap, and Wang Feng was instantly overwhelmed by the sea of ​​blood.

How do you describe how Wang Feng felt at this moment?

When these blood seas overwhelmed him, Wang Feng only felt that countless evil spirits appeared in front of him. These evil spirits leaped towards him with teeth and claws. Everyone's face was full of hideous colors, as if Wang Feng and They have great hatred.

Some pulled Wang Feng and some bit him. In short, when these people rushed forward, Wang Feng began to feel severe pain all over his body. The power carried by this sea of ​​blood was causing huge trauma to him. If this continues, he is afraid Can’t last long.

With the help of the pill, Wang Feng has recovered a certain amount of strength, but what he has recovered is nothing at all, it is nothing but a drop in the bucket, and of little use.

With blood reversal, Wang Feng is working hard to hold up a mask to protect himself.

But now the pressure passing around him is too strong, Wang Feng can't support the mask at all, he can only struggle in this sea of ​​blood.

"Su Hong, you shameless dog emperor, you wouldn't even let go of a monk in the middle of the blood holy realm." Seeing Wang Feng being wrapped in a sea of ​​blood, the emperor Yongzhen couldn't help but send it out. The roaring sound.

"It is now in the middle of the Blood Saint Realm, but after a while, he may have a stronger realm. Since he dared to ruin my things last time, then he would have expected this day. You are not trying to save him. Are you going there now?"

Su Hong sneered, and didn't take this Yongzhen Emperor's roar seriously. It was just a monk in the middle of the Blood Saint Realm. Isn't it easy for him to kill?

Wrapped in a sea of ​​blood, only one death, even if it is a struggle, it is no use. In his eyes, Wang Feng is now no different from a dead person.

"You can kill the danger in the cradle."

Although he was angry in his heart, Emperor Yongzhen also understood that he could not save Wang Feng now, because he could not defeat the huge threat of Su Hong, so he naturally couldn't save Wang Feng.

Now Wang Feng can only rely on his own ability to survive, he can't provide any help.

What's more, this slaughter statue is coming soon, and he shouldn't be distracted. Otherwise, Wang Feng will not only die here, but he will probably also die for half his life, so now he can no longer take care of Wang Feng.

Covered by a sea of ​​blood, Wang Feng's whole body is constantly being eroded, and even this **** water is still constantly drilling into Wang Feng's body, trying to erode his whole body up and down.

Under such circumstances, Wang Feng knew that even if he resisted, it would be of no avail, because his cultivation base had not recovered, and Su Hong's realm was too high, even if Wang Feng was in his, he might be afraid. Can't struggle either.

So at this time, he simply gave up his struggle and instead practiced in this sea of ​​blood.

This Su Hong can absorb blood qi to cultivate, and so does Wang Feng, so Wang Feng is now betting that this sea of ​​blood is just like blood qi. Since this Su Hong can absorb blood qi to cultivate, Wang Feng can also try to absorb his blood directly. The power contained in it to practice.

Anyway, this sea of ​​blood of Su Hong must have evolved from this blood. If Wang Feng can absorb these powers, then his current crisis will naturally be solved.

The frontal and tough Wang Feng is not Su Hong's opponent at all, so he can only take the slant forward and try to use other methods to alleviate his current crisis.

Except for this one, he has no second choice.

Su Hong killed countless people in the heavens for his own practice. This sea of ​​blood may have evolved from the blood qi produced by the cultivators of the heavens after death. Therefore, Wang Feng is now going to grab food from his mouth and forcibly absorb these. If he can absorb them, then he You can escape naturally.

He had let the tortoise shell enter his dantian before, which was exactly what he considered.

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