The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3191: Summon the Killing Statue

"Leave it all!"

The power erupted, and the Emperor Yongzhen just waved his big sleeve, and suddenly a wall appeared behind the turtle shell and Wang Feng, blocking all the five people behind them.

"The person you want to protect, I will definitely kill!"

Just then Su Hong's voice sounded, and he had already recognized Wang Feng's identity.

The last time he was going to punish the Emperor Yongzhen in the imperial city, it was Wang Feng who broke his major event and broke the formation of the imperial city, making him fall short.

Although he attacked Wang Feng and the tortoise shell at the time, he did not know whether the two men were dead or alive. But now when he saw Wang Feng, he understood that the two men did not die, but survived. , And also mixed with the Yongzhen Emperor.

Since the Emperor Yongzhen wants to save these two people, then he wants these two people to die here, bad things to him, then he will never let these two people survive.

"If you want to kill them, just ask me first."

Seeing Su Hong about to intervene in, the Yongzhen Emperor sneered, and then his figure flashed, he came directly in front of Wang Feng and the turtle shell, and said: "Take him away, as far as possible."

Both of these people have suffered serious injuries now, and if they don't recover quickly, it will probably affect their cultivation level in the future, so now he must give these two people a chance to leave.

"I'm going to kill people, do I ask for your opinion?"

There was a sneer in Su Hong's mouth, and then a large amount of blood light appeared all over his body. The blood light swept very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a sea of ​​blood, covering the entire starry sky. Up among them.

This Emperor Yongzhen was naturally also wrapped in this sea of ​​blood.

He originally wanted to send Wang Feng and the turtle shell away, but under these conditions, he couldn't send people away, because once he pushed the turtle shell and Wang Feng out, they would definitely die because they were absolutely impossible. This is Su Hong's opponent.

This Su Hong's supernatural power directly blocked the way of Wang Feng and Turtle Shell.

"For the two juniors to be worthy of you, even if they die, I think it should be worth it." Emperor Yongzhen sneered on his face and said: "Since he won't let you go, then you don't leave. , Stay behind me, I will hold the dog emperor, you two hurry up to recover."

After Emperor Yongzhen had finished speaking, he rushed out to fight this Su Hong decisively.

Because Wang Feng and the tortoise shell are now in the battle area of ​​the two great masters, even if the five old dogs in the palace are no matter how cruel, they dare not rush to Wang Feng and the tortoise shell.

The aftermath of this top powerhouse's battle is enough for them to drink a pot, how could they dare to rush to die.

So they could only watch Wang Feng and the tortoise shell recover in it, and there was no way.

"In order to protect them, you even burned your soul to fight against me. It seems that their status in your heart is not low." Su Hong made a voice, also a little surprised.

In order to buy time for these two people, Emperor Yongzhen had to burn his soul to increase his strength and hold him back, which was somewhat beyond Su Hong's expectations.

"You don't need to control what I want to do. In short, I am in Baoding for these two people. If you have the ability, you can bypass me and kill them."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. Since the three of you are already here now, I will do nothing and kill all of you. In this way, our empire can also be quiet."

Su Hong's voice echoed in the starry sky, and then he waved his sleeves, and suddenly a terrifying spatial vortex appeared above his head. This vortex did not know where it was connected, but when the vortex appeared, it suddenly A terrible coercion passed from it, making this Emperor Yongzhen's complexion uncontrollable.

The main star, the imperial city.

At this moment, the four sides of the imperial city are lit up with a strong light, and the four pillars of light are constantly rising. After these pillars of light have risen to a certain height, each of them emits a ray of light, just above the palace. Cohesion.

This is really to condense the killing statue.

At this moment in the distant starry sky, what Su Hong is doing now is to summon the killing statue.

Since Wang Feng and the Yongzhen Emperor are here, he can just take advantage of this opportunity to kill them all here.

He knew that the other party had been afraid to go to the imperial city because he was afraid of killing the statue, but now he directly summons the killing statue to this place to see how they can hide.

Even if the Slaughter Statue leaves the imperial city, its attack power will be greatly reduced, but once the Slaughter Statue helps, his chances of killing the opponent will be greatly enhanced.

"The Killing Statue!"

Feeling the killing aura transmitted from this whirlpool channel, Emperor Yongzhen couldn't help his expression change, because he didn't expect that Su Hong could summon the killing statue from such a far place.

This Emperor Yongzhen is indeed a little afraid of the killing statue, otherwise he has already entered the imperial city, so why bother to bring this Su Hong here.

But what he didn't expect was that even at such a distance, Su Hong could still summon the Slaughter Statue.

"I know you have always been afraid of this killing statue, now you will summon this statue here, then I will see how you escape." Su Hong said with a sneer on his face.

"Last time you didn’t call the Killing This time you call the statue so rashly, you must pay a heavy price, and even the attack power of the statue will be greatly reduced, far inferior to the one in the imperial city. Time, so even if you own the Slaughter Statue now, you may not be able to do anything to me." Emperor Yongzhen sneered, and suddenly figured out the key.

Last time their battle was not far from the main star. Su Hong had a chance to summon the Slaughter Statue last time, but he did not do that. Now that the main star is so far away, he actually wants to call this Things, it can be seen that this Su Hong must have to pay a certain price, otherwise he is afraid that he will not move this statue.

"No matter what the price is, that is not what you need to care about. Now what you need to care about is the two of them. You can block my killing statue, but can the two of them block it?"

"Unexpectedly, you would be willing to do this kind of thing for these two juniors. You really don't even want the last bit of face."

Emperor Yongzhen shouted.

"What is face? History is always written by victors. As long as I can kill you, who knows what I have done?"

"Shameless!" Emperor Yongzhen cursed.

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